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The Cosmogenesis

Copyright © 2004-2020 C.E. by Dustin Jon Scott


The Geneticon is the primary book of origins and lineages for the Palæoboreanic people.

First Paragraph Full Text: Dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao-ngikimbulo. Ngikinomwi latelaonkyao-ngikimbupilo; pinio kinalaonkyu-ngikimbupilo. Vyigni, neriongue-latikilo. Roedaeroonkyoa-nilionda taokaeroonkyue-nilionta. Kinikipinodi taakaeraonkyaa-latikilo. Rauderaonkyaa-maesikilo. Maesikitinompi nerionue-nilio.

First Paragraph Full Translation: In the time before the great cause/origin of all things, certainly must have existed back in the day a great nothingness. This nothingness must have been in those days perfect in its nothingness; everywhere the same this great nothingness had to be. However, it is known, perfection does not endure forever. All things must someday begin to erode and all things must inevitably evermore die. The perfection of this symmetry back then certainly broke. Chaos raged forth. Within that chaos all things endure.


First Sentence: Dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao-ngikimbulo.

First Sentence Gloss: Dombunikra = do- (cause/origin) + -mbu- (great; big) + -n- (objective) + -o- (gerund, adjective, or concept) + -kra (in the time before); niniodi = ni- (third person pronoun) + -n- (objective) + -i- (inanimate object) + -o- (all) + -di (of); neraonkyao = n- (to be) + -e- (intransitive) -r- (non-stative verb) + -ao- (back in the day; long ago) + -nky- (deductive) + -ao (habitual; “used to”); ngikimbuli = ngi (nothing; negative; zero) + -ki (-ness; -ity) + -mbu- (great; big) + -l- (nominative) + -o (gerund, adjective, or concept).

First Sentence Translation: In the time before the great cause/origin of all things, certainly must have existed back in the day a great nothingness.

Second Sentence: Ngikinomwi latelaonkyao-ngikimbupilo; pinio kinalaonkyu-ngikimbupilo.

Second Sentence Gloss: Ngikinomwi = ngi- (nothing; negative; zero) + -ki- (-ness; -ity) + -n- (objective) + -o- (gerund, adjective, or concept) + -mwi (with itself); latelaonkyao = lat- (perfected; completed) + -e- (intransitive) + -l- (adjective or stative verb) + -ao- (back in the day; long ago) + -nky- (deductive) + -ao (habitual; “used to”); ngikimbupilo = ngi- (nothing; negative; zero) + -ki- (-ness; -ity) + -mbu- (great; big) + -pi (proximal demonstrative) + -l- (nominative) + -o (gerund, adjective, or concept); pinio = pi- (place) + -n- (objective) + -i- (inanimate object) + -o (all); kinilaonkyu = kin- (same) + -i- (descriptive) + -l- (adjective or stative verb) + -ao- (back in the day; long ago) + -nky- (deductive) + -u (durative); ngikimbulipi = ngi- (nothing; negative; zero) + -ki- (-ness; -ity) + -mbu- (great; big) + -pi (proximal demonstrative) + -l- (nominative) + -o (gerund, adjective, or concept).

Second Sentence Translation: This nothingness must have been in those days perfect in its nothingness; everywhere the same this great nothingness had to be.

Third Sentence: Vyigni, neriongue-latikilo.

Third Sentence Gloss: Vyigni = vyi- (alternate) + -gni (known); neriongue = n- (to be) + -e- (intransitive) + r (non-stative verb) + -io- (kind-level description) + -ng- (negative) + -ue (continuative); latikilo = lati- (perfect; complete) + -ki- (-ness; -ity) + -l- (nominative) + -o (gerund, adjective, or concept).

Third Sentence Translation: However, it is known, perfection does not endure forever.

Fourth Sentence: Roedaeroonkyoa-nilionda taokaeroonkyue-nilionta.

Fourth Sentence Gloss: Roedaeroonkyoa = roed- (erode; eat away at) + -ae- (middle or mediopassive voice) + -r- (non-stative verb) + -oo- (distant future; someday) + -nky- (deductive) + -oa (inceptive); nilionda = ni- (third person pronoun) + -l- (nominative) + -i- (inanimate object) + -o- (all) + -nda (correlative “and”); taokaeraondyue = taok- (to evermore end; to end more and more) + -ae- (middle or mediopassive voice) + -r- (non-stative verb) + -oo- (distant future; someday) + -nky- (deductive) + -ue (continuative); nilionta = ni- (third person pronoun) + -l- (nominative) + -i- (inanimate object) + -o- (all) + -nta (coordinating “and”).

