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Sylvanic Languages

Copyright © 2004-2021 C.E. by Dustin Jon Scott


The Sylvanic languages are those derived from open-syllable dialects of Proto-Palæoboreanic that underwent voicing of consonants adjascent to back-vowels (Terran languages), followed by glottal deconsonantalization (Alpine-Agrarian languages), and then further lenition (Sylvan-Agrarian languages).

While the phonaesthetic structure of the Sylvanic languages constrained their phonetic evolution, they instead evolved a great deal of variation in grammars and word boundaries.

The Sylvanic languages include the Elfish languages, the Sylphish languages, the Nymphish languages, the Faerish languages, and the Hobbish languages.

Main branching patterns

Terran branch
+Back-Vowel Voicing
Agrarian-Montane subbranch
+Glottal Deconsonantalization
Sylvan-Agrarian subbranch
(Open syllables)
+Further Lenition
Sylvanic subbranch
+Consonantal Vowel Deletion
Agrarian subbranch
Montane-Nomadic subbranch
(Closed syllables)
+Further Lenition
Nomadic subbranch
Montane subbranch
+Consonantal Vowel Deletion
Chthonic subbranch
(Closed syllables)
+Glottal Assimilation
Colline subbranch
+Further Lenition
+Consonantal Vowel Deletion
Infernal subbranch
+Further Lenition

Evolution of the Sylvanic Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daá-doí-dadaóAdá-odí-adadó Áda-ído-ódadaÁad-íod-óadad Dadaó-doí-daáAdadó-odí-adá Ódada-ído-ádaÓadad-íod-áad
Proto-Sylvan-Agrarian Naá-roí-raraóN/A Ána-íro-óraraN/A Raraó-roí-naáN/A Órara-íro-ánaN/A
Proto-Sylvanic Na-ri-nhoN/A An-ir-onhN/A Nho-ri-naN/A Onh-ir-anN/A
Sylvanic 1 Na-ri-loN/A An-ir-olN/A Lo-ri-naN/A Ol-ir-anN/A
Sylvanic 2 NariloN/A AnirolN/A LorinaN/A OliranN/A

  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Na-ri-nho) — OVS: Proto-Drayadic, Proto-Sylvan, Proto-Faerish
  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Na-ri-nho) — SVO: Proto-Aldelfish, Proto-Woodelfish
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Suffixing (An-ir-onh) — OVS: Proto-Maenadic
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Suffixing (An-ir-onh) — SVO: Proto-Darkelfish
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Nho-ri-na) — OVS: Proto-Nightelfish? Proto-Huldric? Proto-Hesperidic?
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Nho-ri-na) — SVO: Proto-Moonelfish? Proto-Huldric?
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Prefixing (Onh-ir-an) — OVS: Proto-Arachnyadic
  • Formerly-open, Afformative, Prefixing (Onh-ir-an) — SVO: Proto-Swartelfish

Evolution of the Agrarian Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daá-doí-dadaóAdá-odí-adadó Áda-ído-ódadaÁad-íod-óadad Dadaó-doí-daáAdadó-odí-adá Ódada-ído-ádaÓadad-íod-áad
Proto-Sylvan-Agrarian Naá-roí-raraóN/A Ána-íro-óraraN/A Raraó-roí-naáN/A Órara-íro-ánaN/A
Proto-Agrarian Naa-roi-nhao?N/A Ana-iro-onha?N/A Nhao-roi-naa?N/A Onha-iro-ana?N/A
Agrarian 1 Naa-roi-lao?N/A Ana-iro-ola?N/A Lao-roi-naa?N/A Ola-iro-ana?N/A
Agrarian 2 Naaroilao?N/A Anairoola?N/A Laoroinaa?N/A Olairoana?N/A

  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Naa-roi-nhao) — OVS: Proto-Leimakidic, Proto-Leimoniadic, Proto-Epimelidic?
  • Open, Preformative, Suffixing (Naa-roi-nhao) — SVO: Proto-Meadowelfish
  • Open, Afformative, Suffixing (Ana-iro-onha) — OVS:
  • Open, Afformative, Suffixing (Ana-iro-onha) — SVO:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Nhao-roi-naa) — OVS:
  • Open, Preformative, Prefixing (Nhao-roi-naa) — SVO: Proto-Centaurian?
  • Open, Afformative, Prefixing (Onha-iro-ana) — OVS:
  • Open, Afformative, Prefixing (Onha-iro-ana) — SVO: Agrarian Proto-Dwarfish / Proto-Fielddwarfish?

Evolution of the Nomadic Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daá-doí-dadaóAdá-odí-adadó Áda-ído-ódadaÁad-íod-óadad Dadaó-doí-daáAdadó-odí-adá Ódada-ído-ádaÓadad-íod-áad
Proto-Montane-Nomadic N/AAná-orí-araró N/AÁan-íor-óarar N/AAraró-orí-aná N/AÓarar-íor-áan
Proto-Nomadic N/AAna-ori-anho? N/AAan-ior-aonh N/AAnho-ori-ana? N/AOanh-ior-aan?
Nomadic 1 N/AAna-ori-alo? N/AAan-ior-aol? N/AAlo-ori-ana? N/AOal-ir-aan?
Nomadic 2 N/AAnaorialo? N/AAanioraol? N/AAlooriana? N/AOalioraan?

