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Hostelry13th Month, 28th Night, VII 4631Copyright © 2002-2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
Translator | Known As | Abbrev. |
Dr. Graven Foster-Kent, Ph.D | Foster-Kent translation | GFK |
Dr. Hayami Takara, Ph.D | Takara translation | HT |
Dr. Akram Lazaar, Ph.D | Lazaar translation | AL |
Dr. Xavier Preston Sloane, Ph.D | Sloane translation | XPS |
Dr. Lydia Cy Drakos, Ph.D | Drakos translation | LCD |
Thieves §αI¶I. “Ketsinio-tineoda horeune-tiyeoda!” naorumburaone manilu horaoli-ketsili-nilutawa, atsu ninitu vyeraone niniu elekra sokaraoni fiakinio tsopinita whanio ninuva. Nilio byoraone, horiuni ketsilio-ninioda, altu zikini-ketsiniada vuraone-nikwio tsamaolioldu tsambunaoliolta. “Tadyilopi Dyeoleo samaereune wilio — uwa samaereune wilio byolini-pimeleo-wilioda — roudumbuenopibu! Bonili-fewanobu, bonili-winobu! Uwa manikwuabu teraone beraoninovu rouduenopida!” Mbuweleo bwanompi tsopiniotsu fakuraone dekra mahio-nilioda gimbirioni uwa ndumbilioni laminio ketsilioda, tsamaolioda, uwa tsambunaolioda-ninioda.
Thieves §αI¶I., GFK: “Raise your horns!” shouted the man with his own horn raised, as everyone turned to him after hearing the knocking at his table by his mates. Everyone obliged, raising their own drinking horns, while those who used either mugs or tankards gave the sign of the horns. “Tonight we thank The Gods — and also thank our our generous hosts — for this copious meal! For good friends, and for good acquaintances! And for the two men (who) died to provide us this banquet!” The partygoers all knocked on their tables in approvel before throwing their heads back and chugging down the contents of their horns, mugs, and tankards.
Thieves §αI¶I., HT: “Raise ye your horns!” cried the man, his own horn raised, as everyone looked to him after hearing the pounding at his table by his companions. All obliged, raising their own horns, while they who used either mugs or tankards gave the sign of the horns. “Tonight we thank The Gods — and also thank our our gracious hosts — for this plentiful feast! For good friends, and for good company! And for the two men that died to provide us this meal!” The revelers all knocked on their tables in approvel before throwing their heads back and guzzling down the contents of their horns, mugs, and tankards.
Thieves §αI¶I., AL: “Raise your horns!” cried the man, his own horn raised, as everyone looked to him after hearing the pounding at his table by his companions. All obliged, raising their own horns, while those that used either mugs or tankards gave the sign of the horns. “Tonight we thank The Gods — and also thank our our gracious hosts — for this copious feast! For good friends, and for good company! And for the two men that died to provide us this meal!” The revelers all knocked on their tables in approvel before throwing their heads back and guzzling down the contents of their horns, mugs, and tankards.
Thieves §αI¶I., XPS: “Raise ye all your horns!” exclaimed the man with his own horn raised, as to him everyone attended eft hearing the rapping at his table by his comrades. All obeyed, raising their own horns, while the sign of the horns gave [was given by] they that used either mugs or tankards. “This even The Gods thank we — and also thank we our beneficent hosts — for this bountiful feast! For good fellows, and for good company! And for the twain men (who) died to avail us this repast!” The celebrants all in approvel upon their tables rapped ere their pates aback tilting and adown glutting the spirits of their horns, mugs, and tankards.
Thieves §αI¶I., LCD: “Raise ye your horns!” yelled the man his own horn raised, as all looked to him after hearing the knocking at his table by his company. Everyone complied, raising their own horns, while those who used either mugs or tankards gave the sign of the horns. “Tonight we thank The Gods — and also thank our our generous hosts — for this plentiful feast! For good friends, and for good company! And for the two men that died to provide us this meal!” The revelers all knocked on their tables in approvel before throwing their heads back and guzzling down the contents of their horns, mugs, and tankards.
