The Fairish Races
Copyright © 1999-2020 C.E. by Dustin Jon Scott
In Palæoboreanic mythology, "The Fairish Races", "Fairfolk", or "Fairikin". The Fairish races likely descend from the not-so-distant ancestor of the Borean people. Aloof, elusive, and highly magical, these creatures aren't even regarded as mortal by the Werish races, and indeed cannot die of old age.
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Aldelves (Homo borealis alfus)
Lightelves (Homo alfus albus)
Darkelves (Homo alfus creper)
Swartelves, or “Blackelves” (Homo alfus nigrans)
Woodelves (Homo alfus sylvanis)
Waterelves (Homo alfus aquaticus)
Riverelves (Homo alfus aquaticus var. fluvius)
Sea-elves (Homo alfus aquaticus var. paelagius)
Redelves (Homo alfus rufus)
Hobs are diminutive Elves. They are known for being skilled magicians and craftsmen; those who do not pursue the study of magic often become shoemakers, toymakers, and tinkerers of various sorts.
Urisks or “Brownies”
Drowes or “Dark Hobs”
Trowes or “Swart Hobs”
Nymphs are a parthenogenetic, all-female lineage of Elf-like hominids, classified either as a subspecies of Elf, Homo alfus nymphe or as its own distinct species, Homo nymphe. In classification systems that regard Elves as a type of Borean (H. borealis), H. borealis alfus, nymphs would either be categorized as H. b. alfus var. nymphe or perhaps as H. b. nymphe. In classification systems wherein Boreans are regarded as H. sapiens borealis, nymphs become either H. s. borealis var. nymphe or even H. s. borealis var. alfus subvar. nymphe, although this would make classification of the various subvarieties of nymph difficult to classify.
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Dryads, or “Woodnymphs” (Homo nymphe dryadalis)
Lampads, or Underworld Nymphs (Homo nymphe rubeus)
Aulonyads, or Fieldnymphs
Alseids, or Grove-nymphs
Hydriads, or Waternymphs (Homo nymphe aquatilis)
Naiads, or Freshwater-nymphs (Homo nymphe aquatilis var. naias)
Potameiads, or Rivernymphs (Homo nymphe aquatilis var. naias subvar. potamis)
Pegææ, or Springnymphs (Homo nymphe aquatilis var. naias subvar. fontis)
Crinææ, or Fountain-nymphs (Homo nymphe aquatilis var. naias subvar. saliens)
Limnads, or Lake-nymphs (Homo nymphe aquatilis var. naias subvar. lacus)
Eleionomæ, or Marshnymphs (Homo nymphe aquatilis var. naias subvar. lama)
Nereids, or Seanymphs (Homo nymphe aquatilis var. marum)
Napæa, or Valley-nymphs
Oreads, or Mountain-nymphs
Also known as “Coblynau” or “Kobolds”. Not true Fairfolk, but hybrids of Hobs with Dwarrow.