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The Founding of the Sidhe is....

Sidhean Version

This version was written in Narhilyow, a so-called “CPS Colline’ language derived from the closed-syllable, preformative syllabification, suffixing morphology form of Colline, Nah-rij-low. This descended from the CPS Proto-Colline Anah-orij-alalow, from the CPS Proto-Chthonic Adah-odij-adadow, from the CPS Proto-Terran Adaq-odiq-adadoq, from the CPS Proto-Palaeoboreanic Ataq-otiq-atatoq.

This was the language of the Moundelves, who traditionally hosted the Sidhes.

Sidhean Version Sample

Sidhes §βI¶I. Darhanhakrhiy uonwerhaonweh woswelhuow jinyaphipjamphiy: Vilyiwyosweyhuundwuw, Grinyiwyosweyhuundwuw, Kugwiwyosweyhuuntwah. Vilyiwyosweyhuundwiy Grinyiwyosweyhuuntwah wikyilyenhiy, ndwai kilyenkyhi nilyeah drunwethuw Gridryanheundwodwah Dragrhonweuntwadhah. [To be finished]

Translation: Back in the day throve Woses in the land: Woodwoses, Rockwoses, and Rime-woses. The Woodwoses and Rockwoses were to one-another similar, and similar must they have been to the ancestor of the Dwarves and the of Ogres.

Fairish Version

This version was written in Narilo, a so-called “OPS Sylvanic’ language derived from the open-syllable, preformative syllabification, suffixing morphology form of Proto-Sylvanic, Na-ri-lo. This descended from the OPS Proto-Sylvan-Agrarian Naa-roi-rarao, from the OPS Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daa-doi-dadao, from the OPS Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqo, from the OPS Proto-Palaeoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqo.

This was the elder language of the Sylvan Elves,

Fairish Version Sample

This version was written in Narilo, a so-called “OPS Sylvanic’ language derived from the open-syllable, preformative syllabification, suffixing morphology form of Proto-Sylvanic, Na-ri-lo. This descended from the OPS Proto-Sylvan-Agrarian Naa-roi-rarao, from the OPS Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daa-doi-dadao, from the OPS Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqo, from the OPS Proto-Palaeoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqo.

This was the elder language of the Sylvan Elves,

I Fayes §βI¶I. Daranakri uoneraone woseluo jinapipampi: Viliwoseyuundu, Griniwoseyuundu, Kugiwoseyuunta. Viliwoseyuundi Griniwoseyuunta wikileni, ndwai kilenkyi nilea drunetu Gridraneondoda Dragroneontada. [To be finished]

Translation: Back in the day throve Woses in the land: Woodwoses, Rockwoses, and Rime-woses. The Woodwoses and Rockwoses were to one-another similar, and similar must they have been to the ancestor of the Dwarves and the of Ogres.

Darkelfish Version

This version appears in The Darelfish Chronicle. It was written in Anirol, a so-called “OAS Sylvanic” language derived from the formerly-open-syllable, afformative syllabification, suffixing morphology form of Proto-Sylvanic, An-ir-ol. This descended from the OAS Proto-Sylvan-Agrarian Ana-iro-orara, from the OAS Proto-Agrarian-Montane Ada-ido-odada, from the OAS Proto-Terran Qada-qido-qodada, from the OPS Proto-Palaeoboreanic Qata-qito-qotata.

Darkelfish Version Sample

Darkelves §βI¶I. Adaranikr uoyenaoren owesuol ijanipapimp: Ivilowesuuyund, Igrinowesuuyund, Ikigowesuuyant. Ivilowesuuyind Igrinowesuuyant iwikelin, aindw ikelinky ineal udrenut Igradreonondad Adrogreonantad.

Translation: Back in the day

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