D. J. Scott D. J. Scott
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Copyright © 2002-2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
[Last Update: Decemberrd, 2017]


Like most Palaeoboreanic epics, The Descent of the Drayad follows a fairly typical Palaeoboreanic narrative structure, containing an antegesis, imegesis, diegesis, and exegesis.

§γI: “Homestead”
House / Basement Armadein hatchery / The Druid Stone Ward / Armadein nest

§γII: “Pervading Elderwood Brake”

§γIII: “Watchtower”

§γIV: “The Elderwood”

§γV: “Distributary Bourn”

§γVI: “The Trooping Elves”

§γVII: “Homewood of the Eldest Band”

§γVIII: “Laurelian Rede”

§γIX: “The Elder Oracle”

§γX: “The Mysts of Dellfax”

§γIX: “Cairn Glen”

§γIX: “Horrors on the Heathland”

§γIX: “Lurker in Rivenmoor”

§γIX: “Amidst the Reeds”

§γIX: “Causey on Dreadmarsh Esker”

§γIX: “Monstrosity Morass”

§γIX: “The Wyrms of Direfen”
The Wyrms of Direfen (broad scalariform scute ridge/row, scincoid, scabrous, scabious, sclerodermous, scutellation, scutellate/scutiform, scutiger/scutigerous, lappet,)

§γIX: “The Blackdrake of Grimcarr”

§γIX: “Oracle of the Willow”
Gateway to Moston; the Hanging Gardens; Unto the Eightower

§γIX: “Will of the Quedmire Bog Wisps”

§γIX: “Boding of the Heleads”

§γIX: “The Sunken Ruin”

§γIX: “Stratmoss Vinyard”

§γIX: “Oracle of the Vines”

§γIX: “Cascade Bog”

§γIX: “Defile Wall Beasts”

§γIX: “Myrkwood Scissure”
Myrkwood Gulch; Riparian Vein

§γIX: “Mirthmoor Ruin”
Myrkwood Gulch; Riparian Vein

§γIX: “Nearing Everlynn”
The Trooping Elves

§γIX: “Bruindown Falls”

§γIX: “The Great Bruin”

§γIX: “Den of the Bruinhawk”

§γIX: “Inheritance”
The Greendrake imparts a portion of its treasure to the Nymphs

§γIX: “Console Cliff”

§γIX: “Everquay Porth”

§γIX: “Frothing Seiches, Crimson Beaches”

§γIX: “Caravan of the Deep”

§γIX: “Wilderness neath the Waves”

§γIX: “Into the Deep of Nethermere”

§γIX: “By Cover of Adamance”

§γIX: “Abysm’s Myrk”

§γIX: “Everwharf Cove”

§γIX: “Atop Fortress Evermoat”

§γIX: “Nethermere”

§γIX: “Braving the Dark Waters”

§γIX: “Reeffoot Sconce/Stronghold”

§γIX: “The Palace of Reefroot Kell”
The Roots of Everwork

§γIX: “Wedged Carrier Cay/Skerry”

§γIX: “Landing on Garret Rock”

§γIX: “The Ivorine Watchtower”

§γIX: “Cog to Temple Cay”
Cog to [Shellspire] Temple Cay

§γIX: “Salskerry”

§γIX: “Fortress atop the Atoll”

§γIX: “Hythe of Atreef Cay”

§γIX: “The Freight Galley Great Slate”

§γIX: “Encounter at Archportal Pass”

§γIX: “Shoal-Dwellers of Mercroft Forest”

§γIX: “The Bight of Mercroft Channel”

§γIX: “The Castle of Isengate Debouche”

§γIX: “Merefirth Cove”
Ruins??? Merefirth Cove; Everneath Quarry; Merefirth

§γIX: “Mamelons”

§γIX: “Great Os of Cavernwrack”

§γIX: “Minewharf Berth”

§γIX: “Stodgery of the Seeled Sailor”

§γIX: “Cargo Caravel Plenary Plier”

§γIX: “Whelming Threat through Plethoric Depths”

§γIX: “Infirmary”
Mine head; infirmary; mining town

§γIX: “The Room & Rum Wrack Inn”

§γIX: “Copper Mine”

§γIX: “The Roots of Everwork”

§γIX: “Everneath Quarry”

§γIX: “Everneath Quarry”

§γXVII: “Dwarghton Everroot”
First chapter
[G§LXII]: Dwarghton Everroot

§γXVII: “Castle Greybeard”
First chapter
[G§LXIII]: Castle Greybeard

§γXVII: “How Mount Everwork was Wrought”
First chapter
[G§LXIV]: How Mount Everwork was Wrought

§γXVII: “Monitor Wightwin”
First chapter
[G§LXIV]: Monitor Wightwin

§γXVII: “Murrain of Everwork Mountain”
First chapter
[G§LXVII]: Murrain of Everwork Mountain

§γXVII: Something about the Reptillions???
First chapter
[G§LXVIII]: Something about the Reptillions???

