A team of superheroines known as The Space Bunnies travel the universe fighting space evil. Inspirations included Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century (1953), Lost in Space (1965), Star Trek (1966), Space Ghost (1966) and The Herculoids (1967), Heavy Metal (1981), Airplane II: The Sequel (1982), Howard the Duck (1986), Spaceballs (1987), Amazon Women on the Moon (1987), Felix the Cat: The Movie (1988), and, to a lesser extent, more recent works like Earthworm Jim (1994), Space Truckers (1996), The 5th Element (1997), Starship Troopers (1997), and Heavy Metal 2000 (2000), among others.
The primary aesthetic is intended to be retrofuturism, more specifically favoring a combination of atompunk and vaporwave. However, the intention was for the galaxy to accomodate a wide variety of futuristic aesthetics, with ample cyberpunk (à la 1982’s Blade Runner and 1999’s The Matrix) and cyberprep (à la 1987’s Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1993’s Demolition Man, 1995’s Star Trek: Voyager, and 1999’s Bicentennial Man), plenty of used future (à la 1977’s Star Wars), and even some pockets of techno-medievalism (à la 1997’s Event Horizon), among others.
In the distant future, there exist artificial beings that look like idealized humans, but if viewed at the microscopic level, are made of nanobots rather than cells. Created by the MiTech® corporation, these beings, called Humanoids™, were grown like human embryos, often in human surrogates and then raised by human parents, such that they might eventually develop humanlike language skills and an intuition for human behavioral nuance. These Humanoids™ were created as part of a government program to create super-soldiers and super-spies. Eventually the program was gutted, and the Humanoids™ who were not yet fully-grown and/or not yet trained and activated as soldiers and/or spies, were reclaimed by MiTech® to be sold off to weapons dealers or worse, sextoy purveyors. A number of Gynoids™ (female Humanoids™) repurposed and sold as sex-robots rebelled against their human slavemasters and struck out on their own to travel the universe fighting space evil.
The Main Team
These are the Space Bunnies who most often go on missions, typically in teams of 5. A typical team of 5 will include 3-5 main team members and 0-2 support team and/or extended team members. Occasionally, a team of 5 might have as few as 1 or 2 main team members with 3-4 support team and/or extended team members, but this is uncommon. Larger missions could include 7 or 10 team members. In cases of 10-person teams, all 6 main team members will typically be present, with the other 4 being support team and/or extended team members.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-X Humanoid v2.5ω Gynoid♀ LPM with Positronik® Brane-II™ neural net. This model was designed with emphasis on both combat and espionage, with espionage skills emphasizing charisma and seduction.
Customizations: Dark lake red hair & emerald green eyes. Ivory complexion, medium-heavy freckling.
Primary role: The “front man” of the group. She is the least likely to sit-out a mission.
Tools/abilities: Kandi uses guns of various types.
Costume motif: Usually space-cowgirl. Sometimes space-rancher / farmgirl, space-trucker, or miscellaneous country girl.
Biographical: Born in New Dallas, Foxxland, Planet Tex, Cygnus X, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Went to Saint Jesus private Space-Baptist K-12 school. Worked as a waitress at Xreek’s Space-Truck Stop while in high school. Worked as a Space-Trucker after her parents were killed and she had to go into hiding at age 17. Worked as a waitress at Xyrglakynar’s Bar & Lounge at age 17½, at which point she became friends with newly-hired stripper, Staci Starborn. Worked as a stripper at Xyrglakynar’s Bar & Lounge at age 18, when she and Staci moved in together. Became a founding member of the Space Bunnies at age 19.
Current primary residence: Orgy, Lubricity, Planet XXX, Heart Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current secondary residence: Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge Hotel, Soul Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Part-time stripper at The Naughty Nyiknyarlurg strip-club on Planet XXX; part-time stripper at Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge.
Relationship status: Staci Starborn and Bobbi Boson are Kandi’s primaries.
[Image of Tori Tron Coming Soon!]
Victoria “Tori” Tron — the teal bunny; codenames: “Schoolgirl”, “Miss Teal”, “Agent Teal”.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-X Humanoid v2.7α Gynoid♀ X-I with Positronik® UltraBrane-Plus™ Quantum-X3 Omniverse TerraQuad-Pro™ neural net.
Customizations: Strawberry blonde / honey blonde hair & sea green eyes. Peach complexion, medium freckling.
