Red meats were mostly consumed by countryfolk in sparsely-populated venues. Larger, urbanized settlements got most of their red meat imported in preserved form from the country. This is because the raising of animals to be used as food was an uncommon practice.
Almost no single type of animal was consumed often enough to be considered a major part of the Palaeoboreanic diet; rather, the red meats consumed by Boreans were from a diverse enough array of sources that red meats could be consumed somewhat regularly without any single species being consumed regularly. That being said, both hippopotamuses and suiforms seemed to be preferred prey for most Borean communities.
Note that a lot of these images are not my artwork; they are public domain illustrations that I tracked down to save myself the time of having to draw a ton of animals. I will replace these with original artwork at a later time.
Beef (Bovine Meat)
Bovine meat (beef) was not commonly eaten by the Palaeoboreanic peoples, thought it was not so uncommon as to be regarded as extremely rare or unheardof.
— Aurochsen —
(Bos primigenius)
Aurochsen (also Auroxen or Uroxen) were a minor part of the diet of many peoples living in plains, fields, and marshes. Boreans living in other areas might find means of importing them as a delicacy.
Pork was consumed by Boreans more than any other red meat. One of the primary reasons for this is that pigs tend to be highly aggressive omnivores and can be both dangerous predators and voracious pests. They might kill and eat you, or they might ravage your garden and eat all your food. Incidentally, pork also happens to be delicious. This combination of factors made pork a popular food in ancient Borea, even if it was not the most highly regarded.
— Wild Boar —
(Sus scrofa)
Wild Boar were dangerous predators in a variety of different environments and were therefore killed in larger numbers than herbivorous prey animals. Boars were a significant source of protein for country-dwelling peoples.
— European Warthogs —
(Phacochoerus horridus)
Wild Boar were dangerous predators in a variety of different environments and were therefore killed in larger numbers than herbivorous prey animals. Boars were a significant source of protein for country-dwelling peoples.
Wetpork (Whippomorph Meat)
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— Hippopotamuses —
(Hippopotamus amphibius)
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— European Hippopotamuses —
(Hippopotamus antiquus)
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— Grey Whales —
(Eschrichtius sp.)
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[Image Coming Soon!]
— Black Whales —
(Eubalaena sp.)
Chevel was typically not consumed in large quantities. This is because horses and rhinoceroses tend not to become aggressive unless provoked (although the rhinoceroses do have a reputation for being easy to spook).
Oliphance was typically reserved for ceremonial or official purposes, particularly large, seasonal feasts that required numerous people to be fed. Eliphants were regarded as highly intelligent creatures who do not easily let go of grudges, and so their killing, at least as a source of day-to-day nourishment, was typically discouraged.
Red meats were mostly consumed by countryfolk in sparsely-populated venues. Larger, urbanized settlements got most of their red meat imported in preserved form from the country. This is because the raising of animals to be used as food was an uncommon practice.
Macaques were avoided by most Boreans, who regarded them as so humanlike that eating their meat was uncomfortably akin to canibalism. Among the Mortiferean cult, however, they were considered a delicacy.