  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Ana-ori-anho) — OVS:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Ana-ori-anho) — SVO: Proto-Trooping-Faerish?
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Aan-ior-oanh) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (Aan-ior-oanh) — SVO:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Anho-ori-ana) — OVS:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Anho-ori-ana) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Oanh-ior-aan) — OVS:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Oanh-ior-aan) — SVO:

Evolution of the Montane Languages
Language Family SuffixingPrefixing
PreformativeAfformative PreformativeAfformative
OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed OpenClosed
Proto-Palæoboreanic Taqa-toqi-tataqoAtaq-otiq-atatoq Qata-qito-qotataAqat-iqot-oqatat Tataqo-toqi-taqaAtatoq-otiq-ataq Qotata-qito-qataOqatat-iqot-aqat
Proto-Terran Daqa-doqi-dadaqoAdaq-odiq-adadoq Qada-qido-qodadaAqad-iqod-oqadad Dadaqo-doqi-daqaAdadoq-odiq-adaq Qodada-qido-qadaOqadad-iqod-aqad
Proto-Agrarian-Montane Daá-doí-dadaóAdá-odí-adadó Áda-ído-ódadaÁad-íod-óadad Dadaó-doí-daáAdadó-odí-adá Ódada-ído-ádaÓadad-íod-áad
Proto-Montane-Nomadic N/AAná-orí-araró N/AÁan-íor-óarar N/AAraró-orí-aná N/AÓarar-íor-áan
Proto-Montane N/ANa-ri-rho N/AAn-ir-orh N/ARho-ri-na N/AOrh-ir-an
Montane 1 N/ANa-rhi-ro N/AAn-iŋr-or N/ARo-rhi-na N/AOrr-imhr-an
Montane 2 N/ANarhiro? N/AAniŋror N/ARorhina? N/AOrriwran

  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Na-ri-rho?) — OVS: Proto-Oreiadic? Proto-Cryonyadic?
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Suffixing (Na-ri-rho?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (An-ir-orh) — OVS: Proto-Ogrish?
  • Closed, Afformative, Suffixing (An-ir-orh) — SVO: Proto-Ogrish
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Rho-ri-na?) — OVS:
  • Formerly-closed, Preformative, Prefixing (Rho-ri-na?) — SVO:
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Orh-ir-an) — OVS: Proto-Dwarfish?
  • Closed, Afformative, Prefixing (Orh-ir-an) — SVO: Proto-Dwarfish?

Grouped List

This is a list of the early Palaeoboreanic dialects.

  • [Phase 1] Taqa-toqi-tataqo — OPS Proto-Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 1] Ataq-otiq-atatoq — CPS Proto-Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 1] Qata-qito-qotata — OAS Proto-Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 1] Aqat-iqot-oqatat — CAS Proto-Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 1] Tataqo-toqi-taqa — OPP Proto-Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 1] Atatoq-otiq-ataq — CPP Proto-Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 1] Qotata-qito-qata — OAP Proto-Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 1] Oqatat-iqot-aqat — CAP Proto-Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 2A] Daqa-doqi-dadaqo — OPS Proto-Terran Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 2A] Adaq-odiq-adadoq — CPS Proto-Terran Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 2A] Qada-qido-qodada — OAS Proto-Terran Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 2A] Aqad-iqod-oqadad — CAS Proto-Terran Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 2A] Dadaqo-doqi-daqa — OPP Proto-Terran Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 2A] Adadoq-odiq-adaq — CPP Proto-Terran Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 2A] Qodada-qido-qada — OAP Proto-Terran Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 2A] Oqadad-iqod-aqad — CAP Proto-Terran Palaeboreanic
  • [Phase 3A1] Daa-doi-dadao — OPS Proto-Agrarian-Montane dialects: Proto-Drayadic; Proto-Sylvan; Proto-Faerish; Proto-Aldelfish; Proto-Woodelfish; Proto-Leimakidic; Proto-Leimoniadic; Proto-Epimelidic? Proto-Meadowelfish; Proto-Trooping-Faerish? Proto-Oreyadic? Proto-Cryonadic?
  • [Phase 3A1] Ada-odi-adado — CPS Proto-Agrarian-Montane
  • [Phase 3A1] Ada-ido-odada — OAS Proto-Agrarian-Montane
  • [Phase 3A1] Aad-iod-oadad — CAS Proto-Agrarian-Montane
  • [Phase 3A1] Dadao-doi-daa — OPP Proto-Agrarian-Montane
  • [Phase 3A1] Adado-odi-ada — CPP Proto-Agrarian-Montane
  • [Phase 3A1] Odada-ido-ada — OAP Proto-Agrarian-Montane
  • [Phase 3A1] Oadad-iod-aad — CAP Proto-Agrarian-Montane
  • [Phase 4A1a] Naa-roi-rarao — OPS Proto-Sylvan-Agrarain dialects: Proto-Drayadic; Proto-Sylvan; Proto-Faerish; Proto-Aldelfish; Proto-Woodelfish; Proto-Leimakidic; Proto-Leimoniadic; Proto-Epimelidic? Proto-Meadowelfish; Proto-Trooping-Faerish? Proto-Oreyadic? Proto-Cryonadic?
  • [Phase 4A1a] Ana-iro-orara — OAS Proto-Sylvan-Agrarain dialects: Proto-Maenadic; Proto-Darkelfish
  • [Phase 4A1a] Rarao-roi-naa — OPP Proto-Sylvan-Agrarain dialects: Proto-Nightelfish? Proto-Huldric? Proto-Moonelfish? Proto-Hesperidic? Proto-Centaurian?
  • [Phase 4A1a] Orara-iro-ana — OAP Proto-Sylvan-Agrarain dialects: Proto-Arachneyadic? Proto-Swartelfish; Proto-Fielddwarfish? Agrarian Proto-Dwarfish?
  • [Phase 5A1a1] Na-ri-nho — OPS Proto-Sylvanic dialects: Proto-Drayadic; Proto-Sylvan; Proto-Faerish; Proto-Aldelfish; Proto-Woodelfish
  • [Phase 5A1a1] An-ir-onh — OAS Proto-Sylvanic dialects: Proto-Maenadic; Proto-Darkelfish
  • [Phase 5A1a1] Nho-ri-na — OPP Proto-Sylvanic dialects: Proto-Nightelfish? Proto-Huldric? Proto-Moonelfish? Proto-Hesperidic?
  • [Phase 5A1a1] Onh-ir-an — OAP Proto-Sylvanic dialects: Proto-Arachnyadic; Proto-Swartelfish
  • [Phase 6A1a1a] Na-ri-lo — OPS Sylvanic languages [1]: Proto-Drayadic; Proto-Sylvan; Proto-Faerish; Proto-Aldelfish; Proto-Woodelfish
  • [Phase 6A1a1a] An-ir-ol — OAS Sylvanic languages [1]: Proto-Maenadic; Proto-Darkelfish
  • [Phase 6A1a1a] Lo-ri-na — OPP Sylvanic languages [1]: Proto-Nightelfish? Proto-Huldric? Proto-Moonelfish? Proto-Hesperidic?
  • [Phase 6A1a1a] Ol-ir-an — OAP Sylvanic languages [1]: Proto-Arachneyadic? Proto-Swartelfish
  • [Phase 7A1a1a1] Narilo — OPS Sylvanic [2]: Aldelfish; Woodelfish; Drayadic; Faerish; Sylvan
  • [Phase 7A1a1a1] Anirol — OAS Sylvanic [2]: Darkelfish; Maenadic
  • [Phase 7A1a1a1] Lorina — OPP Sylvanic [2]: Nightelfish; Moonelfish
  • [Phase 7A1a1a1] Oliran — OAP Sylvanic [2]: Swartelfish; Sylvan Oreadic