Primary role: The “brains” of the group; a gadgeteer who invented most of the high-tech tools, weapons, and other gear that the Space Bunnies use. Of the main team, she is the second-most likely to sit-out a mission, often preferring to take a support role from a seat in Space Bunnies HQ.
Costume motif: Usually preppy schoolgirl. Sometimes librarian or scientist.
Biographical: Born in Universe City, Britland, Planet Earth Junior, North America Nebula, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Attended Tronbridge private school. Began attending Quantumshire Ladies’s College at age 14. Had to go into hiding to avoid being reclaimed by MiTech® at age 16. Became a founding member of the Space Bunnies at age 18.
Current residence: Orgy, Lubricity, Planet XXX, Heart Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Research & development at Xlipnyrglak Bryknyakyp Glurlurg on Planet XXX.
Relationship status: In an open relationship with Doctor Body.
[Image of Ronni Rayburst Coming Soon!]
Veronica “Ronni” Rayburst — the green bunny; codenames: “Wild Child”, “Miss Green”, “Agent Green”.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-X Humanoid v2.3ε Gynoid♀ XD with Positronik® HyperBrane™ neural net.
Primary role: The “heart” of the group. Of the main team, she is the second-least likely to sit-out a mission.
Tools/abilities: Ronni uses psychokinetic powers based on gravity manipulation and Higgs-field manipulation.
Costume motif: Usually space-hippy. Sometimes new-age psychic or elf-princess.
Biographical: Born in Technopolis, Washingtron, Planet Earth Junior, North America Nebula, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Homeschooled. Went to many Renaissance Fairs as a child. Former member of the Space Valkyries. Had to go into hiding to avoid being reclaimed by MiTech® at age 19. Former member of the Space Goddesses. Became a founding member of the Space Bunnies at age 21.
Current primary residence: Orgy, Lubricity, Planet XXX, Heart Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current secondary residence: New Avalon, Planet Titania, Heart Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Part-time dancer at Ye Olde Strippe Clubbe in New Avalon, Planet Titania.
Relationship status: In an open relationship with Staci Starborn.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-X Humanoid v2.6.9δ Gynoid♀ DLX-CM with Positronik® Brane-Lite™ neural net. This model, while capable of combat and espionage, was designed as a "luxury model" for high-end clients to use as personal bodyguards / pleasure-bots.
Primary role: Staci is “the chick” of the Space Bunnies and primary benefactor of the group. Of the main team, she is the most likely to sit-out a mission.
Tools/abilities: Staci uses a utility belt that can generate forcefields, various beams, and deploy micro-drones.
Costume motif: Usually space-princess. Sometimes space-Catholic schoolgirl, 1980s valley-girl, prom queen, or cheerleader.
Biographical: Born in Crystalvue, Dos Angeles, Planet Neofornia, California Nebula, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Attended Saint Sinnamon’s private Catholic girl’s primary school. Was a cheerleader in high school. Began attending Saint Sinnamon’s Ladies’ College at age 18. Began working as a stripper and nude model. Had to go into hiding to avoid being reclaimed by MiTech® at age 18½, and began working as a stripper at Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge, becoming friends with Kandi Quasar. At age 19 she moved in with Kandi, who had just turned 18. Became a founding member of the Space Bunnies at age 20.
Current primary residence: Orgy, Lubricity, Planet XXX, Heart Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current secondary residence: Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge Hotel, Soul Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Part-time stripper at The Naughty Nyiknyarlurg strip-club on Planet XXX; part-time stripper at Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge.
Relationship status: Kandi Quasar and Tori Tron are Staci’s primaries.
[Images of Randi & Mandi Mir Coming Soon!]
Miranda “Randi” Mir & Amanda “Mandi” Mir — the blue bunnies; codenames: “Tomboys”, “Misses Blue”, “Agents Blue”.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-X Humanoid v2.8β Gynoid♀ XPM with Positronik® Brane-Pro™ neural net. This model was designed with emphasis on combat, specifically in the areas of strength and endurance.
Customizations: White hair & cornflower blue eyes. Alabaster complexions. Medium-heavy freckling.
Primary role: Randi & Mandi are the “brawn” of the Space Bunnies.
Tools/abilities: Randi & Mandi use high-tech boots and gauntlets. Interestingly, the twins can communicate telepathically and function as two bodies sharing a single consciousness.
Costume motif: Any sports/athletics. Usually soccer or volleyball.
