
(Constructed Languages)

Alphabetical List

This is an alphabetical list of the languages and language families created by D. Jon Scott. They are not ordered or categorized by their relationships to one another.

Note that this list is under construction. It appears that I have made more conlangs than I can easily remember without looking them up. So it may take a while to finish compiling this list.

Main branching patterns of the Palaeoboreanic Languages

This depicts the initial diversification patterns of the first few dialects of the Proto-Paleoboreanic language, or the main branches of the Palaeoboreanic language family.

Terran branch
+Back-Vowel Voicing
Agrarian-Montane subbranch
+Glottal Deconsonantalization
Sylvan-Agrarian subbranch
(Open syllables)
+Further Lenition
Sylvanic subbranch
+Consonantal Vowel Deletion
Agrarian subbranch
Montane-Nomadic subbranch
(Closed syllables)
+Further Lenition
Nomadic subbranch
Montane subbranch
+Consonantal Vowel Deletion
Chthonic subbranch
(Closed syllables)
+Glottal Assimilation
Colline subbranch
+Further Lenition
+Consonantal Vowel Deletion
Infernal subbranch
+Further Lenition
Aquan branch
+Round-Vowel Voicing
Marine subbranch
+Glottal Deconsonantalization
Abyssal-Pelagic subbranch
+Further Lenition
+Vowel consonantalization
Abyssal subbranch
(Closed Syllables)
Pelagic subbranch
(Open syllables)
Coastal-Islandic subbranch
+Further Lenition
Coastal subbranch
(Open syllables)
Islandic subbranch
(Closed syllables)
Lacustrine-Riparian subbranch
+Glottal Assimilation
Lacustrine-Palustrine subbranch
+Further Lenition
+Semivowel Reassimilation
Lacustrine subbranch
(Open syllables)
Palustrine subbranch
(Closed syllables)
Riparian-Potamic subbranch
+Further Lenition
+Consonantal Vowel Deletion
Potamic subbranch
(Closed syllables)
Riparian subbranch
(Open syllables)

Evolution of the Sylvanic Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daá-doí-dadaóAdá-odí-adadó Áda-ído-ódadaÁad-íod-óadad Dadaó-doí-daáAdadó-odí-adá Ódada-ído-ádaÓadad-íod-áad
Proto-Sylvan-Agrarian Naá-roí-raraóN/A Ána-íro-óraraN/A Raraó-roí-naáN/A Órara-íro-ánaN/A
Proto-Sylvanic Na-ri-nhoN/A An-ir-onhN/A Nho-ri-naN/A Onh-ir-anN/A
Sylvanic 1 Na-ri-loN/A An-ir-olN/A Lo-ri-naN/A Ol-ir-anN/A
Sylvanic 2 NariloN/A AnirolN/A LorinaN/A OliranN/A

  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Na-ri-nho) — OVS: Proto-Drayadic, Proto-Sylvan, Proto-Faerish
  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Na-ri-nho) — SVO: Proto-Aldelfish, Proto-Woodelfish
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Suffixing (An-ir-onh) — OVS: Proto-Maenadic
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Suffixing (An-ir-onh) — SVO: Proto-Darkelfish
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Nho-ri-na) — OVS: Proto-Nightelfish? Proto-Huldric? Proto-Hesperidic?
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Nho-ri-na) — SVO: Proto-Moonelfish? Proto-Huldric?
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Prefixing (Onh-ir-an) — OVS: Proto-Arachnyadic
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Prefixing (Onh-ir-an) — SVO: Proto-Swartelfish

Evolution of the Agrarian Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daá-doí-dadaóAdá-odí-adadó Áda-ído-ódadaÁad-íod-óadad Dadaó-doí-daáAdadó-odí-adá Ódada-ído-ádaÓadad-íod-áad
Proto-Sylvan-Agrarian Naá-roí-raraóN/A Ána-íro-óraraN/A Raraó-roí-naáN/A Órara-íro-ánaN/A
Proto-Agrarian Naa-roi-nhao?N/A Ana-iro-onha?N/A Nhao-roi-naa?N/A Onha-iro-ana?N/A
Agrarian 1 Naa-roi-lao?N/A Ana-iro-ola?N/A Lao-roi-naa?N/A Ola-iro-ana?N/A
Agrarian 2 Naaroilao?N/A Anairoola?N/A Laoroinaa?N/A Olairoana?N/A

  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Naa-roi-nhao) — OVS: Proto-Leimakidic, Proto-Leimoniadic, Proto-Epimelidic?
  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Naa-roi-nhao) — SVO: Proto-Meadowelfish
  • Open, Afformative, Suffixing (Ana-iro-onha) — OVS:
  • Open, Afformative, Suffixing (Ana-iro-onha) — SVO:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Nhao-roi-naa) — OVS:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Nhao-roi-naa) — SVO: Proto-Centaurian?
  • Open, Afformative, Prefixing (Onha-iro-ana) — OVS:
  • Open, Afformative, Prefixing (Onha-iro-ana) — SVO: Agrarian Proto-Dwarfish / Proto-Fielddwarfish?

