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Primary Root Derivation

III.b-1C.) Primary Root Derivation: Class

The verb class system of the Proto-Borean language is a system of derivation by which the root’s nucleus is altered to create a new word. This system itself derived from a form of voice inflection present in earlier forms of the language.

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Terran Basilect

Originally spoken by Dwarves and hillfolk in the area south of the Alps and north of the Hesperian penninsula in what is now the western Po Valley. Later became the basis for "Proto-Dwarfish" and came to be adopted by Dwarves and Gnomes all over southern Borea.

The morpheme order present in Terran verb-lexiphrases tends to be [voice]+[root]+[mood].

Passiveimel e’anere/ ɪmɛl eʔanɛɾe /“I become”
Intransitiveimel e’enere/ ɪmɛl eʔɛnɛɾe /“I am”
Descriptiveimel e’inere / ɪmɛl eʔɪnɛɾe / “I match”
Transitiveimel e’unere/ ɪmɛl eʔʊnɛɾe /“I influence”
Causativeimel e’onere/ ɪmɛl eʔɔnɛɾe /“I create”

Passiveimel e’adere/ ɪmɛl eʔadɛɾɛe /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitiveimel e’edere/ ɪmɛl eʔɛdɛɾe /“I do”
Descriptiveimel e’idere / ɪmɛl eʔɪdɛɾe / “I simulate”
Transitiveimel e’udere/ ɪmɛl eʔʊdɛɾe /“I direct”
Causativeimel e’odere/ ɪmɛl eʔɔdɛɾe /“I cause/motivate”

Terran Acrolect

Originally spoken by the Swartelves in what is now the western Po Valley, south of the Alps but north of the Hesperian penninsula.

The morpheme order present in Terran verb-lexiphrases tends to be [voice]+[root]+[mood].

Passivee’anere imel/ ejanɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I become”
Intransitivee’enere imel/ ejɛnɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I am”
Descriptivee’inere imel / ejɪnɛɾe ɪmɛl / “I match”
Transitivee’unere imel/ ejʊnɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I influence”
Causativee’onere imel/ ejɔnɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I create”

Passivee’adere imel/ ejadɛɾɛe ɪmɛl /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitivee’edere imel/ ejɛdɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I do”
Descriptivee’idere imel / ejɪdɛɾe ɪmɛl / “I simulate”
Transitivee’udere imel/ ejʊdɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I direct”
Causativee’odere imel/ ejɔdɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I cause/motivate”

East Terran Dialect

Originally spoken by the Swartelves, Dwarves, and hillfolk in the ancient Dinarides east of the Adriatic steppes.

The morpheme order present in East Terran verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood].

Passiveanerene imel/ anɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I become”
Intransitiveenerene imel/ ɛnɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I am”
Descriptiveinerene imel / ɪnɛɾɛne ɪmɛl / “I match”
Transitiveunerene imel/ ʊnɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I influence”
Causativeonerene imel/ ɔnɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I create”

Passiveaderene imel/ adɛɾɛɛne ɪmɛl /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitiveederene imel/ ɛdɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I do”
Descriptiveiderene imel / ɪdɛɾɛne ɪmɛl / “I simulate”
Transitiveuderene imel/ ʊdɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I direct”
Causativeoderene imel/ ɔdɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I cause/motivate”

West Boreanic Urban Mesolect

The morpheme order present in East Boreanic Mesolect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]. There may be a separate particle denoting tense and aspect appearing between the subject and the verb.

This dialect seems closely related to East Boreanic Mesolect, and it is possible that East Boreanic Mesolect evolved directly from a version of West Boreanic Urban Mesolect that overwhelmingly preferred OVS word order, which is what led to the tense & aspect particle being permanently affixed to the East Boreanic Mesolect verb lexiphrase.

Passivemile ne anere/ mɪle ne anɛɾɛe /“I become”
Intransitivemile ne enere/ mɪle ne ɛnɛɾe /“I am”
Descriptivemile ne inere / mɪle ne ɪnɛɾe / “I match”
Transitivemile ne unere/ mɪle ne ʊnɛɾe /“I influence”
Causativemile ne onere/ mɪle ne ɔnɛɾe /“I create”

Passivemile ne adere/ mɪle ne adɛɾɛe /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitivemile ne edere/ mɪle ne ɛdɛɾe /“I do”
Descriptivemile ne idere / mɪle ne ɪdɛɾe / “I simulate”
Transitivemile ne udere/ mɪle ne ʊdɛɾe /“I direct”
Causativemile ne odere/ mɪle ne ɔdɛɾe /“I cause/motivate”

North Boreanic Basilect

The morpheme order present in Northern Boreanic Basilect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]. There may be a separate particle denoting tense and aspect appearing between the subject and the verb.

