Dustin Jon Scott Metazoids
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Copyright © 1999-2020 C.E. by Dustin Jon Scott


A Doylean “Lost World” setting for an intended audience that enjoyed programs like Pokémon and Digimon. The setting is populated by creatures who resemble animals, fungi, and plants, but actually represent a 4th, ?lost? kingdom of multicellular living things who show evidence of genomic infiltration by extraterrestrials.

[MB1] Acid Wasp

MB1: Acid Wasp

[MB1.1] Acidworm — sprays acid at threats for defense as well as at prey in order to "pre-digest" its food.

[MB1.2] Acidpod — produces a highly corrosive acid that makes it nearly impossible to attack.

[MB1.3] Acidwasp — sprays acid at threats for defense as well as at prey in order to "pre-digest" its food.

[MB2] Nighthunter


[MB2.1] Nightlarva — uses infra-red vision to seek out warm bodies to burrow into.

[MB2.2] Nightpupa — after having devoured enough of its host, the nightlarva creates a mucusy cocoon and grows inside the corpse. Still capable of sensing infra-red, it is capable of puppeting the host to warmer areas or away from threats.

[MB2.3] Nighthunter — these creatures use infra-red vision to hunt at night and/or underground, and are even capable of flight assisted by an explosive reaction of chemicals sprayed from the nighthunter's abdomen.


[MB2.4] Queenhunter

[MB3] Sedator


[MB3.1] Sedegg — highly prized by the Yelei for their narcotic properties, these eggs are often guarded by sedworms and sedators.

[MB3.2] Sedworm — these larvae spray a highly narcotic sedative both for protection and to incapacitate prey.

[MB3.3] Sedator — these predators spray a highly narcotic sedative both for protection and to incapacitate prey.

[MB4] Wicket

These creature incapacitate their prey using electric shock.


[MB4.1] Wicket Wirm — uses powerful electric shocks to deter predators and incapacitate prey.

[MB4.2] Wicket Wasp — these flightless wasps stalk about looking for prey, which they subdue using powerful electrical discharges.

[MB5] Unnamed



[MB6] Megabug


[MB6.1] Megeggs — have functional eyes and can cry out for their parents when in danger.

[MB6.2] Megagrub

[MB6.3] Megaworker


[MB6.4] Megasoldier


[MB6.4f] Megaqueen

[MB7] Crematoryx


[MB7.1] Pyregg — can protect itself against threats by excreting chemicals that ignite with one another upon contact in the air.

[MB7.2] Pyropillar

[MB7.3] Crematoryx — can expel torrents of fire at potential threats or at prey.

[MB8] Berdle

These metabugs mimick the appearance of flying metasaurs.


[MB8.1] eggle

[MB8.2] Wermle — invades the nests of flying metasaurs and burrows into the eggs to take their place.

[MB8.2] Werble

[MB8.2] Berdle

[MB9] Cramb

These scavangers can be found on beaches and riverbanks all over the island.


[MB9.1] Crambacle — swims the water preying on whatever it can get its greedy little claws around.

[MB9.2] Crambster — wanders the beaches looking for food to scavange, and occasionally wanders further inland.

[MB9.3] Cramb King — is a fully-mature crambster that protects groups of crambsters, and is capable of breeding with them to produce more crambacles.

[MB10] Spikenail


[MB10.1] Snike — parasites that feed on a variety of other metazoids. Can be found in nearly any environment.

[MB10.2] Spikail

[MB10.3] Spikenail — launches snikes out of its shell.

[MB11] Unnamed



[MB12] Glorm


[MB12.1] Glee — a glee is a young glorm that is not yet a glibble. It is the larval stage of the glorm life cycle. These are an important food source for numerous aquatic species, and are sometimes fished by Yelei tribeswomen.

[MB12.2] Glibble — glibbles are glees that have matured enough to walk on land. They live among glorms and are cared for as children. They are even more highly prized for their meat than the adult glorms are.

[MB12.3] Glorm — glorms are fully-grown glibbles. They build communities on the reefs surrounding the island, as well as on beaches and river banks. They are highly prized for their meat by numerous species, including megabugs and Yelei tribeswomen.

[MB13] Unnamed



[MB14] Yarb


[MB14.1] Yarbacle — a parasitic organism that clings onto their surfaces like a barnacle.

[MB14.2] Yarble — a larger yarbacle that can control the organism it's attached to like a puppet.

[MB14.3] Yarblet — free-living organism, no longer dependent on a host. Can defend itself by producing plumes of neurotoxins that can cause a range of desired effects; it can cause intense fear to ward off predators, or it can cause a target to feel extreme affection for it and thence care for it.

[MB14.4] Yarb — can chemically manipulate targets even more adroitly than a yarblet, and can use its tentacles to neurologically interface with other organisms and control them like puppets.

The Metazoids
[MB] Metabugs
[MF] Metafish
[MS] Metasaurs
[MT] Metatheres
[MV] Metavegs
[X] Unclassified
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I’m currently trying to rebuild my life after having suffered some devastating losses in my battles against public corruption in Pacific County, Washington and Lewis County, Washington. I lost a great deal of my artwork and writing during those battles, among other possessions, and was forced into homelessness by the corrupt authorities in those counties on more than one occasion. If you support the arts and sciences and disdain public corruption, please consider donating to me via PayPal or supporting me on Patreon. All donations will go toward funding my school career and giving me more time to create content.