Thieves §αI¶II. Ŋosokulini-tsakalaonti podalo, tsaukanompi viþukini-mbakilini-narunoowai... [to be finished]
Thieves §αI¶II., GFK: The room was deafeningly congested, replete with dozens of permeating, boisterous voices each trying desperately to surmount the next. The Talenburg Inn was full to capacity tonight, with an atmosphere of merriment and camaraderie, and the abhorrently inebriated horde showed no sign of a proximal departure. Most of the patrons seemed to be Borean, though there were also several Lightelves and Samelves, a few Dwarrow, many Hobs and Gnomes, and a few Ogres.
Thieves §αI¶II., HT: The room was deafeningly congested, replete with dozens of permeating, boisterous voices each trying desperately to surmount the next. The Talenburg Inn was full to capacity tonight, with an atmosphere of merriment and camaraderie, and the abhorrently inebriated horde showed no sign of a proximal departure. Most of the patrons seemed to be Borean, though there were also several Lightelves and Samelves, a few Dwarrow, many Hobs and Gnomes, and a few Ogres.
Thieves §αI¶II., LCD: The room was deafeningly congested, replete with dozens of permeating, boisterous voices each trying desperately to surmount the next. The Talenburg Inn was full to capacity tonight, with an atmosphere of merriment and camaraderie, and the abhorrently inebriated horde showed no sign of a proximal departure. Most of the patrons seemed to be Borean, though there were also several Lightelves and Samelves, a few Dwarrow, many Hobs and Gnomes, and a few Ogres.
Thieves §αI¶II., AL: The room was deafeningly congested, replete with dozens of permeating, boisterous voices each trying desperately to surmount the next. The Talenburg Inn was full to capacity tonight, with an atmosphere of merriment and camaraderie, and the abhorrently inebriated horde showed no sign of a proximal departure. Most of the patrons seemed to be Borean, though there were also several Lightelves and Samelves, a few Dwarrow, many Hobs and Gnomes, and a few Ogres.
Thieves §αI¶II., XPS: Deafeningly congested was the room, replete with dozens of permeating, boisterous voices each trying desperately to surmount the next. The Talenburg Inn was full to capacity tonight, with an atmosphere of merriment and camaraderie, and the abhorrently inebriated horde showed no sign of a proximal departure. Most of the patrons seemed to be Borean, though there were also several Lightelves and Samelves, a few Dwarrow, many Hobs and Gnomes, and a few Ogres.
Thieves §αI¶III. Raililu Lirilu, Katwila Valikila, Lilila, uwa Wotsamolu Kotagyalu... [To be finished]
Foster-Kent translation: Railin Lirin, Katwa Valika, Lila, and Wotsamon Kotagyan sat around a table near the promenade, conversing quietly amongst themselves as if independent from the vulgar yet joyous commotion of the tavern.
Takara translation: Railiyu Liriyu, Katwiya Valikiya, Liliya, and Wotsamoyu Kotagyayu sat round a table near the promenade, conversing quietly amongst themselves as if independent from the vulgar yet joyous commotion of the tavern.
Lazaar translation: Railiu Liriu, Katwia Valikia, Lilia, and Wotsamou Kotagyau sat round a table near the promenade, conversing quietly amongst themselves as if independent from the vulgar yet joyous commotion of the tavern.
Sloane translation: Rylen Lirious, Sammy Sacred, Lily, and Wilhelm Huxley sat round a table nigh the promenade, conversing quietly amongst themselves as if independent from the vulgar yet joyous commotion of the tavern.
Drakos translation: Rylen Lirious, Halfy Divine, Lilia, and William Huxley sat round a table near the promenade, conversing quietly amongst themselves as if independent from the vulgar yet joyous commotion of the tavern.