This dialect seems closely related to East Boreanic Mesolect, and it is possible that East Boreanic Mesolect evolved directly from a version of West Boreanic Urban Mesolect that overwhelmingly preferred OVS word order, which is what led to the tense & aspect particle being permanently affixed to the East Boreanic Mesolect verb lexiphrase.

Passiveanere ne mi le/ anɛɾɛe ne mi le /“I become”
Intransitiveenere ne mi le/ ɛnɛɾe ne mi le /“I am”
Descriptiveinere ne mi le / ɪnɛɾe ne mi le / “I match”
Transitiveunere ne mi le/ ʊnɛɾe ne mi le /“I influence”
Causativeonere ne mi le/ ɔnɛɾe ne mi le /“I create”

Passiveadere ne mi le/ adɛɾɛe ne mɪle /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitiveedere ne mi le/ ɛdɛɾe ne mi le /“I do”
Descriptiveidere ne mi le / ɪdɛɾe ne mi le / “I simulate”
Transitiveudere ne mi le/ ʊdɛɾe ne mi le /“I direct”
Causativeodere ne mi le/ ɔdɛɾe ne mi le /“I cause/motivate”

Nomadic Basilect

The morpheme order present in Northern Boreanic Basilect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]. There may be a separate particle denoting tense and aspect appearing between the subject and the verb.

This dialect seems closely related to East Boreanic Mesolect, and it is possible that East Boreanic Mesolect evolved directly from a version of West Boreanic Urban Mesolect that overwhelmingly preferred OVS word order, which is what led to the tense & aspect particle being permanently affixed to the East Boreanic Mesolect verb lexiphrase.

Passivele mi ne anere/ le mi ne anɛɾɛe /“I become”
Intransitivele mi ne enere/ le mi ne ɛnɛɾe /“I am”
Descriptivele mi ne inere / le mi ne ɪnɛɾe / “I match”
Transitivele mi ne unere/ le mi ne ʊnɛɾe /“I influence”
Causativele mi ne onere/ le mi ne ɔnɛɾe /“I create”

Passivele mi ne adere/ le mi ne adɛɾɛe ne /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitivele mi ne edere/ le mi ne ɛdɛɾe /“I do”
Descriptivele mi ne idere / le mi ne ɪdɛɾe / “I simulate”
Transitivele mi ne udere/ le mi ne ʊdɛɾe /“I direct”
Causativele mi ne odere/ le mi ne ɔdɛɾe /“I cause/motivate”

Northern Boreanic Urban Mesolect

The morpheme order present in Northern Boreanic Basilect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]. There may be a separate particle denoting tense and aspect appearing between the subject and the verb.

This dialect seems closely related to East Boreanic Mesolect, and it is possible that East Boreanic Mesolect evolved directly from a version of West Boreanic Urban Mesolect that overwhelmingly preferred OVS word order, which is what led to the tense & aspect particle being permanently affixed to the East Boreanic Mesolect verb lexiphrase.

Passiveanere ne mile/ anɛɾɛe ne mɪle /“I become”
Intransitiveenere ne mile/ ɛnɛɾe ne mɪle /“I am”
Descriptiveinere ne mile / ɪnɛɾe ne mɪle / “I match”
Transitiveunere ne mile/ ʊnɛɾe ne mɪle /“I influence”
Causativeonere ne mile/ ɔnɛɾe ne mɪle /“I create”

Passiveadere ne mile/ adɛɾɛe ne mɪle /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitiveedere ne mile/ ɛdɛɾe ne mɪle /“I do”
Descriptiveidere ne mile / ɪdɛɾe ne mɪle / “I simulate”
Transitiveudere ne mile/ ʊdɛɾe ne mɪle /“I direct”
Causativeodere ne mile/ ɔdɛɾe ne mɪle /“I cause/motivate”

East Boreanic Urban Mesolect

A regiolect spoken in urban centers and limitedly along trade routes from the northeastern territories, where it overlapped with the Northeast Sylvan dialects, down through the Illyrian region, where it was the "standard" form of the Proto-Borean language spoken alongside the Eastern Ceremonial Acrolect, down to the Morean penninsula. This was the "General American" of the eastern dialects of the Proto-Boreanic language.

The morpheme order present in East Boreanic Mesolect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]+[aspect]. Nouns cannot be appended to verbs as in the Sylvan Dialect or Ceremonial Acrolect, so instead, verbal lexiphrases are used in combination with nouns inflected for case. The default word order for this dialect is either SVO or OVS; either is acceptable so long as the verb is between the subject and object.