Evolution of the Nomadic Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daá-doí-dadaóAdá-odí-adadó Áda-ído-ódadaÁad-íod-óadad Dadaó-doí-daáAdadó-odí-adá Ódada-ído-ádaÓadad-íod-áad
Proto-Montane-Nomadic N/AAná-orí-araró N/AÁan-íor-óarar N/AAraró-orí-aná N/AÓarar-íor-áan
Proto-Nomadic N/AAna-ori-anho? N/AAan-ior-aonh N/AAnho-ori-ana? N/AOanh-ior-aan?
Nomadic 1 N/AAna-ori-alo? N/AAan-ior-aol? N/AAlo-ori-ana? N/AOal-ir-aan?
Nomadic 2 N/AAnaorialo? N/AAanioraol? N/AAlooriana? N/AOalioraan?

  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Ana-ori-anho) — OVS:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Ana-ori-anho) — SVO: Proto-Trooping-Faerish?
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Aan-ior-oanh) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Aan-ior-oanh) — SVO:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Anho-ori-ana) — OVS:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Anho-ori-ana) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Oanh-ior-aan) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Oanh-ior-aan) — SVO:

Evolution of the Montane Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daá-doí-dadaóAdá-odí-adadó Áda-ído-ódadaÁad-íod-óadad Dadaó-doí-daáAdadó-odí-adá Ódada-ído-ádaÓadad-íod-áad
Proto-Montane-Nomadic N/AAná-orí-araró N/AÁan-íor-óarar N/AAraró-orí-aná N/AÓarar-íor-áan
Proto-Montane N/ANa-ri-rho N/AAn-ir-orh N/ARho-ri-na N/AOrh-ir-an
Montane 1 N/ANa-rhi-ro N/AAn-iŋr-or N/ARo-rhi-na N/AOrr-imhr-an
Montane 2 N/ANarhiro? N/AAniŋror N/ARorhina? N/AOrriwran

  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Na-ri-rho?) — OVS: Proto-Oreiadic? Proto-Cryonyadic?
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Na-ri-rho?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (An-ir-orh) — OVS: Proto-Ogrish?
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (An-ir-orh) — SVO: Proto-Ogrish
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Rho-ri-na?) — OVS:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Rho-ri-na?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Orh-ir-an) — OVS: Proto-Dwarfish?
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Orh-ir-an) — SVO: Proto-Dwarfish?

Evolution of the Colline Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Chthonic N/AAdáj-odíj-adadów? N/AÁjad-íjod-ówadad? N/AAdadów-odíj-adáj? N/AÓwadad-íjod-ájad?
Proto-Colline N/AAnáj-oríj-ararów? N/AÁjan-íjor-ówarar? N/AArarów-oríj-anáj? N/AÓwarar-íjor-ájan?
Colline 1 N/ANah-rij-nhow? N/AAhn-ijr-ownh? N/ANhow-rij-nah? N/AOwnh-ijr-ahn?
Colline 2 N/ANarhiljow? N/AAnhirjowl? N/ALorwinjah? N/AOlwirjahn?

  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Nah-rij-nhow?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Nah-rij-nhow?) — SVO: Proto-Wooddwarfish?
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Ahn-ijr-ownh?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Ahn-ijr-ownh?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Nhow-rij-nah?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Nhow-rij-nah?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Ownh-ijr-ahn) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Ownh-ijr-ahn) — SVO: Colline Proto-Dwarfish / Proto-Hilldwarfish

Evolution of the Infernal Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Chthonic N/AAdáh-odíj-adadów? N/AÁhad-íjod-ówadad? N/AAdadów-odíj-adáh? N/AÓwadad-íjod-áhad?
Proto-Infernal 1 N/AAnáh-oríj-ararów? N/AÁhan-íjor-ówarar? N/AArarów-oríj-anáh? N/AÓwarar-íjor-áhan?
Proto-Infernal 2a N/AAnáh-oríj-arrów? N/AÁhan-íjor-ówarr? N/AArrów-oríj-anáh? N/AÓwarr-íjor-áhan?
Proto-Infernal 2b N/AAnáh-oríj-arhów? N/AÁhan-íjor-ówarh? N/AArhów-oríj-anáh? N/AÓwarh-íjor-áhan?
Proto-Infernal 2c N/AAnáh-oríj-anhów? N/AÁhan-íjor-ówanh? N/AAnhów-oríj-anáh? N/AÓwanh-íjor-áhan?