Further Lenition: Onset Voicing in Open Dialects
+ Consonantal Vowel Deletion

ba > ma > m
pe > be > b
pi > pi > p
py > ɸy > ɸ
bu > βu > β
bo > wo > w

da > na > n
te > de > d
ti > ti > t
ty > sy > s
du > zu > z
do > ɹo > ɹ
tata > ɾaɾa > l

ga > ŋa > ŋ
ke > ge > g
ki > ki > k
ky > xy > x
gu > ɣu > ɣ
go > ʎo > ʎ

Proto-Sylvanic Open Monosyllablemes

Papaplaced, town, settlement
Popoplacing, putting, locating, nation
Mamapossessive/relational (mine; my object, my friend, my relative, &c.), self-having, contentedness
Memeto "self"; reflexiveness
Mimithe self, the individual, inwardness
Tataending, coming to conclusion
Tutuending, concluding, killing, bringing to conclusion
Tototransformative end, death, devastation
Dadacoming from, origin
Dedeto come from
Didioriginal, related to beginning, referring to source
Duduinitiation, start
Dodoorigin/source (causative) / beginning

Na-ri-lo: Proto-Sylvan
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS


Transliteration: do-mbu-no-kra ni-nio-di ne-rao-nkjao ŋi-ki-mbu-rro

Pronunciation: do-mbu-no-kɹa ni-nio-di ne-ɹao-nkʎao ŋi-ki-mbu-lo

Transcription: do-mbu-no-kra ni-nio-di ne-rao-nkyao ngi-ki-mbu-lo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Na-ri-lo: Proto-Elfish
Open, preformative, suffixing, SVO

Proto-Elfish had [S][V][O] word order.

Transliteration: ŋi-ki-mbu-rro ne-rao-nkjao ni-nio-di do-mbu-no-kra

Pronunciation: ŋi-ki-mbu-lo ne-ɹao-nkʎao ni-nio-di do-mbu-no-kɹa

Transcription: ngi-ki-mbu-lo ne-rao-nkyao ni-nio-di do-mbu-no-kra

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-subject exist-verb-past-evidental things-object-all-of cause-big-object-gerund-before

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Narilo: Early Ancient Sylvan
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

A descendant of Proto-Sylvan. Default word order is [O][V][S]. In ditransitive sentences, order is [DO][IO][V][S].

Sample #1

Transliteration: Dombuno’kra ninio’di nerao’nkjao-ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombuno-kɹa ninio-di neɹao-nkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: Dombuno’kra ninio’di nerao’nkyao-ngikimbulo

Gloss: Cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: “Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.”

Sample #2

Transliteration: Hasera’ne-Kararra nwai ninu’tu bura’ne-nirra vurrini

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai ninu-tu bura-ne-nila vulini

Transcription: Hasera’ne-Karala nwai ninu’tu bura’ne-nila vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and him-to bring-past she (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and to him brought she a draught.”

Sample #3

Transliteration: Hasera’ne-Kararra nwai nina’tu bura’ne-mirru vurrini

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai nina-tu bura-ne-milu vulini

Transcription: Hasera’ne-Karala nwai nina’tu bura’ne-milu vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and her-to bring-past she (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Late Ancient Sylvan
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Ancient Sylvan appends subjects to the end of verbs in all sentences, order is [O][V][S]. In ditransitive sentences, order is [DO][IO][V][S].