Fourth Sentence Translation: All things must someday begin to erode and all things must inevitably evermore die.

Fifth Sentence: Kinikipinodi taakaeraonkyaa-latikilo.

Fifth Sentence Gloss: Kinikipinodi = kini- (same) + -ki- (-ness; -ity) + -pi- (proximal demonstrative) + -o- (gerund, adjective, or concept) + -di (of); taakaeraonkyaa = taak- (to break) + -ae- (middle or mediopassive voice) + -r- (non-stative verb) + -ao- (back in the day; long ago) + -nky- (deductive) + -aa (semelfactive); latikilo = lati- (perfect; complete) + -ki- (-ness; -ity) + -l- (nominative) + -o (gerund, adjective, or concept).

Fifth Sentence Translation: The perfection of this symmetry back then certainly broke.

Sixth Sentence: Rauderaonkyaa-maesikilo.

Sixth Sentence Gloss: Rauderaonkyaa = raud- (to burn, erupt, or rage) + -e- (intransitive) + -r- (non-stative verb) + -ao- (back in the day; long ago) + -nky- (deductive) + -aa (semelfactive); maesikilo = maesi- (going in different directions) + -ki- (-ness; -ity) + -l- (nominative) + -o (gerund, adjective, or concept).

Sixth Sentence Translation: Chaos raged forth.

Seventh Sentence: Maesikitinompi nerionue-nilio.

Seventh Sentence Gloss: Maesikitinompi = maesi- (going in different directions) + -ki- (-ness; -ity) + -ti- (medial demonstrative) + -n- (objective) + -o- (gerund, adjective, or concept) + -mpi (within); nerionao = n- (to be) + -e- (intransitive) + -r- (non-stative verb) + -io- (kind-level description) + -n- (narrative) + -ue (continuative); nilio = ni- (third person pronoun) + -l- (nominative) + -i- (inanimate object) + -o (all).

Seventh Sentence Translation: Within that chaos all things endure.


Transliteration scheme 1: Deqo-babequ-daqo-gydoqa daqi-daqiqo-deqi daqe-doqaqo-dagygoqaqo Gaqi-gyqi-babequ-dadaqo. Gaqi-gyqi-daqo-baboqi dadaqa-dyqe-dadaaqo-dagyqaqo Gaqi-gyqi-babequ-byqi-dadaqo; byqi-daqiqo gyqi-daqa-dadaqaqo-dagygoqu gaqi-gyqi-babequ-byqi-dadaqo. Bugoqi-gedaqi, daqe-doqiqo-gaquqe dadaqa-dyqi-gyqi-dadaqo. Doqoqe-deqaqe-doqoqo-dakygoqoqa daqi-dadaqiqo-dadeqa dyqaqo-gyqaqe-doqoqo-dagygoquqe daqi-dadaqiqo-datyqa. Gyqi-daqi-gyqi-byqi-daqo-deqi dyqaqa-gyqaqe-doqaqo-dagygoqaqa dadaqa-dyqi-gyqi-dadaqo. Doqaqu-deqe-doqaqo-dagygoqaqa baqaqe-diqi-gyqi-dadaqo. Baqaqe-diqi-gyqi-dyqi-daqo-babyqi daqe-doqiqo-daquqe daqi-dadaqiqo.

Transliteration scheme 2: Teqo-papequ-taqo-kytoqa taqi-taqiqo-teqi taqe-toqaqo-takykoqaqo Kaqi-kyqi-papequ-tataqo. Kaqi-kyqi-taqo-papoqi tataqa-tyqe-tataqaqo-takyqaqo Kaqi-kyqi-papequ-pyqi-tataqo; pyqi-taqiqo kyqi-taqa-tataqaqo-takykoqu kaqi-kyqi-papequ-pyqi-tataqo. Pukoqi-ketaqi, taqe-toqiqo-kaquqe tataqa-tyqi-kyqi-tataqo. Toqoqe-teqaqe-toqoqo-takykoqoqa taqi-tataqiqo-tateqa tyqaqo-kyqaqe-toqoqo-takykoquqe taqi-tataqiqo-tatyqa. Kyqi-taqi-kyqi-pyqi-taqo-teqi tyqaqa-kyqaqe-toqaqo-takykoqaqa tataqa-tyqi-kyqi-tataqo. Toqaqu-teqe-toqaqo-takykoqaqa paqaqe-tiqi-kyqi-tataqo. Paqaqe-tiqi-kyqi-tyqi-taqo-papyqi taqe-toqiqo-taquqe taqi-tataqiqo.