  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Anah-orij-anhow?) — OVS: Proto-Lampadic?
  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Anah-orij-anhow?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Ahan-ijor-owanh?) — OVS: Proto-Ortch? Proto-Fomorian?
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Ahan-ijor-owanh?) — SVO: Proto-Ortch? Proto-Fomorian?
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Anhow-orij-anah?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Anhow-orij-anah?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Owanh-ijor-ahan?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Owanh-ijor-ahan?) — SVO: Infernal Proto-Dwarfish

Evolution of the Abyssal Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Aquan Taqa-doqi-tataqoAtaq-odiq-atatoq Qata-qido-qotataAqat-iqod-oqatat Tataqo-doqi-dataAtatoq-odiq-ataq Qotata-qido-qataOqatat-iqod-aqat
Proto-Marine Taá-doí-tataóAtá-odí-atató Áta-ído-ótataÁat-íod-óatat Tataó-doí-taáAtató-odí-atá Ótata-ído-átaÓatat-íod-áat
Proto-Abyssal-Pelagic Dwá-rwí-ddwóWdá-wrí-wddó? Ádw-írw-óddwÁwd-íwr-ówdd? Ddwó-rwí-dwáWddó-wrí-wdá? Ódada-íro-ádaÓwdd-íwr-áwd?
Proto-Abyssal N/AWdá-wrí-wðó? N/AÁwd-íwr-ówð? N/AWðó-wrí-wdá? N/AÓwð-íwr-áwd?

  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Wda-wri-wðo?) — OVS: Proto-Oceanidic? Proto-Pegaeaic? Proto-Crinaeaic?
  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Wda-wri-wðo?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Awd-iwr-owð?) — OVS: Proto-(Sea-)Ortch? Proto-Fomorian?
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Awd-iwr-owð?) — SVO: Proto-(Sea-)Ortch? Proto-Fomorian?
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Wðo-wri-wda?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Wðo-wri-wda?) — SVO: Proto-Merrowine?
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Owð-iwr-awd?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Owð-iwr-awd?) — SVO: Abyssal Proto-(Sea)Dwarfish

Evolution of the Pelagic Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Aquan Taqa-doqi-tataqoAtaq-odiq-atatoq Qata-qido-qotataAqat-iqod-oqatat Tataqo-doqi-dataAtatoq-odiq-ataq Qotata-qido-qataOqatat-iqod-aqat
Proto-Marine Taá-doí-tataóAtá-odí-atató Áta-ído-ótataÁat-íod-óatat Tataó-doí-taáAtató-odí-atá Ótata-ído-átaÓatat-íod-áat
Proto-Abyssal-Pelagic Dwá-rwí-ddwóWdá-wrí-wddó? Ádw-írw-óddwÁwd-íwr-ówdd? Ddwó-rwí-dwáWddó-wrí-wdá? Ódada-íro-ádaÓwdd-íwr-áwd?
Proto-Pelagic Dwá-rwí-ðwóN/A Ádw-írw-óðwN/A Ðwó-rwí-dwáN/A Óðw-írw-ádwN/A

  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Dwa-rwi-ðwo) — OVS: Proto-Nereidic, Proto-Oceanidic?
  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Dwa-rwi-ðwo) — SVO: Proto-Sea-elfish
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Suffixing (Adw-irw-oðw) — OVS: Proto-Sirenic
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Suffixing (Adw-irw-oðw) — SVO: Dark Proto-Sea-elfish / Proto-Seadarkelfish
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðwo-rwi-dwa) — OVS: Proto-Tritonic
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðwo-rwi-dwa) — SVO: Proto-Merrowine
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Prefixing (Oðw-irw-adw) — OVS:
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Prefixing (Oðw-irw-adw) — SVO: Pelagic Proto-(Sea)Dwarfish

Evolution of the Coastal Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Aquan Taqa-doqi-tataqoAtaq-odiq-atatoq Qata-qido-qotataAqat-iqod-oqatat Tataqo-doqi-dataAtatoq-odiq-ataq Qotata-qido-qataOqatat-iqod-aqat
Proto-Marine Taá-doí-tataóAtá-odí-atató Áta-ído-ótataÁat-íod-óatat Tataó-doí-taáAtató-odí-atá Ótata-ído-átaÓatat-íod-áat
Proto-Coastal-Islandic Daá-roí-dadaóAdá-orí-adadó? Áda-íro-ódadaÁad-íor-óadad? Dadaó-roí-daáAdadó-orí-adá? Ódada-íro-ádaÓadad-íor-áad?
Proto-Coastal Daá-roí-ðaóN/A Áda-íro-óðaN/A Ðaó-roí-daáN/A Óða-íro-ádaN/A