§γXVII: “Secret Road of the Serpentry”
First chapter
[G§LXIX]: Secret Road of the Serpentry

§γXVII: “Treading the Wyrm-warrnes”
First chapter
[G§LXX]: Treading the Wyrm-warrens
[§?:CXXXV]: Treading the Wyrm-warrens

§γXVII: “Hoard of the King Firedrake”
First chapter
[G§LXXI]: Hoard of the King Firedrake (Pyropter)
[§?:CXXXVI]: Cavern of the Firedrake

§γXVII: “Towers of Tarn Bale Dam”
First chapter
[G§LXXII]: Towers of Tarn Bale Dam

§γXVII: “The Dammed Tarn Bale”
First chapter
[G§LXXIII]: The Dammed Tarn Bale
[§?:CXLII]: The Dammed Tarn
[§?:CXLIII]: BLANKinver Hythe
[§?:CXLIV]: Beyond Darksome Weirmouth
[§?:CXLV]: Ancillary Weir
[§?:CXLVI]: Landfall on Evermoor
[§?:CXLVII]: Wyrmwere Bane
[§?:CXLVIII]: Elvenheight

§γXVII: “Defile of Calvary”
First chapter
[G§LXXIV]: Defile of Calvary

§γXVII: “Necrotic Weir”
First chapter
[G§LXXV]: Necrotic Weir

§γXVII: “Debouche Morass”
First chapter
[G§LXXVI]: Debouche Morass

§γXVII: “The Bonebed of Evermoor”
First chapter
[G§LXXVII]: The Bonebed of Evermoor

§γXVII: “Cairns of Lich Heath”
First chapter
[G§LXXVIII]: Cairns of Lich Heath

§γXVII: “Pith & Skull Meadhall”
First chapter
[G§LXXIX]: Pith & Skull Meadhall

§γXVII: “Whilom Masters of Mount Everwork”
First chapter
[G§LXXX]: Whilom Masters of Mount Everwork

§γXVII: “The Path Forsaken”
First chapter
[G§LXXXI]: The Path Forsaken

§γXVII: “Drowgsbarrow Pond”
First chapter
[G§LXXXII]: Drowgsbarrow Pond

§γXVII: “Camp of the Woodents”
First chapter
[G§LXXXIII]: Camp of the Woodents (Eontann-)

§γXVII: “Moonelf Outpost”
First chapter
[G§LXXXIV]: Moonelf Outpost

§γXVII: “Sacred Glade of the Moonelves”
First chapter
[G§LXXXV]: Sacred Glade of the Moonelves

§γXVII: “Forbidden City of the Sunelves”
First chapter
[G§LXXXVI]: Forbidden City of the Sunelves

§γXVII: “Ancient Temple of the Moonelves”???
First chapter
[G§LXXXVII]: Ancient Temple??? Of the Moonelves

§γXVII: “Garrison of the Redelven”???
First chapter
[G§LXXXVIII]: Stout Redelf Garrison??? Sconce???

§γXVII: “Redelfton”
First chapter
[G§LXXXIX]: Redelfton
[§?:CXXXVII]: The Redelfton
[§?:CXXXVIII]: Catacombs of the Ettins
[§?:CXXXIX]: The Red Ettin King

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§XC]: Temple of Ichrix???

§γXVII: “Drake Defense Post”???
First chapter
[G§XCII]: Drake Defense Post???

§γXVII: “Guard-house of the Ruind Wall”
First chapter
[G§XCIII]: Guard-house of the ruined wall???

§γXVII: “Guild Hall of the Watchtower Guard”
First chapter
[G§XCIV]: Guild Hall of the Watchtower Guard

§γXVII: “Watchtowers of Grenrift Meander”
First chapter
[G§XCV]: Watchtowers of Grenrift Meander

§γXVII: “Gates of the Trammeling Walls”
First chapter
[G§XCVI]: Gates of the Trammeling Walls

§γXVII: “Nightelf Encampment”
First chapter
[G§XCVII]: Nightelf Encampment

§γXVII: “Guiver Lich Viaduct”
First chapter
[G§XCVIII]: Guiver Lich ¿¿¿Viaduct???