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Transliteration: Haserane’Kararra nwai ninutu vurrini burane’nirra

Pronunciation: haserane-Karala nwai ninutu vurrini burane-nila

Transcription: Haserane’Karala nwai ninutu vurrini burane’nila

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and him-to (a) draught bring-past she

Translation: “Kara sighed and to him a draught brought she.”

Transliteration: Haserane’Kararra nwai ninatu vurrini burane’mirru

Pronunciation: haserane-Karala nwai ninatu vurrini burane-milu

Transcription: Haserane’Karala nwai ninatu vurrini burane’milu

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and her-to (a) draught bring-past I

Translation: “Kara sighed and to her a draught brought I.”

Narilo: Drayadic
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Drayadic, the language of the Dryads (woodnymphs), is a descendant of Early Primitive Sylvan and both influenced and was influenced by Late Primitive Sylvan.

This dialect appends nouns to the end of verbs in the intransitive, order [IO][V][S], but appends direct objects to the end of verbs in the transitive and ditransitive, and then appends the subject to the direct object, making the transitive order [V][O][S] and the ditransitive order [IO][V][DO][S].

Sample #1

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Sample #2

Transliteration: Haserane’Kararra nwai ninutu burane’vurrini’nirra

Pronunciation: haserane-Karala nwai ninutu burane-vulini-nila

Transcription: Haserane’Karala nwai ninutu burane’vulini’nila

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and him-to bring-past (a) draught she

Translation: “Kara sighed and to him brought she a draught.”

Sample #3

Transliteration: Haserane’Kararra nwai ninatu burane’vurrini’mirru

Pronunciation: haserane-Karala nwai ninatu burane-vulini-milu

Transcription: Haserane’Karala nwai ninatu burane’vulini’milu

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and her-to bring-past (a) draught me

Translation: “Kara sighed and to her brought I a draught.”

Nari’lo: Ancient Elfish / Early Aldelfish
Open, preformative, suffixing, SVO

Aldelfish (Old Elfish) was a descendant of Proto-Elfish and evolved alongside Primitive Fairish, upon which it had great influence.

The language had [S][V][O] word order.

Sample #1

Transliteration: ŋikimbu’rro nerao’nkjao ni’nio’di dombu’no’kra

Pronunciation: ŋikimbu-lo neɹao-nkʎao ni-nio-di dombu-no-kɹa

Transcription: ngikimbu’lo nerao’nkyao ni’nio’di dombu’no’kra

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-subject exist-verb-past-evidental things-object-all-of cause-big-object-gerund-before

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Sample #2

Transliteration: Kara’rra hasera’ne nwai ni’rra ni’nu’tu bura’ne vurri’ni

Pronunciation: kara-la hasera-ne nwai ni-la ni-nu-tu bura-ne vuli-ni

Transcription: Kara’la hasera’ne nwai ni’la ni’nu’tu bura’ne vuli’ni

Gloss: Kara-subject sigh-past and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Sample #3

Transliteration: Kara’rra hasera’ne nwai mi’rru ni’nu’ta bura’ne vurri’ni

Pronunciation: kara-la hasera-ne nwai mi-lu ni-na-tu bura-ne vuli-ni

Transcription: Kara’la hasera’ne nwai mi’lu ni’na’tu burane’vuli’ni

Gloss: Kara-subject sigh-past and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Aldelfish (Old Elfish)
Open, preformative, suffixing, SVO

Aldelfish (Old Elfish) was a descendant of Proto-Elfish and evolved alongside Primitive Fairish, upon which it had great influence.

The language had [S][V][O] word order.

Sample #1

Transliteration: ŋikimburro neraonkjao niniodi dombunokra

Pronunciation: ŋikimbulo neɹaonkʎao niniodi dombunokɹa

Transcription: ngikimbulo neraonkyao niniodi dombunokra

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-subject exist-verb-past-evidental things-object-all-of cause-big-object-gerund-before

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Sample #2

Transliteration: Kararra hasera’ne nwai nirra ninu’tu bura’ne vurrini

Pronunciation: karala hasera-ne nwai nila ninu-tu bura-ne vulini

Transcription: Karala hasera’ne nwai nila ninu’tu bura’ne vulini

Gloss: Kara-subject sigh-past and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Sample #3

Transliteration: Kararra hasera’ne nwai mirru ninu’ta bura’ne vurrini

Pronunciation: karala hasera-ne nwai milu nina-tu bura-ne vulini

Transcription: Karala hasera’ne nwai milu nina’tu burane’vulini

Gloss: Kara-subject sigh-past and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Ancient Hobbish
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Either a descendant or close relative of Early Primitive Sylvan, and a close relative of Drayadic.

Transliteration: dombuno’kra ninio’di nerao’nkjao ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombuno’kra ninio’di nerao’nkyao ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Transliteration: Hasera’ne Kararra nwai ninu’tu bura’ne nirra vurrini

Pronunciation: hasera-ne Karala nwai ninu-tu bura-ne nila vulini

Transcription: Hasera’ne Karala nwai ninu’tu bura’ne nila vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and him-to bring-past she (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and to him brought she a draught.”