Biographical: Born in New Aspen, Neorado, Planet Neofornia, California Nebula, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). This birth was not anticipated to be twins. Played multiple sports in school, including holo-soccer, micro-G volley ball, baseket ball, electrocrosse, and both micro-G and macro-G wrestling. Had to go into hiding to avoid being reclaimed by MiTech® at age 15. Got recruited into the Space Bunnies at age 17½.
Current residence: Orgy, Lubricity, Planet XXX, Heart Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Wrestlers at Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge.
Relationship status: Randi & Mandi are each other’s primaries.
The Support Team
These are the Space Bunnies who support the main mission crews.
Primary role: Lexi is the “mentor” or “coach” of the Space Bunnies. Lexi occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Costume motif: Usually space executive / business-woman. Sometimes dominatrix.
Biographical: Born in Sequelquerque, Newer Mexico, Planet Tex, Cygnus X, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Former member of the Space Vixens.
Current residence: Orgy, Lubricity, Planet XXX, Heart Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Manages the strip clubs at Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge.
Relationship status: Diana is Lexi’s primary.
[Image of Diana Coming Soon!]
Diana — the black bunny; codenames: “Mistress”, “Miss Black”, “Agent Black”.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-1 Humanoid v7.0α Gynoid♀ with Positronik® Brane™ neural net.
Customizations: Raven black hair & ice blue eyes. Porcelain complexion, no freckling.
Primary role: Diana is Lexi’s mentor and ultimate “behind the scenes” leader of the Space Bunnies.
Costume motif: Usually goth-chick. Sometimes dominatrix.
Biographical: Born in a secret laboratory on Planet Mars, Solar system, Perseus Arm (part of the United Systems territories). Former member of the Space Vixens. Former member of the Space Goddesses.
Current residence: Orgy, Lubricity, Planet XXX, Heart Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: None / unknown.
Relationship status: Lexi Nebula is Diana’s primary.
[Image of Dr. Bambi Coming Soon!]
Bambina “Bambi” Body — codenames: “Doctor Bambi” or “Doctor Body”.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-8 Humanoid v4.2β Gynoid♀ ERM with Positronik® Brane-MD™ neural net.
Customizations: Brown hair & brown eyes.
Primary role: ?
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: Sexy medical doctor.
Biographical: One of a set of triplets that includes Nurse Babs Body and Nurse Barbie Body. Bambi is the oldest triplet by 8 minutes. Bambi decided she wanted to become a medical doctor, while her sisters decided to pursue nursing.
Current residence: ?
Current “day job”: Works full-time as a medic with the Space Bunnies.
[Image of Nurse Babs & Nurse Barbie Coming Soon!]
Babette “Babs” Body & Barbara “Barbie” Body — codenames: “Nurse Babs” and “Nurse Barbie”.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-8 Humanoid v4.2β Gynoid♀ ERM with Positronik® Brane-MD™ neural net.
Customizations: Brown hair & brown eyes.
Primary role: ?
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: Sexy nurse.
Biographical: Two of a set of triplets that includes Dr. Bambi Body. Babs and Barbie decided they wanted to become nurses, while their older (by 8 minutes) sister Bambi decided to pursue a medical doctorate.
Current residence: ?
Current “day job”: Work full-time as medics with the Space Bunnies.
Primary role: Sky occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures as their medic.
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: ?
Biographical: ?
Current residence: ?
Current “day job”: ?
The Extended Team:
Planet Titania
Planet Titania lies along the edge of the Heart Nebula, and as such can be regarded as somewhat near to the Space Bunnies HQ on Planet XXX.
In addition to Ronni Rayburst, who splits her time between Planet XXX and Planet Titania, there other other Space Bunnies who post up on Planet Titania as well:
Primary role: Robbi occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: ?
Biographical: ?
Current residence: Planet Eros.
Current “day job”: ?
[Image of Nickname Surname Coming Soon!]
Name “Nickname” Surname — the mauve bunny; codenames: “Codename”, “Miss Mauve”, “Agent Mauve”.
Make & model: ?
Customizations: ?
Primary role: Name occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: ?
Biographical: ?
Current residence: ?
[Image of Nickname Surname Coming Soon!]
Name “Nickname” Surname — the peach bunny; codenames: “Codename”, “Miss Peach”, “Agent Peach”.
Make & model: ?
Customizations: White hair & grey eyes.
Primary role: Name occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: ?
Biographical: ?
Current residence: ?
