A Doylean “Lost World” setting for an intended audience that enjoyed programs like Pokémon and Digimon. The setting is populated by creatures who resemble animals, fungi, and plants, but actually represent a 4th, ?lost? kingdom of multicellular living things who show evidence of genomic infiltration by extraterrestrials.
[MR1] Unnamed
[MR1.1] Unnamed calf — an important food source for many different metazoid varieties.
[MR1.2] Unnamed cow/bull —
[MR2] Bonebreaker
[MR2.1] Bonesnapper — eaten by numerous predators.
[MR2.2] Bonecruncher —
[MR3] Unnamed
[MR3.1] Unnamed egg — an important food source for a number of metazoid species.
[MR3.2] Unnamed calf — an important food source for a variety of metazoids.
[MR3.3] Unnamed cow/bull — a large-ish game creature hunted and consumed by numerous large and medium-size predators.
[MR4] Unnamed
[MR3.1] Unnamed egg — eaten by various metazoids, but capable of seeing threats and calling out for parents.
[MR3.2] Unnamed kit — an important food source for numerous metazoids.
[MR3.3] Unnamed adult — a large-ish game creature hunted by many medium-size and large predators.
[MR5] Unnamed
[MR5.1] Unnamed egg —
[MR5.2] Unnamed pup — an important food source for numerous varieties of metazoid. Extremely plentiful. Invasive. Destructive.
[MR5.3] Unnamed subadult — an important food source for numerous varieties of metazoid. Extremely plentiful. Invasive. Extremely destructive. Highly aggressive.
[MR5.4] Unnamed adult — extremely destructive. Highly eggressive.
[MR6] Unnamed
[MR6.1] Unnamed infant — in important food source for numerous metazoid species.
[MR6.2] Unnamed adolescent —
[MR6.3] Unnamed adult —
[MR7] Unnamed
[MR7.1] Unnamed pup —
[MR7.2] Unnamed adult —
[MR8] Leōnix
[MR8.1] Leenix —
[MR8.2] Leānix —
[MR8.2] Leōnix —
[MR9] Yelei
[MR9.1] Yelei infant —
[MR9.2] Yelei juvenile —
[MR9.3f] Yelei tribeswoman — generally between 4.5 and 5 feet tall, with individuals as small as 4 feet or as tall as 5.5 feet not being unheard of.
[MR9.3m] Yelei slave male — generally between 5.5 and 6 feet tall, with individuals as small as 5 feet or as tall as 6.5 feet not being unheardof. Used for slave labor, as traps in ambush hunting, and, of course, for breeding.
[MR10] Unnamed
[MR10.1] Unnamed infant —
[MR10.2] Unnamed subadult —
[MR10.3] Unnamed adult —
[MR11] Unnamed
[MR11.1] Unnamed egg —
[MR11.2] Unnamed juvenile —
[MR11.3] Unnamed adult —
[MR12] Unnamed
[MR12.1] Unnamed egg —
[MR12.2] Unnamed kit —
[MR12.3] Unnamed cat —
[MR13] Reeble
[MR13.1] Wubble — an important food source for many metazoids. Abundant in large numbers pretty much everywhere. Have a reputation as being both adorable and delicious among the Yelei, who value them as pet-delicacies and feed them to their Synnopeds and Yoku Birds.
[MR13.2] Weeble — eaten by numerous metazoid species. Hunted by Yelei tribeswomen for their meat and pelts. Some Yelei tribeswomen will allow one or two of their Wubbles to mature into Weebles, but these will be killed before maturing into Reebles.
[MR13.3] Reeble — highly aggressive. Preyed upon only by large or large-ish predators.