Transcription: Te'o-pape'u-ta'o-kydo'a ta'i-ta'i'o-te'i ta'e-do'a'o-takygo'a'o Ka'i-ky'i-pape'u-daða'o. Ka'i-ky'i-ta'o-pabo'i daða'a-ty'e-daða'a'o-taky'a'o Ka'i-ky'i-pape'u-py'i-daða'o; py'i-ta'i'o ky'i-ta'a-daða'a'o-takygo'u ka'i-ky'i-pape'u-py'i-daða'o. Bugo'i-ke'a'i, ta'e-do'i'o-ka'u'e daða'a-ty'i-ky'i-daða'o. Do'o'e-te'a'e-Do'o'o-takygo'o'a ta'i-daðaq'iq'-daðe'a ty'a'o-ky'a'e-do'o'o-takygo'u'e ta'i-daða'i'o-taty'a. Ky'i-ta'i-ky'i-py'i-ta'o-te'i ty'a'a-ky'a'e-do'a'o-takygo'a'a daða'a-ty'i-ky'i-daða'o. Do'a'u-te'e-do'a'o-takygo'a'a pa'a'e-ti'i-ky'i-daða'o. Pa'a'e-ti'i-ky'i-ty'i-ta'o-papy'i ta'e-do'i'o-ta'u'e ta'i-daða'i'o.

In one dialect: Voicing of consonants before back vowels, then later shortening of vowels before glottal stops combined with "The Great Lenition".

In another dialect: Voicing of consonants before rounded vowels, then later intervocalic lenition of gottal stops and subsequent synalœpha.

Sound change 1: The Great Lenition

Sound change 1 — Phase 1

ba(q) or pa(q) = /pa/ > ba(q) or pa(q) = /ba/
be(q) or pe(q) = /pe/ > be(q) or pe(q) = /pe/
bi(q) or pi(q) = /pi/
by(q) or py(q) = /py/ > by(q) or py(q) = /ɸy/
bu(q) or pu(q) = /bu/ > bu(q) or pu(q) = /mu/
bo(q) or po(q) = /bo/ > bo(q) or po(q) = /βo/

da(q) or ta(q) = /ta/ > da(q) or ta(q) = /da/
de(q) or te(q) = /te/ > de(q) or te(q) = /te/
di(q) or ti(q) = /ti/
dy(q) or ty(q) = /ty/ > dy(q) or ty(q) = /sy/
du(q) or tu(q) = /du/ > du(q) or tu(q) = /nu/
do(q) or to(q) = /do/ > do(q) or to(q) = /ɹo/

dada(h) or tata(q) = /ɾăɾa/ > dada(q) or tata(q) = /ðăɾa/
dede(h) or tete(q) = /ɾɛ̆ɾe/ > dede(q) or tete(q) = /ðɛ̆ðe/
didi(h) or titi(q) = /ɾɪ̆ɾi/ > didi(q) or titi(q) = /tɪ̆θi/
dydy(h) or tyty(q) = /ɾʏ̆ɾy/ > dydy(q) or tyty(q) = /tsjʏ̆tsjy/
dudu(h) or tutu(q) = /ɾʊ̆ɾu/ > dudu(q) or tutu(q) = /ðjʊ̆ðju/
dodo(h) or toto(q) = /ɾɔ̆ɾo/ > dodo(q) or toto(q) = /ɾɔ̆ro/

ga(h) or ka(q) = /ka/ > ga(h) or ka(q) = /ga/
ge(h) or ke(q) = /ke/ > ge(h) or ke(q) = /ke/
gi(h) or ki(q) = /ki/
gy(h) or ky(q) = /ky/ > gy(h) or ky(q) = /xy/
gu(h) or ku(q) = /gu/ > gu(h) or ku(q) = /ŋu/
go(h) or ko(q) = /go/ > go(h) or ko(q) = /ɣjo/