§γXVII: “Guiver’s End Peel Tower”
First chapter
[G§XCIX]: Guiver’s End Peel Tower

§γXVII: “Aqueduct Temple of the Hewnstone Lion”
First chapter
[G§CI]: Aqueduct Temple of the Hewnstone Lion

§γXVII: “The Old Cob Farmhouse”
First chapter
[G§CIII]: The Old Cob Farmhouse

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CIV]: Streets of ?Barovia?

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CV]: Necromage Safehouse

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CVI]: Temple of the Stormdrake

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CVII]: Abandoned Rectory???

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CIX]: Hamlet

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CX]: House of Shades

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXI]: Stormdrake

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXIII]: Oracle of the Rowan
[§?:CXLIX]: Oracle of the Rowan

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXIV]: Leimonyads

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXV]: The Foot of Mount Everwork

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXVI]: Mine in Misuse

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXVII]: Derelict Delf

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXVIII]: The Old Pump Mill / Stulm

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXIX]: Sump / Viridescent Salse Fields

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXX]: Mountainfoot Temple

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXI]: Guarded Cesspool

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXII]: Muck Mamelon Mound

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXIII]: Secrets of Everwork’s Slopes

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXIV]: Cavate Crawling

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXV]: Cliffside Caves & Crevices
[§?:CL]: Traversing the Wealdring
[§?:CLI]: Upper Slopes of Everwork
[§?:CLII]: Surmount of the Underside
[§?:CLIII]: The Cliffside City

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXVI]: Surmount of the Netherside

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXVII]: Juttying Ledges of Netherwrought

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXVIII]: Some kind of city, above/below???

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXIX]: Skep of the Vespidons [??s?] (polistine nests are flat, much smaller, and more numerous) gall wasp / mud dauber

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXX]: Underledge City

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXI]: The Hanging Palace

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXII]: Honeycombs of the Meliferan Hive

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXIII]: Emergence in Ridgewood
[§?:CLIV]: Emergence in Everwood

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXIV]: Defenses of Atridge Forest

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXV]: Woodelf Outpost

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXVI]: Elfton Accar
[§?:CLV]: Amid the Treetops
[§?:CLVI]: Elfton Accar

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXVII]: Amid the Treetops

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXVIII]: Decision at Elfmoot
[§?:CLVII]: Elfmoot

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXXXIX]: Wizard’s Tower

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXL]: Welkinkeep Skyfort

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXLI]: Flight to Havencomb Wharf

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXLII]: Requiem Oakhaven
[§?:CLVIII]: Requiem Oakhaven

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXLV]: Oracle of the Oaks
[§?:CLIX]: Endurance Lorn
[§?:CLX]: Oracle of the Oaks
[§?:CLXI]: Barrows Aisle
[§?:CLXII]: Ruins of Trinity
[§?:CLXIII]: Raptrices of the Grave
[§?:CLXIV]: Knell Stithy Mischance
[§?:CLXV]: Neath Trinity’s Fanes
[§?:CLXVI]: Welcome to Dwarrowdeep
[§?:CLXVII]: Halls of Silverndelf
[§?:CLXVIII]: Dwarfsbane of Isendelf
[§?:CLXIX]: The Labyrinth of Dwarrowdeep
[§?:CLXX]: Threat of the Ettinburrows
[§?:CLXXI]: The Great Plain of Nethervale
[§?:CLXXII]: Battleground of the Yettinwars
[§?:CLXXIII]: The Sistren Huldra
[§?:CLXXIV]: Together Clash Horde Against Threat Before Host Athwart Mass Afore Throng, and Fuck Each as Thunderously and as Mightily into the Other Did They as the Keel through the Swan-road’s Frothy Swells Cleft belike a Supple Pome Riven by a Sword of Adamance Forged·
[§?:CLXXV]: The Stirring of Everdrake
[§?:CLXXVI]: Rimedwarrow & Rimethurs
[§?:CLXXVII]: The Draugs of Barrowton Underberm
[§?:CLXXVIII]: The Ancient Aqueduct
[§?:CLXXIX]: Raptrices of the Ice
[§?:CLXXXIII]: Cities of Rime
[§?:CLXXXIV]: Rimeberm Ridge
[§?:CLXXXV]: Cave of the Crystal Stair
[§?:CLXXXVI]: Mounting the Great Wall
[§?:CLXXXVII]: Approach of the Summit
[§?:CLXXXVIII]: Eldritch Gardens
[§?:CLXXXIX]: The Theocracy’s Counsel
[§?:CXC]: Fruits of Gnosis
[§?:CXCI]: Serenity’s Sacrifice
?p?????µ ?e?ta: Exegesis
[?§I]: The Emerald Forest
[?§II]: Idylls of E
[?§III]: +phemera
[?§V]: Passing Away