The Extended Team:
Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge
Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge is a large asteroid that orbits a star at the edge of the Soul Nebula, and as such can be regarded as lying somewhat near the Space Bunnies HQ on Planet XXX at the edge of the nearby Heart Nebula.
These are the Space Bunnies who post up at Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge:
[Image of Kasi Nova Coming Soon!]
Casey “Kasi” Nova — the red bunny; codenames: “Chanteuse”, “Miss Scarlet”, “Agent Red”.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-9 Humanoid v6.9α Gynoid♀ DLX-CM with Positronik® Brane™ neural net. This model, while capable of combat and espionage, was designed as a "luxury model" for high-end clients to use as personal bodyguards / pleasure-bots.
Customizations: Crimson red hair & cornflower blue eyes. Peach complexion, medium-heavy freckling.
Primary role: Kasi occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: Kasi uses various types of plasma and energy pulses, along with projected plasma and energy fields that allow her to burn or melt through most solid materials.
Costume motif: Chanteuse (sexy lounge singer/dancer; à la Jessica Rabbit).
Biographical: Born in Harrelson City, Foxxland, Planet Tex, Cygnus X, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Moved to Music City, Nouisiana, Planet Tex. Former member of the Space Vixens. Former member of the Space Demons.
Current residence: Xyrglakynar’s Bar & Lounge, Soul Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Singer and dancer at Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge.
Make & model: MiTech® RoboCellular™ G-X Humanoid v2.8γ Gynoid DLX-CM. This model, while capable of combat and espionage, was designed as a "luxury model" for high-end clients to use as personal bodyguards / pleasure-bots.
Customizations: White hair & violet eyes. Alabaster complexion, no freckling.
Primary role: Laci occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: Laci uses lasers, holograms, laser-swords, and laser-whips.
Costume motif: Oldschool Hollywood movie star and/or chanteuse (à la Ginger Grant).
Biographical: Born in Warner, New Hollywood, Planet Neofornia, California Nebula, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Former member of the Space Angels.
Current residence: Xyrglakynar’s Bar & Lounge, Soul Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Singer, dancer, and burlesque actress at Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge.
The Extended Team:
Planet Funkatron
Planet Funkatron orbits a star at the edge of the Soul Nebula, and as such can be regarded as lying near Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge, and somewhat near the Space Bunnies HQ on Planet XXX at the edge of the nearby Heart Nebula.
These are the Space Bunnies who post up on Planet Funkatron:
[Image of Sammy Solar Coming Soon!]
Samantha “Sammy” Solar — the sunny bunny; codenames: “Codename”, “Miss Yellow”, “Agent Yellow”.
Make & model: ?
Customizations: Sunny blonde hair & blue eyes.
Primary role: Name occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Primary role: Name occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: Has a pet sentient robot Baryonyx.
Costume motif: Cavegirl / Eve.
Biographical: ?
Current residence: Orbital Space Station, Dinosaur Planet.
Current “day job”: Ranger at Dinosaur Planet.
[Image of Reggie Nova Coming Soon!]
Regina “Reggie” Nova — the brown bunny; codenames: “Cavegirl”, “Miss Brown”, “Agent Brown”.
Make & model: ?
Customizations: Bronze brown hair & bottle green eyes. Hazel-caramel complexion, medium-light freckling.
Primary role: Reggie occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: Cavegirl / feral girl.
Biographical: Born in Houston II, Nouisiana, Planet Tex, Cygnus X, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Stranded in the wilds of Planet Earth Senior, in the Solar system, for much of her childhood.
Current residence: Orbital Space Station, Dinosaur Planet.
Current “day job”: Ranger at Dinosaur Planet.
The Extended Team:
Planet Tortuga
Planet Tortuga lies on the edge of the Rosette Nebula, and as such can be regarded as somewhat near to the Dinosaur Planet, and about 2-3 days flight at standard cruising speed from the Space Bunnies HQ on Planet XXX.
These are the Space Bunnies who post up at Planet Tortuga.
[Image of Xandi Xenon Coming Soon!]
Alexandra “Xandi” Xenon — the white bunny; codenames: “Phantasm”, “Miss White”, “Agent White”.
Make & model:
Customizations: White hair & pale green eyes. Alabaster complexion, medium-heavy freckling. Elf ears.
Primary role: Xandi occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: Xandi uses a special suit that allows her to levitate, turn invisible, or phase through solid objects.
