The Phantasmata
Copyright © 2002-2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
[Last Update: Decemberrd, 2017]
Like most Palaeoboreanic epics, The Phantasmata follows a fairly typical Palaeoboreanic narrative structure, containing an antegesis (pre-story), imegesis (in-story), diegesis (through-story), and exegesis (out-story).
Επυλλιον Αλφα: Antegesis
The antegesis (pre-story)Επυλλιον Βητα: Imegesis
In the imegesis (in-story),Επυλλιον Γαμμα: Diegesis
In the diegesis (through-story),Επυλλιον Δηλτα: Exegesis
In the exegesis (out-story),