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Dwarfish-Swartelfish Languages

Copyright © 2004-2022 C.E. by D. Jon Scott


The Dwarfish-Swartelfish languages are a polyphyletic grouping of languages from different branches of the Palaeoboreanic language family, but which nevertheless convergently evolved to the point of interintelligibility. Phonetically, the Swartelfish languages were clearly of the Sylvan branch of the Palaeoboreanic language family, while the Dwarfish languages were clearly of the Alpine, Infernal, and Colline branches. Nevertheless, all of the Dwarfish-Swartelfish languages shared a similar morphology and grammar.

Ólaíroána (or Óílaúroána): Proto-Darkelfish
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Note that naároílaó means "those things which are brought into existence" (vocabulary, words) while naároúlaíó means "the speaking of words" (the act of speaking). Either of these terms could be used to mean "language", depending upon context.

Sample #1

Transliteration: Atokiotaupepaote iteoitaita oakokitaoatoeta ottaupepaikiika

Pronunciation: // a.ro.ki.o.na.u.be.ma.o.de // i.de.o.i.na.i.na // o.a.ɣo.ki.na.o.a.ro.e.na // o.la.u.be.ma.i.ki.i.ŋa //

Transcription: Árokiónaúbemaóde ídeóínaína óáyokinaóároéna ólaúbemaíkiíŋa

Gloss: Before-object-big-cause of-all-object-things evidental-past-verb-exist subject-ness-big-nothing

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Sample #2

Transliteration: Etaatoetyaku-Atta-Kiatoa iapota utiutaita etaatoupe-itaittaupu-attaita

Pronunciation: // e.nă.a.rŏ.e.sy̆.a.ɣŭ // a.lă // kĭ.a.rŏ.a // i.a.wŏ.nă // u.tĭ.u.nă.i.nă // e.nă.a.rŏ.u.bĕ // i.nă.i.lă.u.βŭ // a.lă.i.nă //

Transcription: Énaároésyáhu-Ála-Kiároá íáwona útiúnaína énaároúbe-ínaílaúvu-álaína

Gloss: Past-sigh subject-Kara and to-him past-bring (a) draught she

Translation: “Kara sighed and to him brought she a draught.”

Sample #3

Transliteration: Etaatoetyaku-Atta-Kiatoa iapota utiataita etaatoupe-itaittaupu-uttaipa

Pronunciation: // e.nă.a.rŏ.e.sy̆.a.ɣŭ // a.lă // kĭ.a.rŏ.a // i.a.wŏ.nă // u.tĭ.a.nă.i.nă // e.nă.a.rŏ.u.bĕ // i.nă.i.lă.u.βŭ // u.lă.i.mă //

Transcription: Énaároésyáhu-Ála-Kiároá íáwona útiánaína énaároúbe-ínaílaúvu-úlaíma

Gloss: Past-sigh subject-Kara and to-him past-bring (a) draught me (male)

Translation: “Kara sighed and to her brought I a draught.”

Oliran (or Oiluran): Old Darkelfish
Closed (formerly open), afformative, prefixing, OVS

Note that naároílaó means "those things which are brought into existence" (vocabulary, words) while naároúlaíó means "the speaking of words" (the act of speaking). Either of these terms could be used to mean "language", depending upon context.

Sample #1

Transliteration: Arkonubmod idoinin oaŋhknoaren onhubmikiŋ

Pronunciation: // ar.kon.ub.mod // id.o.in.in // o.ajk.n.o.ar.en // ol.ub.mik.iŋ //

Transcription: Arkonubmod idoinin oayknoaren olubmikiŋ

Gloss: Before-object-big-cause of-all-object-things evidental-past-verb-exist subject-ness-big-nothing

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Sample #2

Transliteration: Enaresah-Anh-Kara iamhn utunin enarub-ininhubh-anhin

Pronunciation: // en.ar.es.ah. // al // kar.a // i.awn // ut.un.in // en.ar.ub // in.il.uv // al.in //

Transcription: Enaresah-Al-Kara iawn utunin enarub-iniluv-alin

Gloss: Past-sigh subject-Kara and to-him past-bring (a) draught she

Translation: “Kara sighed and to him brought she a draught.”

Sample #3

Transliteration: Enaresah-Anh-Kara iamhn utanin enarub-ininhubh-unhim

Pronunciation: // en.ar.es.ah. // al // kar.a // i.awn // ut.an.in // en.ar.ub // in.il.uv // ul.im //

Transcription: Enaresah-Al-Kara iawn utanin enarub-iniluv-ulim

Gloss: Past-sigh subject-Kara and to-him past-bring (a) draught me (male)

Translation: “Kara sighed and to her brought I a draught.”

Oriwran (or Oiruwran): Old (Colline) Dwarfish / Old Hilldwarfish
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

A type of Dwarfish that evolved from the Colline subbranch of the Chthonic subbranch of the Terran branch of the Palaeoboreanic language family. Although the "further lenition" phase of the language's history gave it a slightly different consonantal inventory than Old Swartelfish, the "consonantal vowel deletion" phase in both their histories rendered the two languages otherwise nearly identical.

Sample #1

Transliteration: Aonhkonubmod idoinin oaŋhknoaren onhubmikiŋ

Pronunciation: // awr.kon.ub.mod // id.o.in.in // o.ajk.n.o.ar.en // or.ub.mik.iŋ //

Transcription: Awrkonubmod idoinin oayknoaren orubmikiŋ

Gloss: Before-object-big-cause of-all-object-things evidental-past-verb-exist subject-ness-big-nothing

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Sample #2

Transliteration: Enaonhesah-Anh-Kanha iamhn utunin enaonhub-ininhubh-anhin

Pronunciation: // en.awr.es.ah // ar // kar.a // i.awn // ut.un.in // en.awr.ub // in.ir.uv // ar.in //

Transcription: Enawresah-Ar-Kara iawn utunin enawrub-iniruv-arin

Gloss: Past-sigh subject-Kara and to-him past-bring (a) draught she

Translation: “Kara sighed and to him brought she a draught.”

Sample #3

Transliteration: Enaoresah-Anh-Kanha iamhn utanin enaorub-ininhubh-unhim

Pronunciation: // en.awr.es.ah // ar // kar.a // i.awn // ut.an.in // en.awr.ub // in.ir.uv // ur.im //

Transcription: Enawresah-Ar-Kara iawn utanin enawrub-iniruv-urim

Gloss: Past-sigh subject-Kara and to-him past-bring (a) draught me (male)

Translation: “Kara sighed and to her brought I a draught.”

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