D. J. Scott D. J. Scott
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Proto-Borean C-Type Roots

III.a. Root Construction


III.a-1.) Consonantal (C-Type) Roots

The simplest roots are those made up of a single morphoneme. Most often this is a consonantal monograph or digraph, although consonant clusters are lexically more numerous (though when consonant clusters are used as roots, the nucleic morphoneme is considered able to be broken down into smaller morphonemes; these consonant clusters may thus be thought of as “semi-archmorphemes”).

III.a-1A.) Uniconsonantal (C1-Type) Roots

Uniconsonantal roots are made up of a single consonantal monograph or digraph. Examples include *m-, a reflexive morphoneme with the morphonetic meaning, “ ”, in the first-person pronoun mille, and *n-, a pseudo-demonstrative or -articular morphoneme with the morphonetic meaning, “to be” [generally distal, definite, or unequivocal, as opposed to *l-, which is typically proximal, indefinite, or remotive], in the third-person pronoun nille or the [pro-]verb nelene-.

III.a-1B.) Biconsonantal (C2-Type) Roots


III.a-1C.) Triconsonantal C3-Type) Roots


III.a-1D.) Quadruconsonantal (C4-Type) Roots


III.a-2.) Syllabic (S-Type) Roots


III.a-2A.) Monosyllabic (S1-Type) Roots

Monosyllabic roots. Examples include *mpad-, in the nouns mpaderillu, “brother”, mpadurellu, “father”, mpadurella, “mother”, mpadorellu, “begetter, sire”, mpadorella, “matrix”, et cetera, the verb mpaderene-, “to parent”, or the adjective mpaduralini-, “parental”, *mpad-’s relative, *mpodh-, in the nouns Mpodherillu, “Father (God)”, and Mpodherilla, “Mother (Goddess)”, and *rid-, in the phrase ninna ridutaenemillu, “I recently exiled her”.

III.a-2B.) Disyllabic (S2-Type) Roots


III.a-2C.) Trisyllabic (S3-Type) Roots


III.a-2D.) Tetrasyllabic (S4-Type) Roots


III.a-2E.) Pentasyllabic (S5-Type) Roots


III.a-3.) Consonantal Versus Syllabic Roots

Monosyllabic roots, containing at least three morphonemes each, could be root-inflected by ablaut (changing the monophthong or diphthong that sat fixed between the root’s consonants or consonant clusters). Later, these inflected forms became derivations, not unlike the process that rendered the frequentative aspectual inflection of “drip”, dribble, or “chat”, chatter, a derivational rather than inflectional form in the history of the English language.

III.a-3.) Polytypical (P-Type) Roots


III.a-4.) Root Variations


III.b. Variational Paradigms

Those who spoke the earliest attested forms of the Proto-Borean tongue, and probably those who spoke some of the later pre-attested forms, considered the substitution of any morphoneme, even the nucleic morphoneme or semi-archmorpheme of a monoconsonantal root, to be but a mere derivation of whatever lexeme said morphoneme was contained in. Educated speakers of the earliest attested forms of the language almost unanimously considered the language’s lexicon in its entirety to be simply a massive derivational paradigm of a single word, in the same way that many thousands of word forms in a polysynthetic language are considered part of the inflectional paradigm.

III.b-1.) Root Variations


III.b-1A.) Parenthetical Suppletion: Onset & Coda


III.b-1B.) Nuclear Suppletion


III.b-1C.) Primary Root Derivation: Class

The verb class system of the Proto-Borean language is a system of derivation by which the root’s nucleus is altered to create a new word. This system itself derived from a form of voice inflection present in earlier forms of the language.