(h)a(h) or (q)a(q) = /(ʔ)a/ > (h)a(h) or qa(q) = /(ɦ)a/
(h)e(h) or (q)e(q) = /(ʔ)e/ > (h)e(h) or qe(q) = /(ʔ)e/
(h)i(h) or (q)i(q) = /(ʔ)i/
(h)y(h) or (q)y(q) = /(ʔ)y/ > (h)y(h) or qy(q) = /(h)y/
(h)u(h) or (q)u(q) = /(ɦ)u/ > (h)u(h) or qu(q) = /(ɦ)u/
(h)o(h) or (q)o(q) = /(ɦ)o/ > (h)o(h) or qo(q) = /(ɦ)jo/


Transcription: Te'o-bape'u-da'o-kylo'a da'i-da'i'o-te'i da'e-βo'a'o-dakyjoo'a'o Ga'i-ky'i-bape'u-ðaða'o. Ga'i-ky'i-da'o-baβo'i ðaða'a-ty'e-ðaða'a'o-daky'a'o Ga'i-ky'i-bape'u-py'i-ðaða'o; py'i-da'i'o ky'i-da'a-ðaða'a'o-dakyjo'u ga'i-ky'i-bape'u-py'i-ðaða'o. Bujo'i-ke'a'i, da'e-jo'i'o-ga'u'e ðaða'a-ty'i-ky'i-ðaða'o. Lo'o'e-te'a'e-lo'o'o-dakyjo'o'a da'i-ðaða'i'-ðaðe'a ty'a'o-ky'a'e-lo'o'o-dakyjo'u'e da'i-ðaða'i'o-daty'a. Ky'i-da'i-ky'i-py'i-da'o-te'i ty'a'a-ky'a'e-lo'a'o-dakyjo'a'a ðaða'a-ty'i-ky'i-ðaða'o. Lo'a'u-te'e-lo'a'o-dakyjo'a'a ba'a'e-tsi'i-ky'i-ðaða'o. Ba'a'e-tsi'i-ky'i-ty'i-da'o-bapy'i da'e-lo'i'o-da'u'e da'i-ðaða'i'o.

Sound change 1 — Phase 2

ba(q) or pa(q) = /ba/ > ba(q) or pa(q) = /ma/
be(q) or pe(q) = /pe/ > be(q) or pe(q) = /be/
bi(q) or pi(q) = /pɸi/ > bi(q) or pi(q) = /ɸi/
by(q) or py(q) = /py/
bu(q) or pu(q) = /mu/ > bu(q) or pu(q) = /βu/
bo(q) or po(q) = /βo/ > bo(q) or po(q) = /wo/

da(q) or ta(q) = /da/ > da(q) or ta(q) = /na/
de(q) or te(q) = /te/ > de(q) or te(q) = /de/
di(q) or ti(q) = /tsi/ > di(q) or ti(q) = /si/
dy(q) or ty(q) = /ty/
du(q) or tu(q) = /nu/ > du(q) or tu(q) = /zu/
do(q) or to(q) = /lo/ > do(q) or to(q) = /ro/

dada(q) or tata(q) = /ðada/ > dada(q) or tata(q) = /la/
dede(q) or tete(q) = /dðedðe/ > dede(q) or tete(q) = /ðe/
didi(q) or titi(q) = /tsisi/ > didi(q) or titi(q) = /ʃi/
dydy(q) or tyty(q) = /θyθy/ > dydy(q) or tyty(q) = /θy/
dudu(q) or tutu(q) = /ðjuðu/ > dudu(q) or tutu(q) = /ʒu/
dodo(q) or toto(q) = /?/ > dodo(q) or toto(q) = /rho/

ga(q) or ka(q) = /ga/ > ga(q) or ka(q) = /ŋa/
ge(q) or ke(q) = /ke/ > ge(q) or ke(q) = /ge/
gi(q) or ki(q) = /kxi/ > gi(q) or ki(q) = /xi/
gy(q) or ky(q) = /ky/
gu(q) or ku(q) = /ŋu/ > gu(q) or ku(q) = /ɣu/
go(q) or ko(q) = /ɣjo/ > go(q) or ko(q) = /jo/