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXLVII]: Striation

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXLVIII]: Sphynx’s Pass

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXLIX]: Upon the Filaceous ?? Bearing

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CL]: Filipendulous Fiends

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLI]: Barrows Aisle

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLII]: Ruins of Trinity

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLIII]: Raptrices of the Grave

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLIV]: Stithy Mischance

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLV]: Neath the Fanes of Trinity

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLVII]: Ingress of Dwarrowdeep Mine

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLVIII]: The Great Delves of Dwarrowdeep

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLIX]: Shining Halls of Silverndelf

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLX]: The Citadel of Diamondelf

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXI]: The Chieftain of Isendelf’s Thegns

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXII]: Dwarfsbane of The Deep

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXIII]: Into the Spherinth’s Outlet

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXIV]: Route of the Rust Lice

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXV]: Forges of Crucible Foundry

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXVI]: The Automataur’s Foundry

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXVII]: The Central Chamber??

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXVIII]: Egress through the Entryng

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXIX]: The Ettinburrows

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXX]: The Ettin (eotann) King > Ettinking

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXI]: Catacombs of the Ettins

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXII]: Tomb of the Mountainthurs

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXIII]: Cavern of the Frozen Tarn

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXIV]: The Great Ice Plane

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXV]: Frozen Ponds of the Moraines

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXVI]: Window over the Headwall

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXVII]: Beyond the BLANK???

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXVIII]: Amidst Darkness and Fulgor

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXIX]: Beasts of the Frozen Verges

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXX]: ¡¿Redoubt of Castle Yettincomb?!5

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXI]: Jagged Rocks of the Rimeland

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXII]: Attack by the Snow-Orcs

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXIII]: The Beacon of Dusk ___

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXIV]: Huldra Sistren of Dusk ___

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXV]: Tracking the Hoaryettins (geottan-)

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXVI]: Ambush by the Darkyettins (geottan-)

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXVII]: The Path to Os Nadir

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXVIII]: Ritual atop Cromlech Maw

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CLXXXIX]: The Belly of Swartyettinyard?

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXC]: Navigating

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCI]: Rimethur Castle

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCII]: The Black Rimethur of Everwork

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCIII]: Snowdwarrows of Everglaze

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCIV]: The Draugswick Glen Barrow-wights

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCV]: Uprise? of the Frostbeards

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCVI]: The Stirring of Everdrake

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCVII]: Arrival of the Alerions

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCVIII]: Vomitory (amphitheater/stadium entrance)

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CXCIX]: Raptrices of the Ice

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CC]: Ice Creatures of the Court

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCI]: Labors of Abomination
[§?:CLXXX]: Labors of Abomination
[§?:CLXXXI]: The Ancient Aqueduct
[§?:CLXXXII]: The Laboratory

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCII]: Abominator’s Laboratory

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCIII]: Tower??

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCIV]: Cryoduct of the Arête

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCV]: Trek athwart Everberm

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCVI]: Horrors of the Hommocks

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCVII]: City of Ice

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCVIII]: Nightfall on the Berm

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCIX]: Climb of the Crystal Stair

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCX]: Mounting the Great Wall

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCXI]: Perron up the Arête

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCXII]: Wending Woodward

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCXIII]: Final Egression

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCXIV]: The Eldritch Garden

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCXV]: Hidden Quintessence
[G§CCXVI]: Trinuclear Something
[G§CCXVII]: Binuclear
[G§CCXVIII]: Mononuclear

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCXIX]: The Theocracy’s Counsel

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCXX]: Fruits of Gnosis

§γXVII: “Temple of Ichrix”
First chapter
[G§CCXXI]: Serenity’s Sacrifice

§γI: “Homestead”
§γII: “Pervading Elderwood Brake”
§γIII: “Watchtower”
§γIV: “The Elderwood”
§γV: “Distributary Bourn”
§γVI: “The Trooping Elves”

The Descent of the Dryad
Επυλλιον Αλφα: Antegesis
Επυλλιον Βητα: Imegesis
Επυλλιον Γαμμα: Diegesis
Επυλλιον Δηλτα: Exegesis
⚑ = You Are Here.

The Sovereignty Cycle
The Descent of the Drayad
The Phantasmata
The Book of Rowans
Chaos & Virtue
⚑ = You Are Here.

The Palæoboreanica
The Geneticon
The Sovereignty Cycle
⚑ = You Are Here.

Ancient Borea
The Borean World
The Palæoboreanica
People & Races
⚑ = You Are Here.

Ancient Borea
Red the Blue Devil
The Nocturnals
The Spacebunnies
Solar Civil War
⚑ = You Are Here.