Transliteration: Hasera’ne Kararra nwai nina’tu bura’ne mirru vurrini

Pronunciation: hasera-ne Karala nwai nina-tu bura-ne milu vulini

Transcription: Hasera’ne Karala nwai nina’tu bura’ne milu vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and her-to bring-past she (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Early Ancient Faerish
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Ancient Faerish appends nouns to the end of verbs in the intransitive, order [IO][V][S], but appends direct objects to the end of verbs in the transitive and ditransitive, in which case transitive order is [S][V][O] and ditransitive order is [IO][S][V][DO].

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Transliteration: Haserane’Kararra nwai nirra ninutu burane’vurrini

Pronunciation: haserane-Karala nwai ninutu nila burane-vulini

Transcription: Haserane’Karala nwai ninutu nila burane’vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and him-to she bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and to him she brought a draught.”

Transliteration: Haserane’Kararra nwai ninatu mirru burane’vurrini

Pronunciation: haserane-Karala nwai ninatu milu burane-vulini

Transcription: Haserane’Karala nwai ninatu milu burane’vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and she-to I bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her I brought a draught.”

Narilo: Late Ancient Faerish
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Ancient Faerish appends nouns to the end of verbs in the intransitive, order [IO][V][S], but appends direct objects to the end of verbs in the transitive and ditransitive, in which case transitive order is [S][V][O] and ditransitive order is [S][IO][V][DO].

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Transliteration: Haserane’Kararra nwai nirra ninutu burane’vurrini

Pronunciation: haserane-Karala nwai nila ninutu burane-vulini

Transcription: Haserane’Karala nwai nila ninutu burane’vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Transliteration: Haserane’Kararra nwai mirru ninatu burane’vurrini

Pronunciation: haserane-Karala nwai milu ninatu burane-vulini

Transcription: Haserane’Karala nwai milu ninatu burane’vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Old Sylphish
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Old Sylphish began with OVS word order, but, perhaps influenced SVO languages such as Aldelfish and Old Faerish, began placing topical nouns at the beginning of sentences while appending the appropriate pronouns to the verbs, having the order [T][V][S] or [T][IO][V][S] in intransitive sentences, with [S] being a pronoun referring to [T]. Functionally, this made the language [S][V] or [S][IO][V] in the intransitive.

Transliteration: ŋikimbujo dombuno’kra ninio’di nerao’nkjao’nirro

Pronunciation: ŋikimbuʎo dombuno-kɹa ninio-di neɹao-nkʎao-nilo

Transcription: ngikimbuyo dombuno’kra ninio’di nerao’nkyao’nilo

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-topic cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Transliteration: Hasera’ne’Kararra nwai nirra ninutu burane’vurrini

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai nila ninu-tu bura-ne-vulini

Transcription: Hasera’ne’Karala nwai nila ninu’tu bura’ne’vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Transliteration: Hasera’ne’Kararra nwai mirru nina’tu bura’ne’vurrini

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai milu nina-tu bura-ne-vulini

Transcription: Hasera’ne’Karala nwai milu nina’tu bura’ne’vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Early Classical Sylvan
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Classical Sylvan, a descendant of Old Sylphish influenced by Unnamed dialect and Old Faerish.

Transliteration: ŋikimbujo nkjao’nerao’nilo di’ninio kra’dombuno

Pronunciation: ŋikimbuʎo kɹa-dombuno di-ninio neɹaonkʎao-nilo

Transcription: ngikimbuyo nkyao’nerao’nilo di’ninio kra’dombuno

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-topic cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Transliteration: Karaja ne’hasera’nirra nwai tu’ninu ne’bura’nirra vurrini

Pronunciation: karaja ne-hasera-nila nwai tu-ninu ne-bura-nila vulini

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’nila nwai tu’ninu ne’bura’nila vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Transliteration: Hasera’ne’Kara’rra nwai mi’rru ni’na’tu bura’ne’vurri’ni

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai mi-lu ni-na-tu bura-ne-vuli-ni

Transcription: Hasera’ne’Kara’la nwai mi’lu ni’na’tu bura’ne’vuli’ni

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Middle Classical Sylvan A
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Classical Sylvan, a descendant of Old Sylphish influenced by Unnamed dialect and Old Faerish.

Transliteration: ŋikimbujo nkjao’nerao’nilo di’ninio kra’dombuno

Pronunciation: ŋikimbuʎo kɹa-dombuno di-ninio neɹaonkʎao-nilo

Transcription: ngikimbuyo nkyao’nerao’nilo di’ninio kra’dombuno

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-topic cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Transliteration: Karaja ne’hasera’nirra nwai tu’ninu ne’bura’nirra vurrini

Pronunciation: karaja ne-hasera-nila nwai tu-ninu ne-bura-nila vulini

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’nil nwai tu’nin ne’bura’nil vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Transliteration: Hasera’ne’Kara’rra nwai mi’rru ni’na’tu bura’ne’vurri’ni

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai mi-lu ni-na-tu bura-ne-vuli-ni

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’nil nwai tu’nin ne’bura’nil vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Middle Classical Sylvan B
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Classical Sylvan, a descendant of Old Sylphish influenced by Unnamed dialect and Old Faerish.