  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Daa-roi-ðao) — OVS: Proto-Morean?
  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Daa-roi-ðao) — SVO: Proto-Illyrian?
  • Open, Afformative, Suffixing (Ada-iro-oða) — OVS: Proto-Morganic?
  • Open, Afformative, Suffixing (Ada-iro-oða) — SVO: Proto-Buccan?
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðao-roi-daa) — OVS:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðao-roi-daa) — SVO: Proto-Eridanic?
  • Open, Afformative, Prefixing (Oða-iro-ada) — OVS:
  • Open, Afformative, Prefixing (Oða-iro-ada) — SVO: Proto-Suddenese?

Evolution of the Islandic Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Aquan Taqa-doqi-tataqoAtaq-odiq-atatoq Qata-qido-qotataAqat-iqod-oqatat Tataqo-doqi-dataAtatoq-odiq-ataq Qotata-qido-qataOqatat-iqod-aqat
Proto-Marine Taá-doí-tataóAtá-odí-atató Áta-ído-ótataÁat-íod-óatat Tataó-doí-taáAtató-odí-atá Ótata-ído-átaÓatat-íod-áat
Proto-Coastal-Islandic Daá-roí-dadaóAdá-orí-adadó? Áda-íro-ódadaÁad-íor-óadad? Dadaó-roí-daáAdadó-orí-adá? Ódada-íro-ádaÓadad-íor-áad?
Proto-Islandic N/AAdá-orí-aðó? N/AÁad-íor-óað? N/AAðó-orí-adá? N/AÓað-íor-áad?

  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Ada-ori-aðo?) — OVS: Proto-Selkish?
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Ada-ori-aðo?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Aad-ior-oað?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Aad-ior-oað?) — SVO: Proto-Necrojan? Proto-Necrinthian?
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Aðo-ori-ada?) — OVS:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Aðo-ori-ada?) — SVO: Proto-Cretan?
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Oað-ior-aad) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Oað-ior-aad) — SVO: Islandic Proto-Dwarfish

Evolution of the Lacustrine Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Aquan Taqa-doqi-tataqoAtaq-odiq-atatoq Qata-qido-qotataAqat-iqod-oqatat Tataqo-doqi-dataAtatoq-odiq-ataq Qotata-qido-qataOqatat-iqod-aqat
Proto-Lacustrine-Riparian Tahá-dowí-tatahóAtáw-odíh-atatów Háta-jído-wótataÁhat-íwod-óhatat Tatahó-dohí-taháAtatów-odíh-atáh Wótata-hído-wátaÓhatat-íwod-áhat
Proto-Lacustrine-Palustrine Dahá-rowí-dadahóAdáw-oríh-adadów? Háda-híro-wódadaÁhad-íwor-óhadad? Dadahó-rowí-daháAdadów-oríh-adáh? Wódada-híro-wádaÓhadad-íwor-áhad?
Proto-Lacustrine Dahá-rowí-ðahóN/A Háda-híro-wóðaN/A Ðahó-rowí-daháN/A Wóða-híro-wádaN/A

  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Daha-rowi-ðaho) — OVS: Proto-Limnadic
  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Daha-rowi-ðaho) — SVO:
  • Open, Afformative, Suffixing (Hada-hiro-woða) — OVS:
  • Open, Afformative, Suffixing (Hada-hiro-woða) — SVO:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðaho-rowi-daha) — OVS:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðaho-rowi-daha) — SVO:
  • Open, Afformative, Prefixing (Woða-hiro-wada) — OVS:
  • Open, Afformative, Prefixing (Woða-hiro-wada) — OVS:

Evolution of the Palustrine Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Aquan Taqa-doqi-tataqoAtaq-odiq-atatoq Qata-qido-qotataAqat-iqod-oqatat Tataqo-doqi-dataAtatoq-odiq-ataq Qotata-qido-qataOqatat-iqod-aqat
Proto-Lacustrine-Riparian Tahá-dowí-tatahóAtáw-odíh-atatów Háta-jído-wótataÁhat-íwod-óhatat Tatahó-dohí-taháAtatów-odíh-atáh Wótata-hído-wátaÓhatat-íwod-áhat
Proto-Lacustrine-Palustrine Dahá-rowí-dadahóAdáw-oríh-adadów? Háda-híro-wódadaÁhad-íwor-óhadad? Dadahó-rowí-daháAdadów-oríh-adáh? Wódada-híro-wádaÓhadad-íwor-áhad?
Proto-Palustrine N/AAdáw-oríh-aðów? N/AÁhad-íwor-óhað? N/AAðów-oríh-adáh? N/AÓhað-íwor-áhad?

