
Chapter I: Serentiy’s Sorrow
Beneath the eldest sun-sprent shades
of the far-off Emerald Forest deep,
amid those hallow’d, ancient glades,
a band of Woodnymphs keep.
When eternal youth and beauty fail
to bind a heart immortal rent,
thus begins the hapless tale:
A Dryad’s dark descent.<
Copyright © 2002-2017 by Dustin Jon Scott
[Last Update: Decemberrd, 2017]
The first chapter of The Descent of the Drayad introduces the conflict that will incite the action of the story.
Version 1
A simple version written in
Version 1 Sample
Translation: Deep within the Emerald Forest of Faelore there lived a tribe of thirteen Wood Nymphs, whose names were Faith, Destiny, Justice, Glory, Charity, Prudence, Felicity, Solace, Harmony, Grace, Ecstasy, Charisma, and Serenity. They frolicked and played through the greenest of holts, napped by cover of dark forest glade, and made love by hot kells in lush glens. Never was there thought of worry or concern to burden their merry hearts. Until, one day, poor Serenity was forlorn.
[Go to Version 1]
Version 2
A simple version written in
Version 2 Sample
Translation: Back in the day, hidden deeply away in the untamed wolds of the great Emerald Forest that bound the foreign Failands of Borea, there lived a band of thirteen Sylvan Nymphs, whose names were Destiny, Faith, Charity, Glory, Harmony, Trust, Divinity, Grace, Eternity, Solace, Felicity, Ecstasy, and Serenity. More beautiful were they than any mortal woman had ever imagined being, and fayer beyond measure than any mortal woman by mortal man beheld. Such unfathomable feature were propertied these and all Nymphs that yet the least of them possessed what sort of face would have doubtless stolen from any living man his breath, and what sort of form would have reft from the strongest of men his might. All through their days they rollicked and played through the greenest of holts, napped by the cover of dark forest glades, and made love by hot kells in lush glens. Never among them was there the faintest thought of worry or concern to burden their frolicsome hearts, and they had never known true sorrow. Until, very late one morrow, poor Serenity had grown forlorn.
[Go to Version 2]
Version 3
An elaborate version written almost completely in what appears to be a derivative of Proto-Sylvanic closely related to Old Sylvanese. This language has been occasionally referred to as “Drayadic”.
Version 3 Sample
§αI¶I. Vyasaŋimbulaono maninoda-rutalititsu raodilineuraudivilipinouta Źadivilapumbinoda vailaliniridaliniFainipanopatu vyasiŋeraoneValadomiwoda vyasiŋaliniFaininoda ainilinijinapipada, aoneraonekwisiniokkimpi ViliNimbinaeda, dikanomerini, neraonenamiwaa Tokayo, Faenayo, Mitsayo, Raodayo, Simikayo, Aameyo, Valiyo, Muolayo, Taŋiyo, Mualeyo, Kihiyo, Tsokiuhayo, Samiyonta. Nuraonenalao radinitto taŋilinivilikoraneda, vidikinodanda vurenodanta, vaulanodanda kidilodanta, furanodanda samenodanta. Valuliniuvilimanilao avyetaonuutakeamanilasta, failiniunilao sinomanotsa vyasaruanetakeamanilasta takeamaniluvi, benilaoniukalitalinininilaotti rutatuaniniliottista ŋuradinompa umbivilihukinida-derinio pinompi: burineDerilau raidalinivyuniu pieliniubi, komalinivyuniulta radilinikweninovi, dukwalinimahilau ninauda ruadilinihadilaldavi raadilinikweþilaukaltavi, muralinivyulilta raudiraadilinimihalovi, tsikora ninauda-benivyuhiniumpa apiraonevyuluu radiliniraedalinihikorominodalda raidilinivilikorominowilta, tsikora ninauda-liþilirodaraonempiniumbi, lyalda sambilaonemakali; raomambiniaba butilaonemakali, hilinitagilaoneraomambiwia ninauda-huminio, ninauda-liþilirodaraonempiniupuhu baraoneraomambiliu, iwiumpalda baraonebenimanilau mbunilaoniunaula mboliniraumbaulada uguliŋilinisaderaoni mpihinauda ninauda-mpakunauda mbaralinipiviniapatu, mbirilinidiraraonekila rambakiliniraumbaniopatu liþilipatudiriniapaho. Ŋitakalinimabinio mabaraonekilaunda Nimpalaonta awa ninauda-baraoneŋibenilio ŋitilisamilimaakavyunidanda ŋitiliuguliŋilimaakavyunidanta riporeneinisa minuonuda minuda-vulilio, ala misilomi valatinimakano ripereneiwi mbiriliniumaniluoda minuda-mbirinio. Takamaniliŋa ninauda-ŋiðereowemidili miduareonekila litino mbeovilinimaninaumitu. Samolinidiyaniovuya ridikeraonesukilinimanilau viliniuderanoodamipu, aiteraonekilau radiŋanoda-raedaliniradivilinoupi, viþeraonekilau raudivikwiþiniopa viulilinivialinoumi. Ŋiotsikorila kinauma boraoneumidalo kilauda-nikilinibuhuminau, lyalda ŋiotsikorilinikinuraonekilau ŋisamugino. Tatsi, niutilinidiyanili, eonaraoneSamipalo ŋisaominoovi.
Translation: Back in the day, hidden deeply away beyond the bowers of Man amid the lustrous untamed wylds of the great Emerald Forest outlying the crosshatched foreign Fairlands of Elphame that veiled the unseen realm of Fairy from this ephemeral middle-earth, throve in those ethereal mysts a band of Sylvan Nymphs, numbering but ten , whose names were Destiny, Faith, Charity, Glory, Harmony, Trust, Divinity, Grace, Eternity, Solace, Felicity, Ecstasy, and Serenity. Theirs was the beauty of eternal springtide, virginity and lust, wisdom and innocence, ferocity and temperance. More wondrous were these winsome Woodwights than any mortal woman had ever imaged being, fairer were they beyond measure than any mortal maiden had ever beforetime been by a mortal man beheld, and comelier these callipygian creatures than aught which embowered beneath cover broad of canopy’s bays had ever therein beforetime been: Dryads bearing faces fair and by faint dustings of freckles dappled, dight by fair fallow, by cain coiffure or gold-glimmer of fax manes their pates deflowing, or framed by fiery red or ruddy blonde hair, whilst beneath their bonny brows sat eyen either of brightly bespangled blue or aglow with glinting green, or of still some shade the twain between, whenas sveltely were sculpted their physiques’ forms about their slender centers, yet also sonsy were their shapes; beset with large, sphery paps steeled high upon their breasts, borne far above the waspish waists and stomachs slightly incurved before which proudly stood their mammets uphove and below which were bestowed these bonny wights the brawniest of bombous napes sloping faultlessly from the piths of their tith waists behind robust hips, for strongly thus neath spheripygian haunches were limbed they each nimbly upon lithe legs. Propertied such amaranthine feature were these and all Nymphs that yet the least of them was possessed of a face forever so softly and perfectly hewn as to doubtless have rapt from any living man his breath, and also so supple and sonsie in its every proportion blest a form of such bellitude as to surely have reft from still the strongest of men his might. And no mortal woman durst her mind delude to dream herself match to such evermore mignon maids. All throughout their lenitive days gamboled and romped these libidinous maids through the greenest of holts, napped they by cover of shade-dappled glades, and made they love by hot kells in lush glens. Never was among them the faintest thought of worry or concern to burthen their frolicsome hearts, and never had they known true sorrow. Until, very late one morrow, poor Serenity was grown forlorn.