Transliteration: ŋikimbujo nkjao’nerao’nilo di’ninio kra’dombuno

Pronunciation: ŋikimbuʎo kɹa-dombuno di-ninio neɹaonkʎao-nilo

Transcription: ngikimbuyo nkyao’nerao’nilo di’ninio kra’dombuno

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-topic cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Transliteration: Karaja ne’hasera’rra nwai tu’nu ne’bura’rra vurrini

Pronunciation: karaja ne-hasera-la nwai tu-nu ne-bura-la vulini

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’la nwai tu’nu ne’bura’na vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Transliteration: Hasera’ne’Kara’rra nwai mi’rru ni’na’tu bura’ne’vurri’ni

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai mi-lu ni-na-tu bura-ne-vuli-ni

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’la nwai tu’nu ne’bura’la vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Middle Classical Sylvan C
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Classical Sylvan, a descendant of Old Sylphish influenced by Unnamed dialect and Old Faerish.

Transliteration: ŋikimbujo nkjao’nerao’nilo di’ninio kra’dombuno

Pronunciation: ŋikimbuʎo kɹa-dombuno di-ninio neɹaonkʎao-nilo

Transcription: ngikimbuyo nkyao’nerao’nilo di’ninio kra’dombuno

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-topic cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Transliteration: Karaja ne’hasera’rra nwai tu’nu ne’bura’rra vurrini

Pronunciation: karaja ne-hasera-la nwai tu-nu ne-bura-la vulini

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’la nwai tu’nu ne’bura’na vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Transliteration: Hasera’ne’Kara’rra nwai mi’rru ni’na’tu bura’ne’vurri’ni

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai mi-lu ni-na-tu bura-ne-vuli-ni

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’la nwai tu’nu ne’bura’la vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Narilo: Middle Sylphish
Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Middle Sylphish.

Transliteration: ŋikimburro nkjao’neraon di’ninio kra’dombuno

Pronunciation: ŋikimbulo kɹa-dombuno di-ninio nkʎao-neɹaon

Transcription: ngikimbulo nkyao’neraon di’ninio kra’dombuno

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-topic cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Transliteration: Karaja ne’hasera’rra nwai tu’nu ne’bura’rra vurrini

Pronunciation: karaja ne-hasera-la nwai tu-nu ne-bura-la vulini

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’la nwai tu’nu ne’bura’na vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and she him-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and she to him brought a draught.”

Transliteration: Hasera’ne’Kara’rra nwai mi’rru ni’na’tu bura’ne’vurri’ni

Pronunciation: hasera-ne-Karala nwai mi-lu ni-na-tu bura-ne-vuli-ni

Transcription: Karaya ne’hasera’la nwai tu’nu ne’bura’la vulini

Gloss: Sigh-past Kara-subject and I she-to bring-past (a) draught

Translation: “Kara sighed and I to her brought I a draught.”

Open, preformative, suffixing, OVS

Alseidic, the language of Alseids (grove woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Adryadic, the language of Adryads (forest woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Hamadryatic, the language of Hamadryads (tree woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Melian, the language of Meliae (ash tree woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Aegeirine, the language of Aegeiri (poplar woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Ampeline, the language of Ampeli (vine woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Balanine, the language of Balana (acorn/oak woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Caryaic, the language of Caryae (nut-tree woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Craneine, the language of Cranea (cornel-tree woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Oreine, the language of Orea (ash-tree woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Pteleine, the language of Pteleae (elm woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Sukene, the language of Sukea (fig-tree woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Meliadic, the language of Meliades (fruit-tree woodnymphs).

Transliteration: dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’ŋikimburro

Pronunciation: dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-ŋikimbulo

Transcription: dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’ngikimbulo

Gloss: cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Open, preformative, suffixing, SVO
Proto-Elfish (Aldeflish, Lightelfish)

Unnamed dialect had [S][V][O] word order.

Adpositional case markings take the form of prefixes; probably due to influence from Moonelfish and/or Nightelfish.

Transliteration: ŋikimburro neraonkjao di’ninio kra’dombuno

Pronunciation: ŋikimbulo neɹaonkʎao di-ninio kɹa-dombuno

Transcription: ngikimbulo neraonkyao di’ninio kra’dombuno

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-subject exist-verb-past-evidental of-things-object-all before-cause-big-object-gerund

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Old Faerish began with OVS word order, but, perhaps influenced by a SVO language such as Aldelfish, began placing topical nouns at the beginning of sentences while appending the appropriate pronouns to the verbs, having the order [T][V][S] or [T][IO][V][S] in intransitive sentences, with [S] being a pronoun referring to [T]. Functionally, this made the language [S][V] or [S][IO][V] in the intransitive. In the transitive, the sentence would begin with a topical noun [T], followed by a nominative noun [S], followed by the verb [V], to which the objective pronoun [DO] would be appended referring to the topic [T], for a [T][S][V][O] word order that was functionally [O][S][V].

Transliteration: ŋikimbujo dombunokra niniodi neraonkjao’nirro

Pronunciation: ŋikimbuʎo dombunokɹa niniodi neɹaonkʎao-nilo

Transcription: ngikimbuyo dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao’nilo

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-topic cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Formerly-open, afformative, suffixing, OVS


Transliteration 1: od-ubm-on-ark in-oin-id en-oar-oajkn iŋ-ik-ubm-orr

Pronunciation: od-ubm-on-aɹk in-o.in-id en-o.aɹ-o.aʎkn iŋ-ik-ubm-ol

Transcription: od-ubm-on-ark in-o.in-id en-oar-oaykn ing-ik-ubm-ol

Gloss: Cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.