  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Adaw-orih-aðow?) — OVS: Proto-Heleionomaic / Proto-Eleiomomaic
  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Adaw-orih-aðow?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Ahad-iwor-ohað?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Ahad-iwor-ohað?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Aðow-orih-adah?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Aðow-orih-adah?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Ohað-iwor-ahad?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Ohað-iwor-ahad?) — SVO:

Evolution of the Potamic Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Aquan Taqa-doqi-tataqoAtaq-odiq-atatoq Qata-qido-qotataAqat-iqod-oqatat Tataqo-doqi-dataAtatoq-odiq-ataq Qotata-qido-qataOqatat-iqod-aqat
Proto-Lacustrine-Riparian Tahá-dojí-tatawóAtáh-odíj-atatów Háta-jído-wótataÁhat-íjod-ówatat Tatawó-dojí-taháAtatów-odíj-atáh Wótata-jído-hátaÓwatat-íjod-áhat
Proto-Potamic-Riparian Dhá-rjí-ddwóDáh-ríj-ddów? Hád-jír-wóddÁhd-íjr-ówdd? Ddwó-rjí-dháDów-ríj-dáh? Wódd-jír-hádÓwdd-íjr-áhd?
Proto-Potamic N/ADáh-ríj-ðów? N/AÁhd-íjr-ówð? N/AÐów-ríj-dáh? N/AÓwð-íjr-áhd?

  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Daw-rij-ðow?) — OVS: Proto-Potameidic
  • Closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Daw-rij-ðow?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Ahd-ijr-owð?) — OVS: Proto-Kelpish?
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Ahd-ijr-owð?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðow-rij-dah?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðow-rij-dah?) — SVO: Proto-Padagnaic?
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Owð-ijr-ahd?) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Owð-ijr-ahd?) — SVO:

Evolution of the Riparian Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Aquan Taqa-doqi-tataqoAtaq-odiq-atatoq Qata-qido-qotataAqat-iqod-oqatat Tataqo-doqi-dataAtatoq-odiq-ataq Qotata-qido-qataOqatat-iqod-aqat
Proto-Lacustrine-Riparian Tahá-dojí-tatawóAtáh-odíj-atatów Háta-jído-wótataÁhat-íjod-ówatat Tatawó-dojí-taháAtatów-odíj-atáh Wótata-jído-hátaÓwatat-íjod-áhat
Proto-Potamic-Riparian Dhá-rjí-ddwóDáh-ríj-ddów? Hád-jír-wóddÁhd-íjr-ówdd? Ddwó-rjí-dháDów-ríj-dáh? Wódd-jír-hádÓwdd-íjr-áhd?
Proto-Riparian Dhá-rjí-ðwóN/A Hád-jír-wóðN/A Ðwó-rjí-dháN/A Wóð-jír-hádN/A

  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Dha-rji-ðwo) — OVS: Proto-Naiadic
  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Dha-rji-ðwo) — SVO: Proto-Riverelfish?
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Suffixing (Had-jir-woð) — OVS: Proto-Kelpish?
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Suffixing (Had-jir-woð) — SVO:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðwo-rij-dha) — OVS:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Ðwo-rij-dha) — SVO:
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Prefixing (Woð-jir-had) — OVS:
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Prefixing (Woð-jir-had) — OVS:

“Back-Vowel Voicing”

This refers to the voicing of consonants adjascent to shortened back-vowels.

Onset Voicing in Open-Syllable Dialects

This refers to the voicing of consonants before shortened back-vowels.

[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[a]
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[e]
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[i]
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[y]
[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[u]
[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[o]

[p = /p/] > [p = /bβ/] /_[a]_[a]
[p = /p/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[e]_[e]
[p = /p/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[i]_[i]
[p = /p/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[y]_[y]
[p = /p/] > [p = /bβ/] /_[u]_[u]
[p = /p/] > [p = /bβ/] /_[o]_[o]

[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /_[a]
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /_[e]
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /_[i]
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /_[y]
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /_[u]
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /_[o]

[t = /t/] > [t = /dz/] /_[a]_[a]
[t = /t/] > [t = /ts/] /_[e]_[e]
[t = /t/] > [t = /ts/] /_[i]_[i]
[t = /t/] > [t = /ts/] /_[y]_[y]
[t = /t/] > [t = /dz/] /_[u]_[u]
[t = /t/] > [t = /dz/] /_[o]_[o]