Phonetic transcription: De'o-mabe'u-na'o-kyro'a na'i-na'i'o-de'i na'e-ro'a'o-nakyjo'a'o ŋa'i-ky'i-mabe'u-la'o. ŋa'i-ky'i-na'o-mawo'i la'a-ty'e-la'a'o-naky'a'o Ŋa'i-ky'i-mabe'u-py'i-la'o; py'i-na'i'o ky'i-na'a-la'a'o-nakyjo'u ŋa'i-ky'i-mabe'u-py'i-la'o. Vujo'i-gena'i, na'e-ro'i'o-ŋa'u'e la'a-ty'i-ky'i-la'o. Ro'o'e-de'a'e-ro'o'o-nakyro'o'a na'i-la'i'o-nade'a ty'a'o-ky'a'e-ro'o'o-nakyjo'u'e na'i-la'i'o-naty'a. Ky'i-na'i-ky'i-py'i-na'o-de'i ty'a'a-ky'a'e-ro'a'o-nakyro'a'a la'a-ty'i-ky'i-la'o. Ro'a'u-de'e-ro'a'o-nakyro'a'a ma'a'e-si'i-ky'i-la'o. Ma'a'e-si'i-ky'i-ty'i-na'o-mapy'i na'e-ro'i'o-na'u'e na'i-la'i'o.

Sound change 2: The Great Vowel Deletion

Sound change 2 with orthographical change 1

ba(q) or pa(q) = /ma/ > ppp = /m/
be(q) or pe(q) = /be/ > pp = /b/
bi(q) or pi(q) = /ɸi/ > qp = /ɸ/
by(q) or py(q) = /py/ > p = /p/
bu(q) or pu(q) = /βu/ > qpp = /β/
bo(q) or po(q) = /wo/ > qppp = /w/

da(q) or ta(q) = /na/ > ttt = /n/
de(q) or te(q) = /de/ > tt = /d/
di(q) or ti(q) = /si/ > qt = /s/
dy(q) or ty(q) = /ty/ > t = /t/
du(q) or tu(q) = /zu/ > qtt = /z/
do(q) or to(q) = /ro/ > qttt = /r/

dada(q) or tata(q) = /la/ > tttttt /l/
dede(q) or tete(q) = /ðe/ > ? /ð/
didi(q) or titi(q) = /ʃi/ > ? /ʃ/
dydy(q) or tyty(q) = /θy/ > ? /θ/
dudu(q) or tutu(q) = /ʒu/ > ? /ʒ/
dodo(q) or toto(q) = /rho/ > ???

ga(q) or ka(q) = /ŋa/ > kkk /ŋ/
ge(q) or ke(q) = /ge/ > kk /g/
gi(q) or ki(q) = /xi/ > qk /x/
gy(q) or ky(q) = /ky/ > k /k/
gu(q) or ku(q) = /ɣu/ > qkk /ɣ/
go(q) or ko(q) = /jo/ > qkkk /j/

New version: Ttoppppputttokqttta tttitttiotti ttteqtttaotttkqkkkao Kkkikippppputttttto. Kkkikitttopppqpppi ttttttatettttttaotttkqkkkao kkkikipppppupitttttto; pitttio kitttattttttaotttkqkkku kkkikipppppupitttttto. Qppqtttikkttti, ttteqtttiokkkue ttttttatikitttttto. Qtttoettaeqtttootttkqkkka tttittttttiottttta taokaeqtttotttkqkkkue tttittttttiotttta. Kitttikipitttotti taakaeqtttaotttkqkkkaa ttttttatikitttttto. Qtttautteqtttaotttkqkkkaa pppaeqtikitttttto. Pppaeqtikititttppppi ttteqtttiotttue tttittttttio.