This dialect seems closely related to the Sylvan dialect, and it is indeed considered likely that Sylvan emerged from, or was at least heavily influenced by, a version of this dialect which overwhelmingly preferred an OVS word order, for an OVS verb-subject pair in East Boreanic Mesolect is virtually indistinguishable from a lexiphrase in the Sylvan dialect.

Passivemile anerene/ mɪle anɛɾɛne /“I become”
Intransitivemile enerene/ mɪle ɛnɛɾɛne /“I am”
Descriptivemile inerene / mɪle ɪnɛɾɛne / “I match”
Transitivemile unerene/ mɪle ʊnɛɾɛne /“I influence”
Causativemile onerene/ mɪle ɔnɛɾɛne /“I create”

Passivemile aderene/ mɪle adɛɾɛne /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitivemile ederene/ mɪle ɛdɛɾɛne /“I do”
Descriptivemile iderene / mɪle ɪdɛɾɛne / “I simulate”
Transitivemile uderene/ mɪle ʊdɛɾɛne /“I direct”
Causativemile oderene/ mɪle ɔdɛɾɛne /“I cause/motivate”

Northeast Woodland Basilect

The morpheme order present in Northeast Woodland verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]+[aspect]. The default word order for this dialect is OVS; however either OVS or SVO is acceptable so long as the verb is between the subject and object.

Passiveanerene mile/ anɛɾɛne mɪle /“I become”
Intransitiveenerene mile/ ɛnɛɾɛne mɪle /“I am”
Descriptiveinerene mile / ɪnɛɾɛne mɪle / “I match”
Transitiveunerene mile/ ʊnɛɾɛne mɪle /“I influence”
Causativeonerene mile/ ɔnɛɾɛne /“I create”

Passiveaderene mile/ adɛɾɛne mɪle /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitiveederene mile/ ɛdɛɾɛne mɪle /“I do”
Descriptiveiderene mile / ɪdɛɾɛne mɪle / “I simulate”
Transitiveuderene mile/ ʊdɛɾɛne mɪle /“I direct”
Causativeoderene mile/ ɔdɛɾɛne mɪle /“I cause/motivate”

Northeast Sylvan Mesolect

An ethnolect spoken by common fair-folk of the northeastern territories, east of the Adriatic steppes.

The morpheme order present in Sylvan verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]+[aspect]+[noun].

Passiveanerenemile/ anɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I become”
Intransitiveenerenemile/ ɛnɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I am”
Descriptiveinerenemile / ɪnɛɾɛnɛmɪle / “I match”
Transitiveunerenemile/ ʊnɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I influence”
Causativeonerenemile/ ɔnɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I create”

Passiveaderenemile/ adɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I defeat/complete”
Intransitiveederenemile/ ɛdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I do”
Descriptiveiderenemile / ɪdɛɾɛnɛmɪle / “I simulate”
Transitiveuderenemile/ ʊdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I direct”
Causativeoderenemile/ ɔdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I cause/motivate”

Eastern Ceremonial Acrolect

Originally spoken by the erudite fair-folk in the northeastern territories, east of the Adriatic steppes, and by the newly-developing intellectual classes of artists, proto-scientists, and clergy among early Borean settlers along the Illyrian coast of the Adriatic sea, and quickly spread to the area that is now western Greece, and the Greek Peloponnese penninsula. Later became the basis for the Witches’ Tongue.

The morpheme order present in Sylvan verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]+[aspect]+[pronoun]. Whole nouns cannot be appended to verbs as in the Sylvan dialect, so instead, verbal lexiphrases are preceded by a topical noun.

This dialect may have developed more-or-less directly out of the Sylvan dialect.

Passivemiye anerenemile/ mɪje anɛɾɛnɛmɪlle /“Me, I become”
Intransitivemiye enerenemile/ mɪje ɛnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle /“Me, I am”
Descriptivemiye inerenemile / mɪje ɪnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / “Me, I match”
Transitivemiye unerenemile/ mɪje ʊnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle /“Me, I influence”
Causativemiye onerenemile/ mɪje ɔnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle /“Me, I create”

Passivemiye aderenemile/ mɪje adɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“Me, I finish”
Intransitivemiye ederenemile/ mɪje ɛdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“Me, I do”
Descriptivemiye iderenemile / mɪje ɪdɛɾɛnɛmɪle / “Me, I mimick”
Transitivemiye uderenemile/ mɪje ʊdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“Me, I direct”
Causativemiye oderenemile/ mɪje ɔdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“Me, I cause/motivate”