[k = /k/] > [k = /g/] /_[a]
[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /_[e]
[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /_[i]
[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /_[y]
[k = /k/] > [k = /g/] /_[u]
[k = /k/] > [k = /g/] /_[o]

[k = /k/] > [k = /gɣ/] /_[a]_[a]
[k = /k/] > [k = /kx/] /_[e]_[e]
[k = /k/] > [k = /kx/] /_[i]_[i]
[k = /k/] > [k = /kx/] /_[y]_[y]
[k = /k/] > [k = /gɣ/] /_[u]_[u]
[k = /k/] > [k = /gɣ/] /_[o]_[o]

q > ɦ /_[a]
q > ʔ /_[e]
q > ʔ /_[i]
q > ʔ /_[y]
q > ɦ /_[u]
q > ɦ /_[o]

“Further Lenition”: Sylvan-Agrarian Branch

This refers to the lenition of consonants adjascent to shortened vowels.

[t = /d/] > [t = /n/] /_[a]
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /_[e]
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /_[i]
[t = /t/] > [t = /s/] /_[y]
[t = /d/] > [t = /z/] /_[u]
[t = /d/] > [t = /ɹ/] /_[o]

[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /_[a]_[a] > [tt = /l/] /_[a]
[t = /ts/] > [t = /dz/] /_[e]_[e] > [tt = /ð/] /_[e]
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /_[i]_[i] > [tt = /θ/] /_[i]
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /_[y]_[y] > [tt = /ʃ/] /_[y]
[t = /dz/] > [t = /dz/] /_[u]_[u] > [tt = /ʒ/] /_[u]_[u]
[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /_[o]_[o] > [tt = /r/] /_[o]_[o]

[k = /g/] > [k = /ŋ] /_[a]
[k = /k/] > [k = /g/] /_[e]
[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /_[i]
[k = /k/] > [k = /x/] /_[y]
[k = /g/] > [k = /ɣ/] /_[u]
[k = /g/] > [k = /ʎ/] /_[o]

[k = /gɣ/] > [] /_[a]_[a]
[k = /kx/] > [] /_[e]_[e]
[k = /kx/] > [] /_[i]_[i]
[k = /kx/] > [] /_[y]_[y]
[k = /gɣ/] > [] /_[u]_[u]
[k = /gɣ/]> [] /_[o]_[o]

q > ɦ /_[a]
q > ʔ /_[e]
q > ʔ /_[i]
q > ʔ /_[y]
q > ɦ /_[u]
q > ɦ /_[o]

Lenition specific to the Agrarian Branch

This is sometimes referred to as Nosaku’s Law (named for linguist Toraki Nosaku).

[p = /b/] > [p = /m/] /_[a]
[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[e]
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[i]
[p = /p/] > [p = /ɸ/] /_[y]
[p = /b/] > [p = /β/] /_[u]
[p = /b/] > [p = /w/] /_[o]

[p = /bβ/] > [p = /b̆/] /_[a]_[a] > [pp = /w/] /_[a]
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = bβ] /_[e]_[e] > [pp = /β/] /_[e]
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[i]_[i] > [pp = /ɸ/] /_[i]
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[y]_[y] > [pp = /ɸ/] /_[y]
[p = /bβ/] > [p = bβ] /_[u]_[u] > [pp = /β/] /_[u]
[p = /bβ/] > [p = /b̆/] /_[o]_[o] > [pp = /w/] /_[o]

Lenition specific to the Sylvanic Branch

This is sometimes referred to as Loughty’s Law (named for linguist Orelia Loughty).

[p = /b/] > [p = /m/] /_[a]
[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[e]
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[i]
[p = /p/] > [p = /ɸ/] > [p = /f/] /_[y]
[p = /b/] > [p = /β/] > [p = /v/] /_[u]
[p = /b/] > [p = /w/] /_[o]

[p = /bβ/] > [p = /b̆/] > [p = /ⱱ/] /_[a]_[a] > [pp = /ⱱ/] /_[a]
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = bβ] > [p = /b̪v/] /_[e]_[e] > [pp = /v/] /_[e]
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /pɸ/] > [p = /p̪f/] /_[i]_[i] > [pp = /f/] /_[i]
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /pɸ/] > [p = /p̪f/] /_[y]_[y] > [pp = /f/] /_[y]
[p = /bβ/] > [p = bβ] > [p = /b̪v/] /_[u]_[u] > [pp = /ⱱ/] /_[u]
[p = /bβ/] > [p = /b̆/] > [p = /ⱱ/] /_[o]_[o] > [pp = /υ/] /_[o]

“Further Lenition”: Montane-Nomadic Branch

This sometimes referred to as Dankworth’s Law (named for linguist Bud Dankworth).