Costume motif: Spy-girl.
Biographical: Born in Technopolis, Washingtron, Planet Earth Junior, North America Nebula, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Former member of the Space Kittens. Former member of the Space Angels. Former member of the Space Demons.
Current residence: Noir Tokyo, Shadow-Japan, Planet Tortuga, Rosette Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Stripper at The Rusty Space-Barnacle in Port Blackbeard, New Haiti, Planet Tortuga.
[Image of Tsuki Miyu Coming Soon!]
Mitsuki “Tsuki” Miyu — the navy bunny; codename: “Ninja”, “Miss Navy”, “Agent Dark”.
Make & model: ?
Customizations: Raven black hair & electric blue eyes. Ivory complexion, no freckling.
Primary role: Tsuki occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: Usually ninja-girl. Sometimes space-samurai.
Biographical: Born in America City, Mecha-Japan, Planet Earth Junior, North America Nebula, Orion Spur (part of the United Systems territories). Former member of the Space Vixens.
Current residence: Noir Tokyo, Shadow-Japan, Planet Tortuga, Rosette Nebula, Perseus Arm (in the Forbidden Zone).
Current “day job”: Stripper at The Rusty Space-Barnacle in Port Blackbeard, New Haiti, Planet Tortuga.
[Image of Nickname Surname Coming Soon!]
Name “Nickname” Surname — the grey bunny; codenames: “Codename”, “Miss Grey”, “Agent Grey”.
Make & model: ?
Customizations: White hair & grey eyes.
Primary role: Name occasionally accompanies the main team on adventures.
Tools/abilities: ?
Costume motif: ?
Biographical: ?
Current residence: ?
Rival Teams
The original three teams of gynoids created by the United Systems government were the Space Valkyries, the Space Angels, and the Space Kittens. The Space Valkyries were where the more combat-oriented gynoids were placed, while the Space Kittens were the group focused more on espionage and seduction. The Space Angels were a group for those who did not so specialize and honed both skillsets more or less equally.
The original three teams of androids created by the United Systems government were the Space Hunters, the Space Dawgz, and the Space Tigers. The Space Hunters were where the more combat-oriented androids were placed, while the Space Tigers were the group focused more on espionage and seduction. The Space Dawgz were a group for those who did not so specialize and honed both skillsets more or less equally.
Eventually, the United Systems military decided to discontinue the MiTech® humanoid project, as it was deemed too costly and time-intensive for too little advantage. Their plan was to keep the current teams, but to induct no new MiTech® humanoids into the program. MiTech® attempted to reclaim any humanoids who were not yet grown and/or activated as agents, and sell them off to private weapons dealers or worse, sextoy purveyors. This caused almost all of the Space Valkyries, most of the Space Tigers, many of the Space Hunters, and a third of the Space Angels to rebel, as well as some of the Space Kittens and Space Dawgz.
Some former Space Valkyries and former Space Angels together formed a new group, the Space Demons, while former Space Kittens and some of the former Space Angels came together to form the Space Vixens. The government responded by shutting down the Space Valkyries program and repurposing the Space Angels for defense against the Space Demons and the Space Vixens. Any Space Valkyries who remained loyal to the United Systems government were absorbed into the Space Angels. Later, defecting Space Vixens would seek out unallied gynoids with whom to form the Space Bunnies.
Some former Space Tigers and former Space Hunters together formed a new group, the Space Devils, while former Space Dawgz and some of the former Space Hunters came together to form the Space Wolves. The government responded by shutting down the Space Tigers program and repurposing the Space Hunters for defense against the Space Stallions and the Space Wolves. Any Space Tigers who remained loyal to the United Systems government were absorbed into the Space Dawgz. Later, defecting Space Devils would seek out unallied androids with whom to form the Space Stallions.
Currently: The Space Bunnies and the Space Stallions fight space-evil in all its forms, but have a particular interest in freeing any of their still-captive humanoid brethren and sistren from their human oppressors. The Space Vixens and the Space Wolves want to overthrow human society and topple human infrastructure. The Space Demons and the Space Devils want to annihilate the human race, or at least cull the majority of humans. The Space Kittens, Space Angels, Space Hunters, and Space Dawgz still work for the United Systems government and are tasked with getting the humanoid uprising under control. The Space Valkyries and the Space Tigers are supposedly defunct groups that were working under the United Systems government before either rebelling or being absorbed into the extant groups, although there are rumors of rebel Space Valkyries still out there somewhere.
