The Cardinal Calls, also known as the Calls to the Cardinal Gates or simply Gate Horns. These are some of the most powerful magical artefacts in Palaeoboreanic mythology.
There were eight Cardinal Calls in total, and these represented one quarter of the thirty-two Cardinal Treasures required to summon the elemental and seasonal forces from beyond the Cardinal Gates.
Elemental Calls
Seasonal calls
Northern Gate
Call of Earth
Winter Horn
Eastern Gate
Call of Air
Vernal Horn
Southern Gate
Call of Fire
Summer Horn
Western Gate
Call of Water
Autumnal Horn
Calls to the Northern Gate
The Northern Gate is characterized by the properties of rime and drouth. The Gate is representative of the element of earth (said to be cold and dry) and the Winter season (characterized by freezing temperatures in the northern regions, turning water to ice). There are two Watchtowers guarding the Gate: The Watchtower of Earth and the Winter Watchtower.
Sounding the Horns of the North from their appropriate Watchtowers (i.e., sounding the Call of Earth from atop the Watchtower of Earth and the Winter Horn from atop the Winter Watchtower) will call forth all of the various Drakes, Elementals, Subelementals, and other beings associated with the element of earth, the season of winter, and the properties of rime and drouth.
The Elemental Call of Earth — sounding this horn can enthrall, and, with practice, summon Hilldwarrow, Mountaindwarrow, Darkelves, Blackelves, Oreads (Mountain Nymphs), Brown Drakes (Mountain Drakes), Green Drakes (Sylvan Drakes), and Yellow Drakes (Sand Drakes), and with more practice its possessor can learn to conjure with it various Earth Elementals (Metallic, Lithic, Sylvan, Pulverulent, Cineraceous &c.). With even more practice, its bearer can learn psychokinetic control over the element of Earth.
The Winter Horn — sounding this horn can enthrall, and, with practice, summon Snow Elves, Snow Nymphs, White Drakes (Rime Drakes, Frost Drakes, Snow Drakes) and Glass Drakes (Ice Drakes), and with more practice its possessor can learn to conjure with it various Rime Subelementals (Gelid, Frigid, Niveous, Glacial, &c.) and Drouth Subelementals (Pulveric, Cinereous, &c.). With even more practice, its bearer can learn psychokinetic control over the properties of Rime and Drouth.
Calls to the Eastern Gate
The Eastern Gate is characterized by the properties of heat and dampth. The Gate is representative of the element of air (said to be hot and damp) and the vernal (Spring) season (characterized by warmer, wetter conditions than the preceding season). There are two Watchtowers guarding the Gate: The Watchtower of Air and the Vernal Watchtower.
Sounding the Horns of the East from their appropriate Watchtowers (i.e., sounding the Call of Air from atop the Watchtower of Air and the Vernal Horn from atop the Vernal Watchtower) will call forth all of the various Drakes, Elementals, Subelementals, and other beings associated with the element of air, the season of spring, and the properties of warmth and dampth.
The Elemental Call of Air — sounding this horn can enthrall, and, with practice, summon Gilded Drakes (Scarp Drakes), Hyracosphynxes, Pterosphynxes, and with more practice its possessor can learn to conjure with it various Air Elementals (Nebulous, Aetheric, Caliginous, Fumerous, Vaporous, &c.). With even more practice, its bearer can learn psychokinetic control over the element of Air.
The Vernal Horn — sounding this horn can enthrall, and, with practice, summon Green Drakes (Sylvan Drakes) and with more practice its possessor can learn to conjure with it Sylvanic and Xylic Earth Elementals (“Wood/Woodland Elementals”), as well as Heat/Warmth Subelementals (Thermal, Pyrotic, &c.) and Dampth Subelementals (Madent/Madid, Acidic, &c.). With even more practice, its bearer can learn psychokinetic control over the properties of Warmth and Dampth.
Calls to the Southern Gate
The Southern Gate is characterized by the properties of heat and drouth. The Gate is representative of the element of fire (said to be hot and dry) and the Summer season (characterized by hotter, drier conditions than the preceding season). There are two Watchtowers guarding the Gate: The Watchtower of Fire and the Summer Watchtower.
Sounding the Horns of the South from their appropriate Watchtowers (i.e., sounding the Call of Fire from atop the Watchtower of Fire and the Summer Horn from atop the Summer Watchtower) will call forth all of the various Drakes, Elementals, Subelementals, and other beings associated with the element of fire, the season of summer, and the properties of heat and drouth.
The Elemental Call of Fire — sounding this horn can enthrall, and, with practice, summon Red Drakes (Fire Drakes), and with more practice its possessor can learn to conjure with it various Fire Elementals (Flame Elementals, Levin Elementals). With even more practice, its bearer can learn psychokinetic control over the element of Fire.
The Summer Horn — sounding this horn can enthrall, and, with practice, summon Yellow Drakes (Sand Drakes), and with more practice its possessor can learn to conjure with it various Heat/Warmth Subelementals (Thermal, Pyrotic, &c.) and Drouth Subelementals (Pulveric, Cinereous, &c.). With even more practice, its bearer can learn psychokinetic control over the properties of Heat and Drouth.
Calls to the Western Gate
The Western Gate is characterized by the properties of rime and dampth. The Gate is representative of the element of water (said to be cold and damp) and the autumnal (Fall) season (characterized by colder, wetter conditions than the preceding season). There are two Watchtowers guarding the Gate: The Watchtower of Water and the Autumnal Watchtower.
Sounding the Horns of the West from their appropriate Watchtowers (i.e., sounding the Call of Water from atop the Watchtower of Water and the Autumnal Horn from atop the Autumnal Watchtower) will call forth all of the various Drakes, Elementals, Subelementals, and other beings associated with the element of water, the season of Fall, and the properties of rime and dampth.
The Elemental Call of Water — sounding this horn can enthrall, and, with practice, summon Blue Drakes (Sea Drakes) and Grey Drakes (River Drakes), and with more practice its possessor can learn to conjure with it various Water Elementals (types?). With even more practice, its bearer can learn psychokinetic control over the element of Water.
The Autumnal Horn — sounding this horn can enthrall, and, with practice, summon Black Drakes (Swamp Drakes), and with more practice its possessor can learn to conjure with it various Rime Subelementals (Gelid, Frigid, Niveous, Glacial, &c.) and Dampth Subelementals (Madent/Madid, Acidic, &c.). With even more practice, its bearer can learn psychokinetic control over the properties of Rime and Dampth.