[p = /b/] > [p = /m/] /[a]_
[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /[e]_
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /[i]_
[p = /p/] > [p = /ɸ/] /[y]_
[p = /b/] > [p = /β/] /[u]_
[p = /b/] > [p = /w/] /[o]_

[p = /bβ/] > [p = /b̆/] /[a]_[a]_ > [pp = /w/] /[a]_
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = bβ] /[e]_[e]_ > [pp = /β/] /[e]_
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /pɸ/] /[i]_[i]_ > [pp = /ɸ/] /[i]_
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /pɸ/] /[y]_[y]_ > [pp = /ɸ/] /[y]_
[p = /bβ/] > [p = bβ] /[u]_[u]_ > [pp = /β/] /[u]_
[p = /bβ/] > [p = /b̆/] /[o]_[o]_ > [pp = /w/] /[o]_

[t = /d/] > [t = /n/] /[a]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /[e]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /[i]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /s/] /[y]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /z/] /[u]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /ɹ/] /[o]_

[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /[a]_[a]_ > [tt = /l/] /[a]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /dz/] /[e]_[e]_ > [tt = /ð/] /[e]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[i]_[i]_ > [tt = /θ/] /[i]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[y]_[y]_ > [tt = /ʃ/] /[y]_
[t = /dz/] > [t = /dz/] /[u]_[u]_ > [tt = /ʒ/] /[u]_[u]_
[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /[o]_[o]_ > [tt = /r/] /[o]_[o]_

[k = /g/] > [k = /ŋ] /[a]_
[k = /k/] > [k = /g/] /[e]_
[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /[i]_
[k = /k/] > [k = /x/] /[y]_
[k = /g/] > [k = /ɣ/] /[u]_
[k = /g/] > [k = /ʎ/] /[o]_

[k = /gɣ/] > [] /[a]_[a]_
[k = /kx/] > [] /[e]_[e]_
[k = /kx/] > [] /[i]_[i]_
[k = /kx/] > [] /[y]_[y]_
[k = /gɣ/] > [] /[u]_[u]_
[k = /gɣ/]> [] /[o]_[o]_

q > ɦ /[a]_
q > ʔ /[e]_
q > ʔ /[i]_
q > ʔ /[y]_
q > ɦ /[u]_
q > ɦ /[o]_

Changes specific to Ogrish Dialects

This is sometimes referred to as

[t = /d/] > [t = /n/] /[a]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /[e]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /[i]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /s/] /[y]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /z/] /[u]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /ɹŋ/] /[o]_/
[t = /d/] > [t = /ŋɹ/] /[o]_V

[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /[a]_[a]_ > [tt = /ɹ/] /[a]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /dz/] /[e]_[e]_ > [tt = /ð/] /[e]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[i]_[i]_ > [tt = /θ/] /[i]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[y]_[y]_ > [tt = /ʃ/] /[y]_
[t = /dz/] > [t = /dz/] /[u]_[u]_ > [tt = /ʒ/] /[u]_[u]_
[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /[o]_[o]_ > [tt = /r/] /[o]_[o]_

Changes specific to Dwarfish Dialects

This is sometimes referred to as

[t = /d/] > [t = /n/] /[a]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /[e]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /[i]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /s/] /[y]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /z/] /[u]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /ɹ/] /[o]_

[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /[a]_[a]_ > [tt = /r/] /[a]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /dz/] /[e]_[e]_ > [tt = /ð/] /[e]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[i]_[i]_ > [tt = /θ/] /[i]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[y]_[y]_ > [tt = /ʃ/] /[y]_
[t = /dz/] > [t = /dz/] /[u]_[u]_ > [tt = /ʒ/] /[u]_[u]_
[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /[o]_[o]_ > [tt = /r/] /[o]_[o]_

“Round-Vowel Voicing”

This refers to the voicing of consonants adjascent to shortened round-vowels.

Onset Voicing in Open-Syllable Dialects

This refers to the voicing of consonants before shortened back-vowels.