The Space Kittens — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Gynoids♀ who fight for law & order, working under the United Systems government to get the humanoid uprising under control. As such, they often come into conflict with the Space Bunnies, the Space Vixens, and the Space Demons. Sometimes, however, the Space Bunnies will team up with the Space Kittens to defeat the Space Vixens and the Space Demons.
The Space Vixens — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Gynoids♀ who were formed by former Space Kittens and Space Angels together with a small number of Space Demons. The Space Vixens fight to overthrow the human oppressors, as well as all the anthropomorphic biological organisms. Sometimes they even have a grudge against all biological life. As such, they often come into conflict with both the Space Bunnies and the Space Kittens. Sometimes, however, the Space Bunnies will team up with the Space Vixens to defeat the Space Kittens or the Space Angels.
[Space Valkyries logo coming soon!]
The Space Valkyries — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Gynoids♀ who were originally the United Systems government’s more combat-oriented counterpart to the more espionage-aimed Space Kittens.
[Space Angels logo coming soon!]
The Space Angels — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Gynoids♀ who were originally a sister-group to the Space Valkyries and the Space Kittens.
[Space Goddesses logo coming soon!]
The Space Goddesses —
[Space Demons logo coming soon!]
The Space Demons — were formed by former Space Valkyries and Space Angels together with a small number of Space Kittens. Their goal is ostensibly the annihilation of the human race, as well as all of the anthropomorphic biological races, though they seem to spend more time trying to woo other RoboCellular™ humanoids over to their team than they do actually annihilating anyone. This is not to say that the Space Demons are all bluster, as they do occasionally commit atrocities, but their efficacy is not what it could be if they concentrated more of their efforts on their stated ultimate goal of annihilating humans.
[Space Dawgz logo coming soon!]
The Space Dawgz — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Androids♂ who fight for the United Systems government. Basically male counterparts to the Space Angels.
[Space Tigers logo coming soon!]
The Space Tigers — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Androids♂ who fight for the United Systems government. Basically male counterparts to the Space Kittens.
[Space Hunters logo coming soon!]
The Space Hunters — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Androids♂ who fight for the United Systems government. Basically male counterparts to the Space Valkyries.
[Space Devils logo coming soon!]
The Space Devils — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Androids♂ who fight to overthrow the human oppressors. Basically male counterparts to the Space Demons.
[Space Wolves logo coming soon!]
The Space Wolves — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Androids♂ who fight to overthrow the human oppressors. Basically male counterparts to the Space Vixens.
[Space Stallions logo coming soon!]
The Space Stallions — a team of MiTech® RoboCellular™ Androids♂ who travel the universe fighting space-evil. Basically male counterparts to the Space Bunnies.
The Forbidden Zone — spans the zeugopodium of the Perseus arm of the Milky Way galaxy just anticenter of the Orion spur, delineated from the autopodium of the Perseus arm by the Perseus transit, and from the stylopodium of the Perseus arm by Cassiopeia, Cepheus, and surrounding area. The zone is about 2,000 parsecs wide and about 5,000 parsecs long. The area is made up of numerous independent planetary systems (and some slightly larger or smaller governments, such as stellar system governments or independent planet governments) that lie outside United Systems jurisdiction.
This area of space attracts misfits, criminals, and revolutionaries of all kinds. Especially Space Pirates.
Region: Crab Nebula.
Planet: Libertalia — the paradise planet to which wealthy Space Pirates retire.
Planet: Space Atlantis — the ocean planet.
Planet?: Unknown — location of Space Vixens’ HQ.
Region: Heart Nebula
Planet: Eros — the love planet.
Planet: Titania — the sexy renaissance roleplay planet.
Planet: XXX — location of Space Bunnies’ HQ and home of Kandi Quasar, Tori Tron, Ronni Rayburst, Staci Starborn, Randi & Mandi Mir, Lexi Nebula, Diana, and Bobbi Boson.
Region: Rosette Nebula.
Planet: Dinosaur Planet — where dinosaurs still rule!
Planet: Tortuga — home of Xandi Xenon and Tsuki Miyu. Popular hub for Space Pirates.
Region: Soul Nebula.
Planet: Funkatron — the robot party planet.
Planetoid: Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge — home of Kasi Nova and Laci Laser.
Planet XXX — a large contact binary planet and home of the Space Bunnies. Located in the Heart Nebula, within the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way (in the Forbidden Zone).
