D. J. Scott Visual Arts
D. J. Scott’s ArtworkD. J.’s Visual Arts

My Videos


Here are some of my videos. Though I’ve been making videos since I was a small child, those were all on now long-lost VHS tapes. Some of my more recent work can be found below. If you like my videos, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.


Intro / Title Sequence — Closer to what I'm driving at, but still too long. I'll probably end up deleting the videos I added this to, at some point. Probably after I come up with a much-truncated version.

Science Videos

Overview of Eocene Equids — Just a brief overview of what was going on in the Eocene with the Palaeotherids (version 2.0).
Mammarama: https://genesispanthesis.org/mam.html

Mammals! in a Nutshell — A highly derived group of synapsid reptiles, the mammals or "milk-lizards" have evolved to fill numerous ecological niches and have produced one of the most invasive multicellular organisms the world has ever seen.
Mammarama: https://genesispanthesis.org/mam.html

Introduction to Kinship Diagrams — Just a brief how-to for doing a simple kinship diagram in a bilineal descent system.

Atheism Videos

How I Became an Atheist

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D. J. Scott’s Writing
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D. J. Scott’s Writing
Fiction & Worldbuilding
Scientific Writing

D. J. Scott’s Visual Arts
► Paintings
Digital Art

My Websites

Genesis Panthesis

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