Sound change 2 with orthographical change 2

Orthographical change 2 is separate and distinct from orthographical change 1. Orthrographical change 2 does not follow sequentially or build upon orthographical change 1.

ba(q) or pa(q) = /ma/ > m = /m/
be(q) or pe(q) = /be/ > ph = /b/
bi(q) or pi(q) = /ɸi/ > pp = /ɸ/
by(q) or py(q) = /py/ > p = /p/
bu(q) or pu(q) = /βu/ > phph = /β/
bo(q) or po(q) = /wo/ > mh = /w/

da(q) or ta(q) = /na/ > n = /n/
de(q) or te(q) = /de/ > th = /d/
di(q) or ti(q) = /si/ > tt = /s/
dy(q) or ty(q) = /ty/ > t = /t/
du(q) or tu(q) = /zu/ > thth = /z/
do(q) or to(q) = /ro/ > nh = /r/

dada(q) or tata(q) = /la/ > nn /l/
dede(q) or tete(q) = /ðe/ > ? /ð/
didi(q) or titi(q) = /ʃi/ > ? /ʃ/
dydy(q) or tyty(q) = /θy/ > ? /θ/
dudu(q) or tutu(q) = /ʒu/ > ? /ʒ/
dodo(q) or toto(q) = /rho/ > ???

ga(q) or ka(q) = /ŋa/ > ŋ /ŋ/
ge(q) or ke(q) = /ge/ > kh /g/
gi(q) or ki(q) = /xi/ > kk /x/
gy(q) or ky(q) = /ky/ > k /k/
gu(q) or ku(q) = /ɣu/ > khkh /ɣ/
go(q) or ko(q) = /jo/ > ŋh /j/

New version: Thomphunoknha niniothi nenhaonkŋhao Ŋikimphunno. Ŋikinommhi nnatennaonkŋhao ŋikimphupinno; pinio kinannaonkŋhu ŋikimphupinno. Phphŋhikhni, nenhioŋue nnatikinno. Nhoedaenhoonkŋha ninniontha taokaenhonkŋhue ninnionta. Kinikipinothi taakaenhaonkŋhaa nnatikinno. Nhaudenhaonkŋhaa maettikinno. Maettikitinmpi nenhionue ninnio.

Sound change 2 with orthographical change 3

Orthographical change 3 follows sequentially from and builds upon orthographical change 2.

m = /m/
ph = /b/ > b = /b/
pp = /ɸ/ > ph = /ɸ/
p = /p/
phph = /β/ > bh = /β/
mh = /w/ > mh /w/

n = /n/
th = /d/ > d = /d/
tt = /s/ > s = /s/
t = /t/
thth = /z/ > z = /z/
nh = /r/

nn /l/ > = l /l/
? /ð/ > dh = /ð/
? /ʃ/ > sh /ʃ/
? /θ/ > th = /θ/
? /ʒ/ > zh = /ʒ/

ŋ /ŋ/
kh = /g/ > g = /g/
kk = /x/ > kh = /x/
k = /k/
khkh = /ɣ/ > gh /ɣ/
ŋh = /j/ > lh = /j/

Newer version: Dombunoknha niniodi nenhaonklhao-Ŋikimbulo. Ŋikinommhi latelaonklhao-Ŋikimbupilo; pinio kinalaonklhu-ŋikimbupilo. Bhlhigni, nenhioŋue-latikilo. Nhoedaenhoonklhoa-nilionda taokaenhoonklhue-nilionta. Kinikipinodi taakaenhaonklhaa-latikilo. Nhaudenhaonklhaa-maesikilo. Maesikitinompi nenhionue-nilio.

Sound change 2 with orthographical change 4

Orthographical change 4 follows sequentially from and builds upon orthographical change 3.

m = /m/
b = /b/
ph = /ɸ/ > f = /ɸ/
p = /p/
bh = /β/ > v = /β/
mh /w/ > w /w/

n = /n/
d = /d/
s = /s/
t = /t/
z = /z/
nh = /r/ > r = /r/

l /l/
dh = /ð/ > ð = /ð/
sh /ʃ/ > ? = /ʃ/
> th = /θ/ > þ = /θ/
zh = /ʒ/ > ? = /ʒ/

ŋ /ŋ/
g = /g/
kh = /x/ > x = /x/
k = /k/
gh /ɣ/ > ? = /ɣ/
lh = /j/ > y = /j/

Newerer version: Dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao-Ŋikimbulo. Ŋikinomwi latelaonkyao-Ŋikimbupilo; pinio kinalaonkyu-ŋikimbupilo. Vyigni, nerioŋue-latikilo. Roedaeroonkyoa-nilionda taokaeroonkyue-nilionta. Kinikipinodi taakaeraonkyaa-latikilo. Rauderaonkyaa-maesikilo. Maesikitinompi nerionue-nilio.

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