Thieves §αI¶IV. “Tsopini fakureune,” nareraone Wotsamolu, kwinotu Raililu, Katwila, uwa Lilila pocrilini-byoraone. Nilio pawonita vyuraone Wotsamonu atsu hereune ninu burinobu bunida-ninuda:
Foster-Kent translation: “Pound the table,” said Wotsamon, to which Railin, Katwa, and Lila promptly obliged. Everyone in the tavern looked to Wotsamon as he stood to deliver his toast:
Takara translation: “Knock the table,” said Wotsamoyu, to which Railiyu, Katwiya, and Liliya promptly obliged. Everyone in the tavern looked to Wotsamoyu as he stood to deliver his toast:
Sloane translation: “Rap the table,” sayed William, to which Rylen, Sammy, and Lily swithly obliged. All present at the inn attended William whenas rose he to profer his tribute:
Thieves §αI¶IV. “Ketsilio-tinioda horeune!” naorumburaone Wotsamolu. Nilio pawonita byoraone, horiuni ketsilio-ninioda, altu zikini-ketsiniada vuraone-nikwio tsamaolioldu tsambunaoliolta. “Tadyilopi masaereune wilio Romunubu uwa Horenubu!” nararaone Wotsamolu,... [to be finished]
Foster-Kent translation: “Raise your horns!” shouted Wotsamon. Everyone in the pub obliged, raising their own horns, while they who used either mugs or tankards gave the sign of the horns. “Tonight we drink for Romun and for Horen!” said Wotsamon,
Takara translation: “Raise ye your horns!” cried Wotsamoyu. Everyone in the tavern obliged, raising their own horns, while they who used either mugs or tankards gave the sign of the horns. “Tonight we drink for Romun and for Horen!” said Wotsamoyu,
Sloane translation: “Raise ye all your horns!” bellowed William. All present at the inn obeyed, raising their own horns, while the sign of the horns gave [was given by] they that used either mugs or tankards. “This night drink we for Driver and for Exhalter!” quoth William,
Thieves §αI¶II. [To be finished]
Translation: Two figures entered...

Thieves §αI¶XXIII. “Źadiya!” naorumburaone Kirilandu Karilanta.
Foster-Kent translation: “Jada!” shouted Kira and Kara.
Takara translation: “Zhadiya!” cried Kiriya and Kariya.
Drakos translation: “Jadi’a!” declared Kiri’a and Kari’a.
Lazaar translation: “Jadia!” declared Kiria and Karia.
Sloane translation: “Jady!” exclaimed Kira and Kara.
Thieves §αI¶II. [To be finished]
Translation: The pub itself was ornately decorated, if a bit rustic. The floors were of brick, the joints of which sported mosses and clovers wherever it seemed sunlight might reach the floor during the day through the stained-glass leadlights placed equidistantly around the promenade. Between these intricately-camed windows, the pub’s inner walls were made of ash planks and joined with pitch, and decorated with various animals skins. The eaves and pillars within the bar were quite large, and seemed to be constructed of stained oak. Above the promenade was a partial second floor comprising a gallery of balconied rooms, the walls of which were half-timbered cob just like the outside of the building, and sported skulls of many a deadly beast, including bear, lion, homotherion, leopard, hyena, tarpan, deer, crocodile, boar, and even a mammoth skull serving as the centerpiece for the dual staircase, mounted just under the landing above the vestibule where the promenade intersected the entryway. The timbers arcading the promenade, which also helped support the gallery of balconied upstairs rooms, had lanterns hanging from their sconces, providing light both for the periphery of the dining area and for the promenade that surrounded it. The large, high-ceiled dining area intersected both stories of the inn, and contained numerous chair and table sets made from various different woods of obviously varying quality, from finely-carved cherrywood inlaid with gold filigree to splintery, nigh-rotten sets growing moss in the cracks of their hastily-conjoined boards. Above each table dangled a chandelier, some small and some large, and of various types; some made of brass, others of antler, and others of bone. Hanging from the extremities of the chandeliers were ornamental lanterns with red-stained glass walls that saturated the dining area with warm, cranberry light. In the center of the dining area numerous patrons sat at the bar surrounding the kitchen area, which together with the dining area made up the hostelry’s atrium, and in the kitchen was a glorious brick oven and grills with an attached hearth and spit, its chimney rising proudly to the smoke hole in the ceiling of the atrium.
Thieves §αI¶IV. [To be finished]
Translation: “So, things sure aren’t the same here at ‘Ye Olde Pub’, are they?” Sammy asked, somewhat rhetorically -- a textbook illustration of her innate sense of candor.
