
§ Fantasy Drawings
• Drawings from “The Xenozoicon”
• Drawings from “The Antediluvian Epoch”
§ Cartoon Drawings
• Drawings from “Fur University”
• Drawings from “Metazoids”
• Drawings from “Mutant Squadron”
• Random Furries
• Other Random Cartoon Drawings
§ Other Random Drawings
• Educational Drawings
• Surreal Drawings
[Other Media]
§ Paintings
[Mixed Media]
§ Furries
• Graphics from “Fur University”
• Miscellaneous Furries

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D. J. Scott

D. Jon Scott’s Artwork

Because I can.
Copyright © 1993-2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
[Last Update: June 29th, 2017]


I first picked up a marker and began trying to tell stories at but a year old. Frustrated that my young mind could not yet grasp the concept of writing adequately enough for my purpose, I began teaching myself to draw.

Now I’m attempting to rebuild my portfolio after several devastating losses.


My first and favorite set of media.

§ Fantasy Drawings

Definitely my favorite genre to work in. Wish I had more time for it.

• Drawings from “The Xenozoicon” (ca. 1998 ~ 2002 C.E.)

These are illustrations.


• Drawings from “The Antediluvian Epoch” (ca. 1996 ~ 1997 C.E.)

Did these back when I was about 13 and 14 years old. I think they turned out pretty good for being done with a children’s 36 piece color marker set. This series marks the time when I was finally forced to come to terms with the limitations of the comfortable old medium of my childhood.

I was still a Christian and a Young-Earth Creationist at the time I worked on this project, so this fictional universe might be an example of the fantasy subgenre known as “magic realism”.

§ Cartoon Drawings

Ah, cartooning. My first love.

• Drawings from “Fur University” (ca. 2000 ~ 2001 C.E.)

Drawings I did for a webcomic I was planning but never got off the ground. Friends of mine had suggested I try my hand at furry art, and this was my brief foray into that genre.

• Drawings from “Metazoids: The Lost Kingdom” (ca. 1999 ~ 2001 C.E.)

A Doylean “Lost World” setting for an intended audience that enjoyed programs like Pokémon and Digimon. The setting is populated by creatures who resemble animals (metazoans), fungi, and plants (metaphytes), but actually represent a 4th, “lost” kingdom of living things who show evidence of genomic infiltration by extraterrestrials.

[MB] “MetaBugs”
[MF] “MetaFish”
[MS] “MetaSaurs”
[MT] “MetaTheres”
[MV] “MetaVegs”
[X] “X-Series”

• Drawings from “Mutant Squadron” (ca. 1993 ~ 1994 C.E.)

A superhero team I created when I was 10 and worked on for about a year. There were at least three issues done in typical comic book format.

• Random Furries

Stuff I did.

• Other Random Cartoon Drawings

Mostly just doodles, some the beginnings of what were to become web graphics.

§ Other Random Drawings

Stuff I did.

• Educational Drawings

At various phases in my life I’ve aspired to be a palæo-artist, especially when I was in my teens and pre-teens. I think I was planning to use some of these for an early version of Our Family Tree back when I was still working on Genesis Panthesis.

• Surreal Drawings

Stuff I did.

[Other Media]

§ Paintings

[Mixed Media]

§ Furries


• Graphics from “Fur University” (ca. 2000 ~ 2001 C.E.)

• Miscellaneous Furries