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Passive class —
<anerenemille> / anɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I become”
Intransitive class —
<enerenemille> / ɛnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I am”
Descriptive class —
<inerenemille> / ɪnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I match”
Transitive class —
<unerenemille> / ʊnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I influence”
Causative class —
<onerenemille> / ɔnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I create”

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Passive class —
<aderenemille> / adɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I complete”
Intransitive class —
<ederenemille> / ɛdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I do”
Descriptive class —
<iderenemille> / ɪdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I simulate”
Transitive class —
<uderenemille> / ʊdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I direct”
Causative class —
<oderenemille> / ɔdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I cause”

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Passive class —
<aterenemille> / atɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I rest”
Intransitive class —
<eterenemille> / ɛtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I finish”
Descriptive class —
<iterenemille> / ɪtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I end”
Transitive class —
<uterenemille> / ʊtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I guide”
Causative class —
<oterenemille> / ɔtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I motivate”

In the example below, the consonantal root *r-d- has the morphonetic meaning of r, “to come into”, “to become”, or “to move toward” in relationship to the following morphoneme, d, which signifies the primordial abyss of infinite wisdom that was believed to be the initial source of all existence and potentiality [and was therefore the container of all knowledge, whether actual, theoretical, or hypothetical] (cf. the “abyss” of occult philosophy; the Akasha of Eastern mysticism), and takes on various derivative, related meanings, such as “a beginning or primordial state”, “a wild, feral, untamed, chaotic, or natural state”, “a state of pre-formation”, “a state of increased wisdom and understanding”, or, simply, “darkness” or “abyss”. The intransitive basal form, *red-, via semantic shift, developed the meaning of “to return to the source or initial state; to tap into the primordial abyss of infinite knowledge”, hence, “to become feral or wild; to be wild, deviant, or radical; to egregate” and “to learn; to gain wisdom and understanding; to evolve”. The descriptive form, *rid-, took the meaning of “to be going toward the darkness or initial, wild, or feral state; to be going toward the spiritual source”; hence, “to travel through the wild; to seek wisdom or enlightenment; to wander, travel, or pilgrim; to be away from society”. The transitive form, *rud-, gained the meaning of “to put out toward the darkness; to cause to go outward into the [surrounding] dark and/or cold; to return to an initial state of unbeing”, hence, “to make pervade the darkness or cold; to return to ashes”, and therefore, “to set aflame or alight; to fire or burn; to heat or cook; to redden [or ‘to blacken [with heat or flame]’, which brings us back to the concept of returning to darkness]”. The passive form, *rad-, acquired the meaning of “to be put out toward or into the primordial darkness, cold, or chaos; to have tapped into the abyss of infinite knowledge”; variously interpreted as, “to be caused to pervade the [surrounding] darkness”, “to have been placed away in the wild; apart from the group or society”, or “to have found [possibly innate] knowledge”; hence, “to shine; to be bright [with the metaphorical meaning, ‘to be intelligent’] or radiating [with the metaphorical meaning, ‘to be splendorous or beautiful’]; to stand out or apart [also with the metaphorical meaning of being unusually intelligent and/or beautiful]; to be radical [with connotations of both radical intellect or cunning and radical beauty]; to be radiant, splendorous, or beautiful; to be radically clever or knowledgeable; to be wild, or to be wildly brilliant or radiant [whether referring to intelligence, literal ‘brightness’, or beauty]; et cetera”. Finally, the causative form, *rod-, developed the meaning of “to cause to become unformed”, hence, “to erode away or gnaw at; to fight; to assay to disperse”.

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Passive class —
raderenemille / ɹadɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitive class —
rederenemille / ɹɛdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptive class —
riderenemille / ɹɪdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim”
Transitive class —
ruderenemille / ɹʊdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I heat; I redden [or blacken]”
Causative class —
roderenemille / ɹɔdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

III.b-1D.) Secondary Root Derivation: Intensity

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Moderative —
aderenemille / adɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I complete”
Approximative —
aaderenemille / a:dɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I nearly complete; I attempt”
Frequentative —
aederenemille / ædɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I dabble”
Attenuative —
aiderenemille / aɪdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I hone; I practice”
Intensive —
auderenemille / aʊdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I over-do/over-achieve”
Evolutive —
aoderenemille / æʊdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I go from attempting to over-achieving; I get better”

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Moderative —
aterenemille / atɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I rest”
Approximative —
aaterenemille / a:tɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I pause”
Frequentative —
aeterenemille / ætɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I procrastinate”
Attenuative —
aiterenemille / aɪtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I delay; I stall”
Intensive —
auterenemille / aʊtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I sleep”
Evolutive —
aoterenemille / æʊtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I go from taking a break to sleeping”