Thieves §αI¶V. [To be finished]
Translation: Sammy awaited a reaction as she smirked slightly from behind her glass, her enormous viridian eyes dancing back and forth between Rylen, Wotsamon, and Tif. She had been drinking Elven ale that night, a beverage known to be roughly as intoxicating as Human ale but with a far sweeter taste.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Sammy set her mug down on the table and ran her fingers through her jet-black, nearly shoulder-length hair as her olive skin grew red with inebriation. Her attire was casual; a white, slightly tattered, button-less, short-sleeved tunic, a knee-length buckskin vest, and brown leather trousers.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Well it’s probably more the same here than it is at ‘Ye New Pub’,” Rylen joked; as usual, no one seemed to find him witty.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Rylen smiled meekly once he noticed no one was laughing, having embarrassed himself with his ineffectual attempt at humor. The charmingly inelegant half-Elf was drinking his usual mug of ale, and of course wearing his characteristic mustache of foam for the greater portion of the evening.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: If not for his glaring awkwardness, Rylen wouldn’t have been the type to stick out in a crowd. He looked to be a typical half-Elf in every respect, with the attractive but not incredibly masculine face of a Common Elf, as well as the platinum blonde hair and sky-blue eyes characteristic of the Tel’quessir; although, were it not for the points of his ears, he could’ve passed for a somewhat petite Human. His style of dress complimented this superbly inconspicuous appearance, as tonight he was clad in an off-white linen tunic and brownish, wool trousers with his feet bound in strips of leather.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Wotsamon, the half-Ogre, remained silent as he gulped down his oversized mug of ale; it was his seventh that evening. His eight-foot tall, four hundred pound body was all but immune to the beverage.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Wotsamon Huxley was an unusually handsome half-Ogre, with the overall appearance of a very tall, extremely muscular Human. He kept his figure burly yet trim, with little excess fat. Part of the colossal man’s allure was his infectious smile and soulful brown eyes. Always well groomed, Wotsamon tended to get quite a bit of positive attention from Human women despite the fact that he dressed mostly in bear pelts. Tonight he wore his usual brown bearskins sewn into a tunic, tied with a leather belt at the waist and completed by a pair of bearskin boots covering his feet.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “I think Riley’s had too much ale tonight,” said Tif, sticking out her tongue playfully at the half-Elf, her wings fluttering slightly. The petite Pixie was comfortably perched cross-legged in the center of the table, dressed somewhat scantily in miniature, dyed-green linen garments.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Wotsamon chuckled heartily, nearly spilling his own ale as Rylen’s face expressed the ravages of Tif’s good-humored mockery. Sammy smiled brightly at Rylen, trying her damnedest not to laugh. Rylen was obviously feeling a bit uncomfortable, and so Sammy quickly threw an arm around him and kissed him on the cheek.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Don’t try so hard, honey. It wasn’t exactly your sense of humor that made me fall in love with you,” Sammy offered.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “So, what do you suppose everyone is so excited about?” Wotsamon broke in, setting his mug down, as his face grew vaguely serious.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Someone finally killed the Fafnir outside of town,” a foreign voice interjected.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: It was then that an unrealistically curvaceous redhead approached the table wearing tight, low-rise, tan colored linen trousers, knee-high, black leather, lace-up boots, a white, backless bust-bodice with shoulder straps and a lace-up front that was obviously tailored specifically for her miniature torso and mammoth chest, and a mahogany-colored leather corset completing the ensemble. Her long, sensuous legs seemed to glide in a confident gait as her peculiarly hefty bosoms tremored powerfully behind their linen captivity with each prideful step. Sammy, Rylen, Tif, and Wotsamon knew at first glance who it was.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Each time she passed within a few feet of a man, his jaw would become slack and his eyes would widen with desire. The women she passed were visibly desirous, and those who kept themselves from outwardly expressing their envy were putting on blatant pretenses of disgust. The brazen, fiery-haired, outrageously proportioned young women smiled graciously at each yearning man, absorbing the looks of unreserved awe, intermittently flashing a conceited smirk at each resentful, envious woman. It would’ve been obvious to any bystander that she was fully accustomed to this sort of behavior, and cherished every moment of it.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Jadia!” Tif shouted, levitating off the tabletop and buzzing over to meet the woman, planting one foot firmly on each of Jadia’s cumbersome breasts, staring gleefully into Jadia’s huge, lively, emerald green eyes.