Transliteration 1: odumbonakr inoinid enoaroankj’iŋikumborr

Pronunciation: od-umb-on-akṛ in-o.in-id en-o.aɹ-o.ankʎiŋ-ik-umb-ol

Transcription: odumbonakr inoinid enoaroanky’ingikumbol

Gloss: Cause-big-object-gerund-before things-object-all-of exist-verb-past-evidental nothing-big-ness-subject

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Formerly-open, afformative, suffixing, SVO


Transliteration 1: iŋ-ik-ubm-orr en-oar-oajkn in-oin-id en-od-ubm-on-ark

Pronunciation: iŋ-ik-ubm-ol en-o.aɹ-o.aʎkn in-o.in-id od-ubm-on-ark

Transcription: ing-ik-ubm-ol en-oar-oaykn in-oin-id od-ubm-on-ark

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-subject exist-verb-past-evidental things-object-all-of cause-big-object-gerund-before

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Old Darkelfish

Transliteration 1: iŋikumborr enoaroankj inoinid enodumbonakr

Pronunciation: iŋikumbol eno.aɹo.ankʎ ino.inid odumbonakṛ

Transcription: ingikumbol enoaroaykn inoinid odumbonakr

Gloss: nothing-big-ness-subject exist-verb-past-evidental things-object-all-of cause-big-object-gerund-before

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Open, preformative, prefixing, OVS


Transliteration 1: kra-no-mbu-do di-nio-ni nkjao-rao-ne rro-mbu-ki-ŋi

Pronunciation: kɹa-no-mbu-do di-ni.o-di nkʎa.o-ɹa.o-ne lo-mbu-ki-ŋi

Transcription: kra-no-mbu-do di-nio-ni nkjao-rao-ne lo-mbu-ki-ngi

Gloss: before-gerund-object-big-cause of-all-things-object evidental-past-verb-exist subject-ness-big-none

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Open, preformative, prefixing, SVO


Transliteration 1: rro-mbu-ki-ŋi nkjao-rao-ne di-nio-ni kra-no-mbu-do

Pronunciation: lo-mbu-ki-ŋi nkʎa.o-ɹa.o-ne di-ni.o-ni kɹa-no-mbu-do

Transcription: lo-mbu-ki-ngi nkyao-rao-ne di-nio-ni kra-no-mbu-do

Gloss: subject-ness-big-none evidental-past-verb-exist of-all-things-object before-gerund-object-big-cause

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Formerly-open, afformative, prefixing, OVS


Transliteration 1: ark-on-ubm-od id-oin-in oajkn-oar-en orr-ubm-ik-iŋ

Pronunciation: aɹk-on-ubm-od id-o.in-in o.aɹkn-o.aɹ-en ol-ubm-ik-iŋ

Transcription: ark-on-ubm-od id-oin-in oajkn-oar-en ol-ubm-ik-ing

Gloss: before-gerund-object-big-cause of-all-things-object evidental-past-verb-exist subject-ness-big-none

Translation: Before the great origin of all things, there must have existed in those days a great nothingness.

Formerly-open, afformative, prefixing, SVO


Transliteration 1: orr-ubm-ik-iŋ oajkn-oar-en id-oin-in ark-on-ubm-od

Pronunciation: ol-ubm-ik-iŋ o.aɹkn-o.aɹ-en id-o.in-in aɹk-on-ubm-od

Transcription: ol-ubm-ik-ing oaykn-oar-en id-oin-in ark-on-ubm-od

Gloss: subject-ness-big-none evidental-past-verb-exist of-all-things-object before-gerund-object-big-cause

Translation: A great nothingness it seems existed in the days before the great cause of all things.

Sound change 2: The Great Vowel Deletion

Sound change 2 with orthographical change 1

ba(q) or pa(q) = /ma/ > ppp = /m/
be(q) or pe(q) = /be/ > pp = /b/
bi(q) or pi(q) = /ɸi/ > qp = /ɸ/
by(q) or py(q) = /py/ > p = /p/
bu(q) or pu(q) = /βu/ > qpp = /β/
bo(q) or po(q) = /wo/ > qppp = /w/

da(q) or ta(q) = /na/ > ttt = /n/
de(q) or te(q) = /de/ > tt = /d/
di(q) or ti(q) = /si/ > qt = /s/
dy(q) or ty(q) = /ty/ > t = /t/
du(q) or tu(q) = /zu/ > qtt = /z/
do(q) or to(q) = /ro/ > qttt = /r/

dada(q) or tata(q) = /la/ > tttttt /l/
dede(q) or tete(q) = /ðe/ > ? /ð/
didi(q) or titi(q) = /ʃi/ > ? /ʃ/
dydy(q) or tyty(q) = /θy/ > ? /θ/
dudu(q) or tutu(q) = /ʒu/ > ? /ʒ/
dodo(q) or toto(q) = /rho/ > ???

ga(q) or ka(q) = /ŋa/ > kkk /ŋ/
ge(q) or ke(q) = /ge/ > kk /g/
gi(q) or ki(q) = /xi/ > qk /x/
gy(q) or ky(q) = /ky/ > k /k/
gu(q) or ku(q) = /ɣu/ > qkk /ɣ/
go(q) or ko(q) = /jo/ > qkkk /j/

New version: Ttoppppputttokqttta tttitttiotti ttteqtttaotttkqkkkao Kkkikippppputttttto. Kkkikitttopppqpppi ttttttatettttttaotttkqkkkao kkkikipppppupitttttto; pitttio kitttattttttaotttkqkkku kkkikipppppupitttttto. Qppqtttikkttti, ttteqtttiokkkue ttttttatikitttttto. Qtttoettaeqtttootttkqkkka tttittttttiottttta taokaeqtttotttkqkkkue tttittttttiotttta. Kitttikipitttotti taakaeqtttaotttkqkkkaa ttttttatikitttttto. Qtttautteqtttaotttkqkkkaa pppaeqtikitttttto. Pppaeqtikititttppppi ttteqtttiotttue tttittttttio.

