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Chaos & Virtue

Copyright � 2002-2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
[Last Update: Decemberrd, 2017]

Like most Palaeoboreanic epics, Chaos & Virtue follows a fairly typical Palaeoboreanic narrative structure, containing an antegesis (pre-story), imegesis (in-story), diegesis (through-story), and exegesis (out-story).


Επυλλιον Αλφα: Antegesis
The antegesis (pre-story) is essentially a series of vignettes from the characters’ lives which will later turn out to have had a bearing on the events of the story.

Επυλλιον Βητα: Imegesis
In the imegesis (in-story), Lodiyu and his fellow Paladins travel to the city of Necropolis. The imegesis describes the first major part of the journey, in this case the Catabasis or “going down” the coast to a dangerous, wild land to the south.

Επυλλιον Γαμμα: Diegesis
In the diegesis (through-story), the characters continue their quest, out of the Necropolis and toward the story’s climax. The diegesis describes the “main” part of the quest; in this case, what the ancients would call the Anabasis or “going up” to the great city.

Επυλλιον Δηλτα: Exegesis
In the exegesis (out-story), the aftermath of the story.

Επυλλιον Αλφα: Antegesis
Επυλλιον Βητα: Imegesis
Επυλλιον Γαμμα: Diegesis
Επυλλιον Δηλτα: Exegesis

The Sovereignty Cycle
The Descent of the Drayad
The Phantasmata
The Book of Rowans
Chaos & Virtue
⚑ = You Are Here.

The Palæoboreanica
The Geneticon
The Sovereignty Cycle
⚑ = You Are Here.

Ancient Borea
The Borean World
The Palæoboreanica
People & Races
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Red the Blue Devil
The Nocturnals
The Spacebunnies
Solar Civil War
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