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Sammy tittered at the droll display, as Rylen and Wotsamon stared at the spectacle of Tif standing atop Jadia’s outstandingly ample bust, both thoroughly amused yet strangely enticed. Even with Tif’s added weight, Jadia’s chest was jutting forward obtrusively, uninhibited by gravity and seemingly weightless -- as if being elevated by some magick force. Sammy found the men’s reaction to the display entertaining, but was otherwise unaffected by the sight.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Gods Jadia!” Tif exclaimed. “If I put my feet together I’d plummet into your cleavage and never find my way out!”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Um ... would you mind not standing there?” asked Jadia.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Tif flittered back to the table as Sammy repositioned herself nearer to Rylen, thumping the bench with her hand, offering Jadia a seat. Jadia cheerfully accepted Sammy’s offer and gracefully took her seat, laying her arms straight down at her sides as her chest rested on the table.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “It’s been a long time, Jadia,” Sammy remarked, smiling warmly as she put an arm around the absurdly buxom girl.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “So, what’s this business about a Fafnir?” Wotsamon asked.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Haven’t any of you ever heard of the Talenburg Fafnir? It was a huge monster that lived in a cave just outside of town. Supposedly, it guarded a secret treasure. The monster’s carcass was dragged out of the hills a few hours ago -- along with the bodies of the apparent slayer and his hunting party. The Talenburg city council is planning to excavate the cave tomorrow to determine if there really is a treasure. It’s supposed to be huge! In fact, when I heard the council was sending a hunting party into the hills to slay the Fafnir, I postponed my expedition to search the catacombs of Necropolis just so I could come here,” Jadia explained.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Any word on your sisters’ whereabouts?” Sammy questioned.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Unexpectedly, the double doors at the tavern’s front entrance were opened, and a mysterious figure walked into the room wearing a black, ankle-length velvet robe with bell-sleeves and a draping hood that fully concealed the figure’s face, carrying a tall, knotted staff. Everyone in the room suddenly hushed as four paladins positioned haphazardly about the bar, each dressed in only partial armor, stood and drew their longswords.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “We don’t want any devil worship around here!” the burly, aging bartender charged.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: The robed figure took a few more steps into the room, reached under the garment’s neckline and pulled out a talisman; a silver pentacle. The paladins sheathed their swords and remained at attention, waiting for the robed figure to reveal itself.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Pulling the shroud-like hood up from over her face and allowing it to slide down the back of her neck, the figure revealed herself to be a beautiful woman with warm features and golden hair. She smiled sweetly at the bartender and proceeded to scan the room.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “I’m so sorry,” the bartender pleaded, “we’ve just had a lot of trouble with warlocks and black mages around here lately. If I had known you were an Aradian priestess...” he began to ramble.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “It’s perfectly alright,” the incomprehensibly gorgeous blonde replied, “I know how confusing it can be for cowans, especially since the priests and priestesses of Mortifer dress themselves in much the same manner as we Witches.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: The beautiful young priestess then held out her arms, as the four paladins quickly made their way to her and took her staff, then removed the ritual garb from her body, folding it neatly. One of the paladins wandered off with her staff, presumably to the tavern’s weapons locker.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Beneath the hooded vestment was a revealing black dress made from two rectangular cuts of fine silk. The two silk squares were pinned together once above each shoulder and then again above each hip by four large, disc-shaped, button-like clasps. The garment was narrow enough that it barely remained fastened by the clasps at her waist; as a result, the dress exhibited great expanses of skin. The dress was also absurdly short, extending down only far enough to cover an inch or so of her long, slender legs. It looked as though the woman had taken two silk handkerchiefs and somehow managed to stretch them enough to pin them together over her torso. Of course, the dress wouldn’t have fit at all if not for her lissome bone structure and minuscule waist, since even now it looked as though it were straining to stay on her voluptuous body; the back of the garment only partially covered her plump, muscular posterior while her bountiful chest threatened to burst through its silk prison in front.