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Copyright © 2002-2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
[Created: July 14th, 2004]
[Last Update: December 30th, 2020]

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: Whenas transpired a sennight Serenity went again unto the clearing wherein she had first met her Darkelf, and there she tarried his return. As she waited there resided in her no doubt whatever he’d come, for nary a Mannish creature, be it an Elf, a Human, a Dwarf, a Gnome, a Hobling , or an Ogre, be the creature male or female, could Nymphan hest withstand.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: And so Serenity walked about the edges of the clearing, browsing there litherly aside the ivy- and moss-clad cherries, that in their knar-shotten limbs draped in beard moss cradled tufts of broad-leafed fern, fruit-bearing mistletoe, and orchids of every shape and color. And near the hemp-canes, amongst the tall grasses of the clearing, were grazing there three perytons; a single white stag joined by two doe of fallow, white-spotted coat, all three stopping by turns to preen the white and black-barred pinions of their wings as they slowly through the clearing went.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: Little time had passed until Serenity heard from within the bushes the coming of her Darkelf; and as the perytons fled she hastened unto the edge of the clearing to greet him with impassioned halse.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: There from the hemp-canes appeared Aramyn Daelal, and when Serenity went to him he lovely colled and kissed her. Then the Darkelf pulled aback, and smiling joyfully he said to Serenity: “So, when do I find out what it is you desire of me?”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Firstly I shall wish thee to arride me,” said the Wood Nymph, beaming as brightly as ever before she had, “with more of thy tales.”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: Aramyn looked then into Serenity’s eyes of jazel, and was captive then by her wonder as much as her beauty. And he found him a dry nurse log upon which to sit, so that he might more comfortably treat Serenity to yet more of his stories.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: No sooner was he seated than Serenity straddled the Darkelf’s lap and wrapped her arms behind his neck, and round him wreathed her legs; and into his eyes she deeply stared, and begged him hasten to weave his first tale.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: And so again Serenity heard of the vast world that beyond the Emerald forest lay, and of whits that in her evoked awe of both marvel and terror. Stories of monsters the likes of raven Orks, boorish Dwarves, bloodthirsty Ogres, and deadly Humans. Yet also he told stories of Humans, Ogres, and Dwarves that alongside the Elves, Hobs, Faeries, and Gnomes fought bravely for the good of all Gaya . Throughout his stories she would marry and tighten her arms and legs around him whilstever affeared, and youthfully would she beam anent any the parts that enjoyed her -- and always their eyes stayed fasted. As their passion grew together, no feeling was left unshared. As their hearts together pounded no beat was left unfelt. As into each other they heavily spired no breath was left untaken. And by the tale’s end, no heart was left unshaken.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: Eft the end of the Aramyn’s sixth tale, Serenity abode there nearly breathless in his lap, her eyes as wide as shales as her breasts immensely hove. “Thy tales are very beautiful,” she said. “I wish I could hear more.”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “I’ve told a lot of stories to a lot of folk,” said Aramyn, “but I’ve never experienced anywhit like -- Why can’t you hear more?”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Because,” replied Serenity, “ ‘tis time for thy reward.” And the Dryad clomb from the Darkelf’s lap and before him stood to her feet. So pleased was she with Aramyn’s tales that she had decided she would requite her Darkelf with blessing of dance and song.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: With a sweetness that Aramyn had never before imagined she sang unto him a soothing and wordless song, passing by far even the most gifted of Elven women as she galed with ease in notes that no other wight could approach. And as she sang she lithely danced, her naked form by the setting Sun brindled as His light through the canopy’s leaves enshone her. Her limbs bent about so featly, with such celerity she proved her body nimble beyond all of reason’s bounds, as her hips swiveled and thrust and afloat her bollen breasts swayed. And over her shoulder she enticingly leered each time she spun away; and so full were her eyes with a thousand carnal hungers whensoever they met his, that whetted then was the Darkelf’s fervor to heights hitherto untried. Yet by the stilling bliss the Dryad’s song bestowed upon him Aramyn swith was rapt to tear, and thus whilst he tholed the seething passions stirred within him by her tombestry, so too by her song he felt his very soul in splendor rent, and his heart slain duly of the Dryad’s charm. And whenas the dance and song had ended, the Darkelf was left there sitting, broken inly of what sundry pleasures nary a man could endure.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: When at last Aramyn’s breath had come back to him, he said unto Serenity: “Was that my reward, or just the proem?”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: Again Serenity smiled upon Aramyn as she then knelt before him, and placed her elbows upon his knees as she rested her chin within her hands. Still as brightly at him grinning she let her eyes drift down to his lap. And her face changed; her smile gave way to simper, and quiverly she gulped, and for a brief moment at him she glanced and coyly bit her nether lip, and unto him she then timidly said:

