D. J. Scott
[Last Update: June 6th, 2018]


I. Newtonian Physics
I. Particle Physics
I. Quantum Physics
I. The Standard Model
I.a Quantum Field Theory
II. Particles
II.a. Hadron Particles
II.a-1.) Baryons & Mesons
II.a-2.) Protons & Neutrons
II.a-3.) Proton
II.a-3.) Neutron
II.a. Lepton Particles
II.a-1.) Electron-like vs, Neutrino
II.a-2.) Electronic, Muonic, & Tauonic
II.a-3.) Electron
II.a-3.) Electron Neutrino
II.a-3.) Muon
II.a-3.) Muon Neutrino
II.a-3.) Tau
II.a-3.) Tau Neutrino
III.) Darkmatter & Dark Energy
III.a.) Darkmatter
III.a-1.) Extra-Dimensional Matter
III.a-2.) More Probable Matter
III.a-3.) Darkmatter as Tachyons
III.a-4.) Darkmatter as Antimatter
III.a-5.) Darkmatter as Virtual Particles
III.a-6.) Darkmatter as Decayed Matter




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Copyright © 2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
[Created: September 14th, 2017]
[Last Update: May 21st, 2018]


III.a. Darkmatter

Darkmatter is typically imagined to be a form of non-baryonic matter.

III.a-1.) Extra-Dimensional Matter


III.a-2.) More Probable Matter

If we take the first law of thermodynamics to imply that the most probable outcome for beginning state of absolute nothingness is to remain as absolute nothingness, then the difficulty in detecting darkmatter at anything less than galactic scales, its weakly interacting nature, and its apparent abundance relative to baryonic matter can all be explained by darkmatter simply existing in a state closer to absolute nothingness and being therefore much more probable than baryonic matter.

III.a-3.) Darkmatter as Tachyons


III.a-4.) Darkmatter as Antimatter

A particle with a negative charge traveling backward through time would appear as a particle with a positive charge moving forward in time. (Lawrence Krauss: The Higgs and the Story of Science 30:00-35:00 minutes in)

Main problem: Darkmatter doesn’t interact with baryonic matter, but antimatter interacts with baryonic matter violently.


III.a-5.) Darkmatter as Virtual Particles


III.a-6.) Darkmatter as Decayed Matter


III.a-7.) Darkmatter as W.I.M.P.s