[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[a]
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[e]
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[i]
[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[y]
[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[u]
[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[o]

[p = /p/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[a]_[a]
[p = /p/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[e]_[e]
[p = /p/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[i]_[i]
[p = /p/] > [p = /bβ/] /_[y]_[y]
[p = /p/] > [p = /bβ/] /_[u]_[u]
[p = /p/] > [p = /bβ/] /_[o]_[o]

[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /_[a]
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /_[e]
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /_[i]
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /_[y]
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /_[u]
[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /_[o]

[t = /t/] > [t = /ts/] /_[a]_[a]
[t = /t/] > [t = /ts/] /_[e]_[e]
[t = /t/] > [t = /ts/] /_[i]_[i]
[t = /t/] > [t = /dz/] /_[y]_[y]
[t = /t/] > [t = /dz/] /_[u]_[u]
[t = /t/] > [t = /dz/] /_[o]_[o]

[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /_[a]
[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /_[e]
[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /_[i]
[k = /k/] > [k = /g/] /_[y]
[k = /k/] > [k = /g/] /_[u]
[k = /k/] > [k = /g/] /_[o]

[k = /k/] > [k = /kx/] /_[a]_[a]
[k = /k/] > [k = /kx/] /_[e]_[e]
[k = /k/] > [k = /kx/] /_[i]_[i]
[k = /k/] > [k = /gɣ/] /_[y]_[y]
[k = /k/] > [k = /gɣ/] /_[u]_[u]
[k = /k/] > [k = /gɣ/] /_[o]_[o]

q > ʔ /_[a]
q > ʔ /_[e]
q > ʔ /_[i]
q > ɦ /_[y]
q > ɦ /_[u]
q > ɦ /_[o]

“Further Lenition”

[p = /p/] > [p = /b/] /_[a]
[p = /p/] > [p = /p/] /_[e]
[p = /p/] > [p = /ɸ/] /_[i]
[p = /b/] > [p = /β/] /_[y]
[p = /b/] > [p = /m/] /_[u]
[p = /b/] > [p = /w/] /_[o]

[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /bβ/] /_[a]_[a] > [pp = /β/] /_[a]
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[e]_[e] > [pp = /ɸ/] /_[e]
[p = /pɸ/] > [p = /pɸ/] /_[i]_[i] > [pp = /ɸ/] /_[i]
[p = /bβ/] > [p = /bβ/] /_[y]_[y] > [pp = /β/] /_[y]
[p = /bβ/] > [p = /b̆/] /_[u]_[u] > [pp = /w/] /_[u]
[p = /bβ/] > [p = /b̆/] /_[o]_[o] > [pp = /w/] /_[o]

[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /_[a]
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /_[e]
[t = /t/] > [t = /s/] /_[i]
[t = /d/] > [t = /z/] /_[y]
[t = /d/] > [t = /n/] /_[u]
[t = /d/] > [t = /ɹ/] /_[o]

[t = /dz/] > [t = /dz/] /_[a]_[a] > [tt = /ð/] /_[a]
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /_[e]_[e] > [tt = /θ/] /_[e]
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /_[i]_[i] > [tt = /ʃ/] /_[i]
[t = /ts/] > [t = /dz/] /_[y]_[y] > [tt = /ʒ/] /_[y]
[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /_[u]_[u] > [tt = /l/] /_[u]_[u]
[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /_[o]_[o] > [tt = /r/] /_[o]_[o]

[k = /k/] > [k = /g] /_[a]
[k = /k/] > [k = /k/] /_[e]
[k = /k/] > [k = /x/] /_[i]
[k = /g/] > [k = /ɣ/] /_[y]
[k = /g/] > [k = /ŋ/] /_[u]
[k = /g/] > [k = /ʎ/] /_[o]

[k = /kx/] > [] /_[a]_[a]
[k = /kx/] > [] /_[e]_[e]
[k = /kx/] > [] /_[i]_[i]
[k = /gɣ/] > [] /_[y]_[y]
[k = /gɣ/] > [] /_[u]_[u]
[k = /gɣ/]> [] /_[o]_[o]

q > ɦ /_[a]
q > ʔ /_[e]
q > ʔ /_[i]
q > ʔ /_[y]
q > ɦ /_[u]
q > ɦ /_[o]

“Further Lenition”

[t = /t/] > [t = /d/] /[a]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /t/] /[e]_
[t = /t/] > [t = /s/] /[i]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /z/] /[y]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /ɹ/] /[u]_
[t = /d/] > [t = /n/] /[o]_

[t = /dz/] > [t = /dz/] /[a]_[a]_ > [tt = /ð/] /[a]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[e]_[e]_ > [tt = /θ/] /[e]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[i]_[i]_ > [tt = /ʃ/] /[i]_
[t = /ts/] > [t = /ts/] /[y]_[y]_ > [tt = /ʒ/] /[y]_
[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /[u]_[u]_ > [tt = /r/] /[u]_[u]_
[t = /dz/] > [t = /ɾ/] /[o]_[o]_ > [tt = /r/] /[o]_[o]_

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