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: In addition, the Witch wore a pair of high-healed sandals with black leather straps ascending clear to her knees in a cross-gartered pattern, and a silver pentacle, which dangled mere fractions of an inch above the cleavage made visible by the dresses’ plunging neckline.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: The folks in the pub were plainly taking notice of the unabashed priestess. Although the beguiling young blonde’s substantial breasts weren’t anywhere near the ubiquitous magnitude of Jadia’s, nor was her waist quite as tapered (though every bit as taut), her nonetheless mesmerizing figure was receiving comparable attention as she began to move across the room, extravagantly swinging her robust hips from side to side with each pretentious step she took.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: The Witch continued inspecting the bar, until her eyes finally settled on the corner table, which seated Jadia, Rylen, Sammy, Wotsamon, and Tif. She began walking toward the five friends as her newly acquired paladin sentinels followed closely behind her. As she was walking toward them, a man who’d been sitting near reached out and lifted a corner of her dress, exposing her deliciously copious buttock for all to see.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Show some respect for the clergy!” one of the paladins shouted, seizing the man by the front of his tunic.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Wait! I can handle this myself, thank you,” the priestess commanded, approaching the unrefined man as her paladin guards stepped away.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Have you ever heard of Kha Lo Din?” she asked, bending forward to look the man straight in the eyes. She rested one hand on the table at which he sat, and the other on the arm of his chair.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Of course ... who hasn’t ... everyone knows who the son of Kha Ri Oric is ... Rioric is a living legend ... Lodin was a prodigy…a warrior ... before he was even a paladin...” the uneasy man stammered.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Okay, then listen up,” the magnificent, charming girl said with a smile, “if you don’t have respect for this,” she said, holding her silver pentagram-medallion, “then at least have respect for this,” she continued, pointing to the ruby-studded platinum ring on her finger.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Wha...what’s that?” the man asked.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “It’s an engagement ring, the one Kha Lo Din himself gave me. Gee, do you think he’ll be angry when he hears about this?” she asked, her sparkling brown eyes full of sympathy as she coyly bit her lower lip. “I really wouldn’t want to see anything ‘bad’ happen to you,” the Witch said with a bright, toothy smile.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: The man fell backward out of his chair as the priestess stepped back, scrambled to his feet and made a run for the door as quickly as he could. The golden-haired beauty simply laughed and kept walking confidently toward the corner table.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “That was awfully harsh, Alyssandra,” Sammy scoffed.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “What? Don’t I get a hug?” she replied.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Jadia and Sammy deployed themselves from their seats behind the table and greeted Alyssandra, amiably embracing her. The three girls released one another, and Sammy returned neatly to her place next to Rylen as Jadia motioned for Alyssandra to take her seat.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “How’ve you been Alyssandra?” Wotsamon asked, caringly as ever.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “It’s been a long time...” Rylen added with a reverent nod.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “What the hell happened to you?” inquired Tif, staring at Alyssandra’s new style of (partial) dress.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “What?” said Alyssandra, looking down at her scant apparel. “Oh, I guess I am a little less inhibited than I used to be,” she remarked with a smile as she sat down beside Sammy.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “So, you finally became a priestess,” Rylen commended.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Naturally. I’m not just a follower of the Aradian faith anymore, I’ve gone through the dedication period, the initiation rite, and now I’m part of the clergy! I’m a full-fledged Witch!”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Aren’t priests and priestesses supposed to be naked under their robes?” Wotsamon queried.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Well, Witches are supposed to be skyclad during most rituals, though dedicants are allowed to wear these little black satin loincloths if they wish to preserve their modesty. Once he or she becomes a Witch, though, we’re to participate nude on the Esbats and robed on the Sabbats. The robes are also our formal garbs as well as our only permissible municipal clothing. We’re normally not supposed to wear anything beneath them, but the Priesthood makes an exception for social settings,” Alyssandra clarified.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Alyssandra stopped for a moment.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble on like that,” she said. “Anyway, what were you guys doing?
