Dustin Jon Scott Ancient Borea
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Wights are essentially "humanesque" creatures, such as Boreans, Elves, Dwarves, Ogres, Orcs, and Undead.

Evolution of Werish and Fairish Races —

The Werish Races

Also called "The Mannish Races", this is a paraphyletic grouping of what the Fairikin consider to be the "baser" wights: Ogres, dwarrow, and Boreans, the latter of which seems to share a more recent common ancestor with the Fairikin than with any of their fellow Werish races.

Homo sapiens borealis. These are more-or-less the "humans" of the story, although they're distinct from anatomically modern Homo sapiens sapiens. It is likely the Boreans or very recent ancestors thereof who were the ultimate progenitors of the Fairish races.

Also pluralized as "dwarfs" or "dwarves", dwarrow are a race of creatures apparently descended from Homo sapiens neanderthalensis or H. sapiens heidelbergensis, but were affected by selective pressure for small size at some point in their evolutionary history (cf. the insular dwarfism of H. floresiensis).

These "orc-folk" (ogre is likely an Anglo-Norman corruption of the Old English *orc-were, meaning "orc-man") were not actually related to the Orcs, but were likened to them due to their great size and battle-prowess. They also had a reputation for being quick-tempered.

The Fairish Races

The Fairish races likely descend from the not-so-distant ancestor of the Borean people. Aloof, elusive, and highly magical, these creatures aren't even regarded as mortal by the Werish races, and indeed cannot die of old age. For more information, see: The Fairish Races.

In Palæoboreanic mythology just as in Norse mythology, there are numerous sorts of Elves: Lightelves and Darkelves are the most common, however there are also Woodelves, Sea-elves, and Swartelves (as well as Dark Woodelves and Dark Sea-elves). Unlike Norse mythology, however, there are also Sunelves and Moonelves (types of Lightelf), Redelves, and Nightelves.

Hobs are diminutive Elves. They are known for being skilled magicians and craftsmen; those who do not pursue the study of magic often become shoemakers, toymakers, and tinkerers of various sorts.

This group includes Dryads (both Adryads and Hamadryads), Oreads, Aulonyads, Potameads, and numerous other varieties. Occasionally referred to as "spirits", their corporeality is highly questionable.

The Damned Races

In Palæoboreanic mythology, "The Damned Races" refers those which are considered as having an unnatural semblance of life. This includes the Undead (vampires, wraiths, revenants, and the like) as well as the Orcs (who according to legend are all descended from undead beings).

The Orcs
Orcs in Palæoboreanic mythology are a race of pseudo-undead creatures typically regarded alongside the undead proper as abominations, or "damned races". According to legend, the Orcs were first created by stitching together pieces of dead sailors and sea monsters, although many varieties shortly began to colonize the land, and by the time of The Sovereignty Cycle, there were far more land-dwelling varieties of Orc than there were aquatic varieties. For more information, see Orcs.

The Undead
Includes vampires, wraiths, drow, revenants, and the like.

The Werish Races
The Fairish Races
The Damned Races

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