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “I’m afraid I’ve grown too weary to give thee thy reward, and I’ve become quite thirsty.” Serenity then returned her pore to his lap, and began to trace with her fingers the small bulge that had by then appeared. And she looked once more upon the Darkelf’s face as upon his lap her fingers danced; her eyes again with his locked for her to cast her most riggish leer. “Thou wouldst not know of anywhit that could quench for me my parched throat, wouldst thou? If so I lief shall quaff it down, till my belly doth overbrim.”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: And Aramyn let out an odd squeak. Serenity burst then into laughter as she returned again to her feet. “I shall see thee next sennight, then?”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Huh?”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “I expect thou wilt be looking forward to our next meeting,” said Serenity, “wilt thou not?”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Yes, yes I will,” answered Aramyn, “but, weren’t you about to give me, y’know....”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Verily,” said Serenity, giggling yet at the Darkelf, “and I shall fain give it to thee, or rather take it from thee.” Her grin then widened as she peered into Aramyn’s longing eyes. “Gladly I shall take anywhit thou wishest to give me, right here, at midday, a sennight from this morrow.”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Alright,” sighed Aramyn, standing up from his seat upon the log. “I suppose you should escort me back.”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Dost thou need me to escort thee?” asked Serenity.

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Don’t you have to escort me?” queried Aramyn. “I thought no Darkelf could be permitted through these woods without escort.”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Nay,” replied Serenity, shaking her head. “I only said that so I might get close to thee. Why else would it have been alright for thee to come all this way on thine own?”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: With a humbled smirk Aramyn nodded his head. “I would have figured that out, if I’d thought about it.”

Dryad §αIV¶I. [To be finished]

Translation: “Of course thou wouldst have.” And Serenity took Aramyn by his hand, and began leading him toward the road to Arlianor.

Version 1
Version 2
Version 3

§αI: “Serenity’s Sorrow”
§αII: “Nepenthean Eve”
§αIII: “Embrocation”
§αIV: “Enchantment”
§αV: “Raven, Heroness, and Crow”
§αVI: “Of The Fairish Courts”
§αVII: “Tombestry”
§αVIII: “The Hallowkells”
§αIX: “Treacle and Tonic”
§αX: “Fearfullest Bliss”
§αXI: “Faith Besought”
§αXII: “Departing Paradise”
⚑ = You Are Here.

The Descent of the Dryad
Επυλλιον Αλφα: Antegesis
Επυλλιον Βητα: Imegesis
Επυλλιον Γαμμα: Diegesis
Επυλλιον Δηλτα: Exegesis
⚑ = You Are Here.

The Sovereignty Cycle
The Descent of the Drayad
The Phantasmata
The Book of Rowans
Chaos & Virtue
⚑ = You Are Here.

The Palæoboreanica
The Geneticon
The Sovereignty Cycle
⚑ = You Are Here.

Ancient Borea
The Borean World
The Palæoboreanica
People & Races
⚑ = You Are Here.

Ancient Borea
Red the Blue Devil
The Nocturnals
The Spacebunnies
Solar Civil War
⚑ = You Are Here.

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