Sound change 2 with orthographical change 2

Orthographical change 2 is separate and distinct from orthographical change 1. Orthrographical change 2 does not follow sequentially or build upon orthographical change 1.

ba(q) or pa(q) = /ma/ > m = /m/
be(q) or pe(q) = /be/ > ph = /b/
bi(q) or pi(q) = /ɸi/ > pp = /ɸ/
by(q) or py(q) = /py/ > p = /p/
bu(q) or pu(q) = /βu/ > phph = /β/
bo(q) or po(q) = /wo/ > mh = /w/

da(q) or ta(q) = /na/ > n = /n/
de(q) or te(q) = /de/ > th = /d/
di(q) or ti(q) = /si/ > tt = /s/
dy(q) or ty(q) = /ty/ > t = /t/
du(q) or tu(q) = /zu/ > thth = /z/
do(q) or to(q) = /ro/ > nh = /r/

dada(q) or tata(q) = /la/ > nn /l/
dede(q) or tete(q) = /ðe/ > ? /ð/
didi(q) or titi(q) = /ʃi/ > ? /ʃ/
dydy(q) or tyty(q) = /θy/ > ? /θ/
dudu(q) or tutu(q) = /ʒu/ > ? /ʒ/
dodo(q) or toto(q) = /rho/ > ???

ga(q) or ka(q) = /ŋa/ > ŋ /ŋ/
ge(q) or ke(q) = /ge/ > kh /g/
gi(q) or ki(q) = /xi/ > kk /x/
gy(q) or ky(q) = /ky/ > k /k/
gu(q) or ku(q) = /ɣu/ > khkh /ɣ/
go(q) or ko(q) = /jo/ > ŋh /j/

New version: Thomphunoknha niniothi nenhaonkŋhao Ŋikimphunno. Ŋikinommhi nnatennaonkŋhao ŋikimphupinno; pinio kinannaonkŋhu ŋikimphupinno. Phphŋhikhni, nenhioŋue nnatikinno. Nhoedaenhoonkŋha ninniontha taokaenhonkŋhue ninnionta. Kinikipinothi taakaenhaonkŋhaa nnatikinno. Nhaudenhaonkŋhaa maettikinno. Maettikitinmpi nenhionue ninnio.

Sound change 2 with orthographical change 3

Orthographical change 3 follows sequentially from and builds upon orthographical change 2.

m = /m/
ph = /b/ > b = /b/
pp = /ɸ/ > ph = /ɸ/
p = /p/
phph = /β/ > bh = /β/
mh = /w/ > mh /w/

n = /n/
th = /d/ > d = /d/
tt = /s/ > s = /s/
t = /t/
thth = /z/ > z = /z/
nh = /r/

nn /l/ > = l /l/
? /ð/ > dh = /ð/
? /ʃ/ > sh /ʃ/
? /θ/ > th = /θ/
? /ʒ/ > zh = /ʒ/

ŋ /ŋ/
kh = /g/ > g = /g/
kk = /x/ > kh = /x/
k = /k/
khkh = /ɣ/ > gh /ɣ/
ŋh = /j/ > lh = /j/

Newer version: Dombunoknha niniodi nenhaonklhao-Ŋikimbulo. Ŋikinommhi latelaonklhao-Ŋikimbupilo; pinio kinalaonklhu-ŋikimbupilo. Bhlhigni, nenhioŋue-latikilo. Nhoedaenhoonklhoa-nilionda taokaenhoonklhue-nilionta. Kinikipinodi taakaenhaonklhaa-latikilo. Nhaudenhaonklhaa-maesikilo. Maesikitinompi nenhionue-nilio.

Sound change 2 with orthographical change 4

Orthographical change 4 follows sequentially from and builds upon orthographical change 3.

m = /m/
b = /b/
ph = /ɸ/ > f = /ɸ/
p = /p/
bh = /β/ > v = /β/
mh /w/ > w /w/

n = /n/
d = /d/
s = /s/
t = /t/
z = /z/
nh = /r/ > r = /r/

l /l/
dh = /ð/ > ð = /ð/
sh /ʃ/ > ? = /ʃ/
> th = /θ/ > þ = /θ/
zh = /ʒ/ > ? = /ʒ/

ŋ /ŋ/
g = /g/
kh = /x/ > x = /x/
k = /k/
gh /ɣ/ > ? = /ɣ/
lh = /j/ > y = /j/

Newerer version: Dombunokra niniodi neraonkyao-Ŋikimbulo. Ŋikinomwi latelaonkyao-Ŋikimbupilo; pinio kinalaonkyu-ŋikimbupilo. Vyigni, nerioŋue-latikilo. Roedaeroonkyoa-nilionda taokaeroonkyue-nilionta. Kinikipinodi taakaeraonkyaa-latikilo. Rauderaonkyaa-maesikilo. Maesikitinompi nerionue-nilio.

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