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The Mission

12th Month, 9th Night, VII 4632

Copyright © 2002-2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
[Last Update: Decemberrd, 2017]

Necropolitan §αI¶I. Night fell on Bay City as Lodin entered the rectory.

Necropolitan §αI¶II. “I hope you don’t have any plans for New Year’s.” said Feren.

Necropolitan §αI¶III. “I’m supposed to meet my wife in Talenberg,

Necropolitan §αI¶IV. “We’ve a mission for you. You’ll leave in the late morrow.’

Necropolitan §αI¶V. “Impossible.” replied Lodin. ”My my wife and sister-in-law are participating in the ritual. And it takes three weeks to get there from here on foot.“

Necropolitan §αI¶VI. “We need you to go to Necropolis,” said Feren.

Necropolitan §αI¶VII. “Grimport is two and a half weeks in the wrong direction,” replied Lodin, “and I don’t even know how much further Necropolis lays after that.

Necropolitan §αI¶VIII. “Come here,” said Feren, ere pulling a map out and unrolling it on the table. “Ships have been seen sailing toward the island of Necrinth from the North.

Necropolitan §αI¶IX. “The Ward’s Palace in Beowynland sent a ship to investigate, along with two ships from Chillport. Upon arrival in Dragonbay they were to travel west through Sauria Minor, over the mountains into the Necrinthian valley. Then the main Ward’s Palace in Holinesse sent two more ships from Harborport. They were supposed to sail to the east coast of the island, where the Ritaro and Takuro rivers meet the sea, travel up the Takuro of the rivers, to do some reconnaisance about the Necrojan plain, and then go further up the Takuro river to the ruins of Necroy, which is where the Vithako and Voriko rivers meet and become the Takuro. The ships never returned. Which means the Mortifereans have taken the Necrojan plain, and that means they’s taken the Necopolis.

Necropolitan §αI¶X. The Necrojan Plain lies to the south of Mount Karumbuyo.

Distances for Author’s Use

The Necrojan Plain (probably the Plain of Catania) lies to the south of Mount Karumbuyo (lit. “Mount Explosion”; probably Mt. Etna)

Athens, Greece to Croatia on foot is 282 hrs total; 1350 km; 825 miles (55 days @ 15 miles per day; 33 days @ 20 miles per day)

Six weeks from southern Holinesse to Talenberg, Anarchy
Seven weeks if taking a day's rest every 7 days
50 days (7.14 weeks) if taking a day's rest every 5 days
Say 2 months or 8 weeks

Venice to Rome is ~100 hours; about 485 km or 300 miles (20 days @ 15 miles per day; 15 days @ 20 miles per day).

Rome to Taranto is ~105 hours; about 500 km or 310 miles (21 days @ 15 miles per day; 15.5 days @ 20 miles per day).

Venice to Taranto is 160 hours; about 800 km or 500 miles (33 days @ 15 miles per day; 25 days @ 20 miles per day).
If stop to rest ever 5 days = 30 days @ 20 miles per day

Three weeks from Talenburg, Anarchy to Bay City

One week from Capitolberg(?) to Bay City???

Taranto to Reggio Calabria is ~90 hours; about 430 km or 270 miles (18 days @ 15 miles per day; 13.5 days @ 20 miles per day).

Three weeks from Bay City to Grimport to Necropolis.

Two and a half weeks from Bay City to Grimport

Messina > Santa Luca del Mela (8.5 hrs total; 40 km; 25 miles)
> Stretto II Maloto (3 hrs total; 15 km; 9 miles)
>Bafia (2.5 hrs total; 10 km; 6 miles)
>Randazzo (11.5 hrs total; 55 km; 35 miles)
>Maletto (3 hrs total; 15 km; 9 miles)
> Catania (12 hrs total; 55 km; 35 miles)
Total = 120 miles (8 days @ 15 miles per day; 6 days @ 20 miles per day)

Short way: Messina to Catania is 20 hrs total and ~100 km or 60 miles (4 days @ 15 miles per day; 3 days @ 20 miles per day)

A half a week from Grimport (Messina area) to Necropolis

Necropolis by 13th month, 29th day,

Necropolitan §αI
I Sovereignty §αI

§αI: “Serenity’s Sorrow”
§αII: “Nepenthean Eve”
§αIII: “Embrocation”
§αIV: “Enchantment”
§αV: “Raven, Heroness, and Crow”
§αVI: “Of The Fairish Courts”
§αVII: “Tombestry”
§αVIII: “The Hallowkells”
§αIX: “Treacle and Tonic”
§αX: “Fearfullest Bliss”
§αXI: “Faith Besought”
§αXII: “Departing Paradise”
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