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Jadia was just about to tell us if she’d heard anything on her sisters recently,” Sammy informed the young Witch, as everyone looked up at Jadia to await her response.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “I haven’t really heard much. There’s the same old rumors that Kyra is in league with blackguards, and of course I haven‘t seen Abby in months,” Jadia explained, her voice timid and irresolute.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Oh, Jadia, I’m so sorry,” Sammy submitted compassionately.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Who’s Abby?” asked Alyssandra.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Abigail is Jadia’s other half-sister,” Wotsamon started; “she’s a half-Drow, like Kyra. In fact, they have the same father. Gail was raised in Faelore with their father while Jadia and Kyra were raised by Isaac and Larissa, so Jadia never met Gail until just under a year ago.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Jadia nodded, “Well you’ve all heard the story of how my mother conceived Kyra when she lived in Faelore with Aramyn, and how she was captured and sold in the Béowyn black market by poachers who mistook her for a Nymph before Kyra was born, and ended up handfasting my father, Isaac, when he bought her and freed her....”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “About a hundred times,” said Wotsamon.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “So, Kyra and I were raised like blood sisters. But what I found out several months ago, and what you don’t know,” Jadia continued, addressing Alyssandra, “is that when I was only almost two years old, far too long ago for me to have remembered, my mother was sent back to Faelore because of the war, because of how much she looked like a Nymph. Kyra and I stayed with our father, while our mother ended up having a brief affair with Aramyn. Mom gave birth to Abby about a year later. When the war ended and she was able to return home, she left Abigail with Aramyn in Faelore so that Isaac wouldn’t find out that she’d had an affair. So I ended up having a nearly two-years-younger sister that I never met, or even knew about, until almost a year ago.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “So, that would make Abby about sixteen years old now, right?” said Alyssandra.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Right,” answered Jadia.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “And your father never knew about her? Your mother never told either of you?” the priestess asked.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Jadia shook her head, “No, I never would’ve known if I hadn’t run into Abby in Candleton a few months ago.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “How did you know she was your sister then?” asked Alyssandra, as Rylen and Wotsamon raised their eyebrows.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Well,” said Jadia, “she and I do look exactly alike, I mean, I have my father’s red hair and green eyes, and she has her father’s pointed ears, but otherwise we look exactly like our mother did at our age. Well, not exactly, since Abby doesn’t have any freckles and her hair is fairly dark on account of her dad’s black Drow hair, but other than that...” explained Jadia, looking down at her body and gesturing her hands up and down her sides, calling attention to her unusually curvaceous physique, “we’re identical down to every last little curve.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Speaking of your father, have you heard from Isaac recently?” asked Wotsamon.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “No, still no word,” Jadia frowned.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “What? Your father went somewhere? The last time I saw any of you was right after Larissa died a little more than a year ago, what happened?” Alyssandra questioned.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Isaac took off,” Tif stated bluntly.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “It was a week or so after my mother died,” said Jadia, “he just disappeared one day, and never came back. Anyway, I’d really rather not talk about this anymore.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to -- ”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “It’s okay,” Jadia interrupted, “you couldn’t have known.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Alyssandra grimaced slightly, “so, where’s that fiancé of mine?”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Pardon?” enquired Sammy. “Is Lodin supposed to be here?”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Yes, after his mission to Faelore, his squadron was supposed to come here, to Talenburg ... to the Talenburg Inn actually. He should be here already. The paladins were sent into Faelore to locate the city of Necropolis more than six weeks ago.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Well Necropolis can be a fairly elusive city. Even those who’ve made the trip several times before have difficulty finding it. Perhaps they were lost?” offered Jadia.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “They’re probably all dead,” came a voice from the booth behind Rylen and Wotsamon; Jadia’s head turned sharply in the direction of the voice, Sammy and Alyssandra lifted their heads, and Tif flittered into the air for a better view of the booth’s occupants, as Rylen and Wotsamon turned around to look.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Sitting in the adjoining booth were two men dressed in tattered brown mantles. The two men pulled their hoods down simultaneously and turned to greet their associates. One of the men was a somewhat elderly yet distinguished looking Human with long silver hair and a short, well-groomed beard. The other was an Elven man with short, frost-white hair and a matching goatee.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Jadia stepped over to the two men with an air of mourn about her face and took a seat beside the illustrious, venerable patriarch as the others minded intently. The silver-haired veteran lowered his head forlornly, clenching his eyes tightly as the staggeringly erogenous redhead laid her tender arm around his shoulders.