Dustin Jon Scott Ancient Borea
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Ancient Borean Cuisine

Copyright © 1999-2020 C.E. by Dustin Jon Scott


Palæoboreanic diet, cuisine, and food-getting strategies were surprisingly modern. Boreans planted crops, and hunted, fished, and trapped various animals for food.


Cuts of freshly butchered and cooked meat were occasionally served as the entrée of a meal, particularly for exceptionally wealthy individuals, however the majority of meat consumed by Boreans would have been in the form of smoked jerky, or prepared by boiling dried meat for pottage.

Cuts of Meat — steaks and fillets were the commonest cuts of meat, after obvious cuts made at the joints yielding hams, drumsticks, and the like, and could by themselves form the entrée of a meal (more habitually for the wealthy; more ceremonially for the poor).

Ground Meats

Spit-roasted Meats — animals cooked more-or-less whole and the cut into individual servings.

Fried Meats — thin cuts of meat and slabs of ground meat were often fried.

Smoked Meats — meats were often smoked for preservation.

Pickled Meats


Numerous references exist in the recovered writings of the Palæoboreanic to various kinds of bread, cake, and cereals, and recipes have even been found along with artifacts interpreted as cookware containing chemo-fossils of what have been controversially identified as loaves and cakes of a milled non-maize corn baked together with yeast or fried with lard, in some cases baked or fried with bird eggs (Cook, et al. 2004; Baker, 2008).

Bread & Cereals


the ancient Boreans made many different types of soup, stew, pottage, chowder, gruel, and porridge. While the English language has no single term to cover all of these similar types of dishes (even though distinguishing between them is often very subjective; hot cereals such as oatmeal and cold cereals by extension are considered porridge, for example, which by some definitions would make them types of soup), the Borean people considered all of these to be a single category of cmheranioyiu (lit. “liquids”, “wateries”, or “wets”, but generally translated simply as “pottage”).

Stew — In Borean reckoning, a stew is a thick, chunky soup that may be served as though it were solid food covered in gravy;

Soup — a true soup is more watery and the solid ingredients tend to be chopped into smaller pieces;

Chowder — a chowder is a very thick soup which lacks as much of a textural contrast as found in stew between the solid ingredients and the gravy;

Porridge — porridge is a grain-based chowder;

Gruel — gruel is a more watery version of porridge.

Pottage — without any qualifiers may be a general term for all of these, or may refer to a more "neutral" form similar to what modern Americans might call gumbo or hobo stew.


the Palæoboreanic people made both tea and coffee, as well as fruit juices (though without modern preservation techniques, these were often served fresh-squeezed). Various forms of vegetable juice were also consumed. Additionally, the Palæoboreanics had learned how to produce a number of alcoholic beverages: mead was by far the most common, however beers, wines, and even some other stronger spirits were occasionally produced.

Fruit Juice







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