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Ogrish Languages

Copyright © 2004-2022 C.E. by D. Jon Scott


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Áad-íod-óadad (or Áad-úod-íóadad)
Ogren Proto-Agrarian-Montane (early Proto-Ogrish dialect???)
Closed, afformative, suffixing, OVS

Transliteration: oqet-uqepap-oqat-aqotik iqat-oqiqat-iqet eqat-oqaqot-oqaqokikat iqat-iqik-uqepap-oqatat

Transliteration: oqed-uqebab-oqad-aqodig iqad-oqiqad-iqed eqad-oqaqod-oqaqogigad iqad-iqig-uqebab-oqadad

Pronunciation: // o.ĕt / u.ĕp.ăb / o.ăd / a.ŏd.ĭk // i.ăd / o.i.ăd / i.ĕt // e.ăd / o.a.ŏd / o.a.ŏg.ĭk.ăd // i.ăg / i.ĭk / u.ĕp.ăb / o.ăɾ.ăɾ //

Transcription: óet-úepab-óad-áodik ían-óían-íed éad-óáod-óáogikad íag-íik-úepab-óadad

Gloss: Cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Áad-íod-óadad (or Áad-úod-íóadad)
Ogren Proto-Montane-Nomadic (early Proto-Ogrish dialect???)
Closed, afformative, suffixing, OVS

Transliteration: oqet-uqepap-oqat-aqotik iqat-oqiqat-iqet eqat-oqaqot-oqaqokikat iqat-iqik-uqepap-oqatat

Transliteration: oqed-uqebab-oqad-aqodig iqad-oqiqad-iqed eqad-oqaqod-oqaqogigad iqad-iqig-uqebab-oqadad

Pronunciation: // o.ĕd / u.ĕb.ăm / o.ăn / a.ŏr.ĭk // i.ăn / o.i.ăn / i.ĕd // e.ăn / o.a.ŏn / o.a.ŏy.ĭk.ăn // i.ăŋ / i.ĭk / u.ĕb.ăm / o.ăɾ.ăɾ //

Transcription: óet-úepab-óad-áodik ían-óían-íed éad-óáod-óáogikad íag-íik-úepab-óadad

Gloss: Cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

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