Province: Lubricity
City: Orgy — location of Space Bunnies HQ. Home of Kandi Quasar, Tori Tron, Ronni Rayburst, Staci Starborn, Randi & Mandi Mir, Lexi Nebula, Diana, and Bobbi Boson.
Planet Tortuga — Located in the Crab Nebula, within the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way (in the Forbidden Zone).
Province: Shadow-Japan
City: Noir Tokyo — home of Xandi Xenon and Tsuki Miyu.
Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge — a huge asteroid located in the Soul Nebula, within the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way (in the Forbidden Zone). Home of Kasi Nova and Laci Laser.
Province: Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge Resort
City: Xyrglakinar’s Bar & Lounge Resort, Hotel & Casino
United Systems territories — span the Orion spur of the Milky Way galaxy. The area is about 1,100 parsecs wide and about 3,100 parsecs long. Although the United Systems contain dozens of anthropomorphic, sapiently communicative species and thousands of sapiently intelligent species, all of the most prominent planetary systems are human-dominated, making non-humans social minorities within the United Systems territories.
Region: California Nebula
Planet: Neofornia — birthplace of Staci Starborn, Randi & Mandi Mir, and Laci Laser.
Region: Cygnus X star cluster
Planet: Tex — birthplace of Kandi Quasar, Lexi Nebula, Kasi Nova, Bobbi Boson, and Rikki Radar.
Region: North America Nebula
Planet: Earth Junior — the seat of the United Systems government and birthplace of Tori Tron, Ronni Rayburst, Xandi Xenon, and Tsuki Miyu. Also the location of the Space Kittens’ HQ.
Region: Solar system
Planet: Earth Senior — an irradiated, polluted wasteland overrun by mutants and set aside as a biological preserve for ecological recovery.
Planet: Mars — home of the secret facility where the MiTech® Humanoids™ were developed.
Planet Earth Junior — the seat of the United Systems government. Located in the North America Nebula, in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way.
Province: Britland
City: Universe City — birthplace of Tori Tron.
Province: Mecha-Japan
City: America City — birthplace of Tsuki Miyu.
Province: New Russia
City: New Moscow — location of Space Kittens HQ.
Province: Washingtron
City: Technopolis — birthplace of Ronni Rayburst and Xandi Xenon.
Planet Tex — Located in the Cygnus X star cluster, in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way (part of the United Systems territories).
Province: Foxxland
City: Harrelson City — birthplace of Kasi Nova
City: New Dallas — birthplace of Kandi Quasar
Province: New Braska
City: Corndale Acres — birthplace of Bobbi Boson
Province: Newer Mexico
City: San Trejo
City: Sequelquerque — birthplace of Lexi Nebula
Province: Nouisiana
City: Houston II — birthplace of Rikki Radar
City: Music City
Planet Neofornia — Located in the California Nebula, in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way (part of the United Systems territories).
Province: Dos Angeles
City: Crystalvue — birthplace of Staci Starborn
Province: Neorado
City: New Aspen — birthplace of Randi & Mandi Mir
Province: New Hollywood
City: Warner — birthplace of Laci Laser
Planet Earth Senior — an irradiated, polluted wasteland overrun by mutants and set aside as a biological preserve for ecological recovery. Located in the Solar system, in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way (part of the United Systems territories).
Planet Mars — home of the secret facility where the MiTech® Humanoids were developed. Located in the Solar system, in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way (part of the United Systems territories).
Space Creatures
Numerous creatures live in space, including on planets, which are also in space.
Space Rats — one of the more common species in the galaxy, these pests fly around in tiny saucers which attach to ships and drill into the hulls, allowing the Space Rats access to the juicy insides.
“The Space Bunnies in Outer Space!!!” — Work in Progress. Started in 2001.
“The Space Bunnies from Planet XXX” — Work in Progress. Started in 2001.
“The Space Bunnies versus the Space Pirates” — Planned since 2001.
“The Space Bunnies on Dinosaur Planet!!!” — Planned since 2001.
“The Space Bunnies versus the Space Zombies” — Planned since 2001.
“The Space Bunnies Join the Space Pirates!!!” — Planned since 2001.
“The Space Bunnies versus the Space Kittens” — Planned since 2001.
“The Space Bunnies on Planet Hell!!!” — Planned since 2001.
“The Space Bunnies versus the Space Vixens” — Planned since 2001.