According to Palæoboreanic mythology, ancient Borea was inhabited by numerous, diverse humanoid races. These were mainly categorized into Wights, Wyrms, and Therions, although there are many others.
Wights are essentially "humanesque" creatures, such as Boreans, Elves, Dwarves, Ogres, Orcs, and Undead.
Also called "The Mannish Races", the Weres are a paraphyletic grouping of what the Fairikin consider to be the "baser" wights: Ogres, dwarrow, and Boreans, the latter of which seems to share a more recent common ancestor with the Fairikin than with any of their fellow Werish races.
Evolution of Werish and Fairish Races —
Boreans Homo sapiens borealis. These are more-or-less the "humans" of the story, although they're distinct from anatomically modern Homo sapiens sapiens. It is likely the Boreans or very recent ancestors thereof who were the ultimate progenitors of the Fairish races.
The Boreans likely arose when a Baltic subspecies of Homo erectus, known as H. erectus borealis, some of which had migrated south into central Europe during the Gunz glaciation, interbred with Homo (sapiens) antecessor or early Homo (sapiens) rhodesiensis.
Sexual dimorphism among the ancient Boreans was more pronounced than in modern H. sapiens. Male craniodental morphology tended to be more robust or "ape-like" than in modern H. sapiens, while female craniodental morphology tended on average to be more neotenous.
Borean males were, on average, about half a Borean foot taller than Borean females. Males also tended to have proportionately longer arms and larger hands, whereas females had proportionately longer legs. Male Boreans tended to have proportionately short legs, while Borean females tended to have proportionately short arms. Borean males were "barrel-chested", with a rib cage much larger in circumferance than their hips; female Boreans display the inverse proportion, with a rib cage much narrower than the circumferance of the hips.
Some notable Borean complexion phenotypes depicted with stereotypically associated (but not genetically linked) hair colors. Boreans had a similar range in skin tones to that found in modern humans. Whereas modern _Homo sapiens_ has mainly two color patters, plain and freckled, the ancient Boreans had a third, characterized by "blews", or patches of skin where the collagen structures cause light to refract blue, not unlike various other primates, notably the Mandrill or the Golden Snub-Nose monkey.
High Boreans Also called Meridians or Cisalpinians. These are the peoples responsible for what we know as Borean civilization.
Wild Boreans Boreans who live in the wilds and regularly mix with cavefolk, Aldelves, and in the north, Rime Boreans.
Rime Boreans Also called Hyperboreans or Transalpinians. These Boreans include the tundra nomads of the north who mix with cavefolk and wildmen.
Sea Boreans Also called Selkies. Shamanic people who inhabit islands and artificial floats throughout the Mediterreanean.
Dwarrow Also pluralized as "dwarfs" or "dwarves", dwarrow are a race of creatures apparently descended from Homo sapiens neanderthalensis or H. sapiens heidelbergensis, but were affected by selective pressure for small size at some point in their evolutionary history (cf. the insular dwarfism of H. floresiensis).
Mountain Dwarrows
Ogres These "orc-folk" (ogre is an 18th century French term likely derived from an Anglo-Norman corruption of the Old English *orc-were, meaning "orc-man") were not actually related to the Orcs, but were likened to them due to their great size and battle-prowess. They also had a reputation for being quick-tempered.
Mountain Ogres These
Hill Ogres These
Wood Ogres These
Weres that don't fit into any other category.
Neanderthals Homo neanderthalensis or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.
Homo sapiens rhodesiensis, Homo sapiens heidelbergensis, and possibly relic populations of late-surviving Homo sapiens antecessor.
Also known as “Coblynau” or “Kobolds”. Not true Fairfolk, but hybrids of Hobs with Dwarrow.
Gnomes Wise kobolds highly skilled in the magical arts.
Clurichauns Stereotypically mischeivious, chronically-drunk kobolds that burrow into wine cellars to steal alcohol.
Knockers Mining kobolds.
Leprechauns Stereotypically these creatures are lovers of gold and many take up careers as shoemakers.
Kilmoulis Solitary goblins that reside in old mills and abandoned buildings.