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “What do you mean Rioric? What’s wrong?” asked Jadia; comforting Rioric with the soothing tranquility of her melodious voice as the words wisped delicately from her full, gentle lips.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “They were supposed to have returned from Necropolis by now. They must’ve been exterminated by the blackguards,” said Rioric, staring hazily at Jadia’s pouting lips.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Sammy turned to see Alyssandra’s eyes welling with tears, placing an arm around the young priestess in much the same way that Jadia had been comforting Rioric. Alyssandra collapsed into Sammy’s arms, weeping incessantly as Rylen and Wotsamon frowned in sympathy.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Tif flittered her wings and began buzzing about the table, “Maybe Jadia’s right! I say we go into Faelore and make our way toward Necropia. We might just find Lodin and the other paladins!”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: The snowy-haired Elf raised an eyebrow in attention to the Pixie’s remark, as everyone save Rioric turned to look at the ancient Elven man.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Well,” said the aging Elf, “it would be dangerous, since we’d have to travel for nearly three weeks through the forests of Faelore, and Faelore isn’t exactly the safest place for Humans, Ogres, Common Elves or Wood Elves since it was taken over by the Unseelie Court. Not to mention that the Valley of Necropia is on the Urukane border of Faelore. If just crossing through that area is enough to keep the Orcs from attacking Faelore, then I’d hate to imagine what would be awaiting us in Necropolis itself, but I suppose if there‘s a chance that Lodin is alright, it’s worth the time and the risk.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Rioric nodded in agreement. The room seemed a little brighter now, as a sensation of hope began to invade the hearts of Wotsamon, Sammy, Rylen, Toren, Jadia, Rioric, Tif, Jadia, and especially Alyssandra.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Alyssandra lifted her head from Sammy’s shoulder, her eyes bright and full of hope as she slid out of the booth and stood to her feet, “I’m going. Who’s with me?” she charged, wiping the tears from her eyes.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “If you’re going, I’m going,” answered Wotsamon.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Of course I’ll join you,” added Sammy with a smile.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Ai’ nat’ ten’ vanima Amandil en Tel’kurunidur,” or ‘anything for a beautiful priestess of the Witch faith,’ said Toren, eliciting a temporary smile from Alyssandra, who knew just enough Elvish to understand what Toren was saying.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Count me in, I was going to Necropolis anyway,” smiled Jadia, squeezing Rioric’s shoulders slightly.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Let’s go find my son then,” Rioric spoke up.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Yay!” Tif beamed, “we’re going to Necropolis!”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: No one said anything more for several moments, and I wasn’t long before the entire group turned their attention to Rylen.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “I guess I’m in too,” said the half-Elf, smirking awkwardly, “can’t exactly let you guys go out and get yourselves killed without me.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Alyssandra thought for a moment, “We’ll stay here for tonight, and leave first thing in the morning. Does everyone have a room?”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Rylen and I are sharing a room, unless he wants to bunk with his daddy tonight,” Sammy teased, watching Rylen’s face turn multiple shades of red.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “That’s quite alright,” Toren responded with a whimsical grimace and a slight chuckle. “Rioric and I’ll split a room.”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Maybe I should join you,” Jadia quipped.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Actually, Jadia, I think it would be more proper if you stayed with Alyssandra tonight. In case you‘ve forgotten, Toren and I both have wives,” said Rioric.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “And I’ll stay with Rylen and Sammy!” exclaimed Tif.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Hey no -- no way Tif!” Rylen instructed the little Pixie in his firmest voice.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Oh, I see,” replied Tif. The Pixie then began to sing, “Riley and Llara, sitting in a tree, F-U-C-”
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “Tif!” Sammy snapped, interrupting the pixie mid-song as Tif fluttered back down and landed softly on the table.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: Rylen couldn’t help but laugh slightly, and neither could Alyssandra. Wotsamon chortled reservedly. Jadia giggled kittenishly and Rioric and Toren just smiled as Tif took her bows upon the tabletop.
Thieves §αI¶I. [To be finished]
Translation: “So, shall we rendezvous back here at sunrise?” asked Toren.
Versions |
Version 1
Version 2 Version 3 |
The Descent of the Dryad |
⚑ Επυλλιον Αλφα: Antegesis
Επυλλιον Βητα: Imegesis Επυλλιον Γαμμα: Diegesis Επυλλιον Δηλτα: Exegesis |
⚑ = You Are Here. |
The Sovereignty Cycle |
⚑ The Descent of the Drayad
The Phantasmata The Book of Rowans Chaos & Virtue |
⚑ = You Are Here. |
The Palæoboreanica |
The Geneticon
⚑ The Sovereignty Cycle |
⚑ = You Are Here. |
Ancient Borea |
The Borean World
⚑ The Palæoboreanica Languages People & Races Monsters |
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Red the Blue Devil The Nocturnals The Spacebunnies Metazoids Solar Civil War |
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