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Moderative —
iterenemille / ɪtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I end; I destroy/ruin; I complete”
Approximative —
iaterenemille / ɪatɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I impede/wound/injure/discourage; I slow; I assay (to end)”
Frequentative —
ieterenemille / ɪnɛtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I make headway”
Attenuative —
iiterenemille / ɪ:tɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I complete (a small step in a larger series of tasks)”
Intensive —
iuterenemille / ɪʊtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I overcome; I annihilate”
Evolutive —
ioterenemille / ɪʊtɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “I go from trying to overcoming; I go from impeding/discouraging to destroying/annihilating”

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Moderative —
raderenenille / ɹadɛɾɛnɛnɪlle / — “It shines; It radiates”
Approximative —
raaderenenille / ɹa:dɛɾɛnɛnɪlle / — “It nearly shines; It glows”
Frequentative —
raederenenille / ɹædɛɾɛnɛnɪlle / — “It sparkles; It shimmers; It glitters”
Attenuative —
raiderenenille / ɹaɪdɛɾɛnɛnɪlle / — “It glimmers; It sparks”
Intensive —
rauderenenille / ɹaʊdɛɾɛnɛnɪlle / — “It glares; It burn/rages”
Evolutive —
raoderenenille / ɹæʊdɛɾɛnɛnɪlle / — “It grows brighter and brighter; It lightens”

III.b-1E.) Primary & Secondary Root Derivation in Nouns

When used in the form of a noun, the primary and secondary nuclear derivations take on other, similar meanings:

Passive-Moderative —
radille / ɹadɪlle / — “That which shines/radiates; light”
Passive-Approximative —
raadille / ɹa:dɪlle / —
Passive-Frequentative —
raedille / ɹædɪlle / —
Passive-Attenuative —
raidille / ɹaɪdɪlle / —
Passive-Intensive —
raudille / ɹaʊdɪlle / —
Passive-Evolutive —
raodille — / ɹæʊdɪlle / —
Intransitive-Moderative —
redille / ɹɛdɪlle / —
Intransitive-Approximative —
readille / ɹɛadɪlle / —
Intransitive-Frequentative —
reedille / ɹɛ:dɪlle / —
Intransitive-Attenuative —
reidille / ɹɛɪdɪlle / —
Intransitive-Intensive —
reudille / ɹɛʊdɪlle / —
Intransitive-Evolutive —
reodille / ɹeʊdɪlle / —
Descriptive-Moderative —
ridille / ɹɪdɪlle / — “That which is away from the source: an outsider”
Descriptive-Approximative —
riadille / ɹɪadɪlle / — “That which moves around [such as in circles] or is elusive”
Descriptive-Frequentative —
riedille / ɹɪɛdɪlle / — “That which moves around [such as in circles]; that which is squirmy”
Descriptive-Attenuative —
riidille / ɹɪdɪlle / —
Descriptive-Intensive —
riudille / ɹɪʊdɪlle / —
Descriptive-Evolutive —
riodille / ɹiʊdɪlle / —
Transitive-Moderative —
rudille / ɹʊdɪlle / — “That which is red or hot”
Transitive-Approximative —
ruadille / ɹʊadɪlle / — “That which is warm or tepid”
Transitive-Frequentative —
ruedille / ɹʊɛdɪlle / —
Transitive-Attenuative —
ruidille / ɹʊɪdɪlle / —
Transitive-Intensive —
ruudille / ɹʊ:dɪlle / —
Transitive-Evolutive —
ruodille / ɹuʊdɪlle / —
Causative-Moderative —
rodille / ɹɔdɪlle / — “That which gnaws away at or eats at; that which is biting or corrosive”
Causative-Approximative —
roadille / ɹɔadɪlle / —
Causative-Frequentative —
rœdille / ɹɔɛddɪlle / — “That which gnaws or nibbles; a rodent” (rœdelle = “nibbler”)
Causative-Attenuative —
roidille / ɹɔɪdɪlle / —
Causative-Intensive —
roudille / ɹɔʊdɪlle / —
Causative-Evolutive —
roodille / ɹoʊdɪlle / —

III.b-2.) Primary Lexical Derivations

Verbal —
raderene- / ɹadɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / — “Shine; radiate”
Nominal —
radille / ɹadɪlle / — “That which shines/radiates; light”

III.c. Particular Conjunctions


III.d. Adverbial Subordinates


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