Passivemiye aterenemile/ mɪje atɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“Me, I rest”
Intransitivemiye eterenemile/ mɪje ɛtɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“Me, I brake”
Descriptivemiye iterenemile / mɪje ɪtɛɾɛnɛmɪle / “Me, I end/terminate”
Transitivemiye uterenemile/ mɪje ʊtɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“Me, I finish/complete/conclude/fulfill”
Causativemiye oterenemile/ mɪje ɔtɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“Me, I kill/injure/sicken”

Southeast Boreanic Urban Mesolect

Passivele miye anerene/ le mɪje anɛɾɛne /“I become”
Intransitivele miye enerene/ le mɪje ɛnɛɾɛne /“I am”
Descriptivele miye inerene / le mɪje ɪnɛɾɛne / “I match”
Transitivele miye unerene/ le mɪje ʊnɛɾɛne /“I influence”
Causativele miye onerene/ le mɪje ɔnɛɾɛne /“I create”

Passivele miye aderene/ le mɪje adɛɾɛne /“I finish”
Intransitivele miye ederene/ le mɪje ɛdɛɾɛne /“I do”
Descriptivele miye iderene / le mɪje ɪdɛɾɛne / “I mimick”
Transitivele miye uderene/ le mɪje ʊdɛɾɛne /“I direct”
Causativele miye oderene/ le mɪje ɔdɛɾɛne /“I cause/motivate”

Passivele miye aterene/ le mɪje atɛɾɛne /“I rest”
Intransitivele miye eterene/ le mɪje ɛtɛɾɛne /“I brake”
Descriptivele miye iterene / le mɪje ɪtɛɾɛne / “I end/terminate”
Transitivele miye uterene/ le mɪje ʊtɛɾɛne /“I finish/complete/conclude/fulfill”
Causativele miye oterene/ le mɪje ɔtɛɾɛne /“I kill/injure/sicken”

In the example below, the consonantal root *r-d- has the morphonetic meaning of r, “to come into”, “to become”, or “to move toward” in relationship to the following morphoneme, d, which signifies the primordial abyss of infinite wisdom that was believed to be the initial source of all existence and potentiality [and was therefore the container of all knowledge, whether actual, theoretical, or hypothetical] (cf. the “abyss” of occult philosophy; the Akasha of Eastern mysticism), and takes on various derivative, related meanings, such as “a beginning or primordial state”, “a wild, feral, untamed, chaotic, or natural state”, “a state of pre-formation”, “a state of increased wisdom and understanding”, or, simply, “darkness” or “abyss”. The intransitive basal form, *red-, via semantic shift, developed the meaning of “to return to the source or initial state; to tap into the primordial abyss of infinite knowledge”, hence, “to become feral or wild; to be wild, deviant, or radical; to egregate” and “to learn; to gain wisdom and understanding; to evolve”. The descriptive form, *rid-, took the meaning of “to be going toward the darkness or initial, wild, or feral state; to be going toward the spiritual source”; hence, “to travel through the wild; to seek wisdom or enlightenment; to wander, travel, or pilgrim; to be away from society”. The transitive form, *rud-, gained the meaning of “to put out toward the darkness; to cause to go outward into the [surrounding] dark and/or cold; to return to an initial state of unbeing”, hence, “to make pervade the darkness or cold; to return to ashes”, and therefore, “to set aflame or alight; to fire or burn; to heat or cook; to redden [or ‘to blacken [with heat or flame]’, which brings us back to the concept of returning to darkness]”. The passive form, *rad-, acquired the meaning of “to be put out toward or into the primordial darkness, cold, or chaos; to have tapped into the abyss of infinite knowledge”; variously interpreted as, “to be caused to pervade the [surrounding] darkness”, “to have been placed away in the wild; apart from the group or society”, or “to have found [possibly innate] knowledge”; hence, “to shine; to be bright [with the metaphorical meaning, ‘to be intelligent’] or radiating [with the metaphorical meaning, ‘to be splendorous or beautiful’]; to stand out or apart [also with the metaphorical meaning of being unusually intelligent and/or beautiful]; to be radical [with connotations of both radical intellect or cunning and radical beauty]; to be radiant, splendorous, or beautiful; to be radically clever or knowledgeable; to be wild, or to be wildly brilliant or radiant [whether referring to intelligence, literal ‘brightness’, or beauty]; et cetera”. Finally, the causative form, *rod-, developed the meaning of “to cause to become unformed”, hence, “to erode away or gnaw at; to fight; to assay to disperse”.

When used in the form of a verb, these forms take on the following meanings:

Terran Basilect

Originally spoken by Dwarves and hillfolk in the area south of the Alps and north of the Hesperian penninsula in what is now the western Po Valley. Later became the basis for "Proto-Dwarfish" and came to be adopted by Dwarves and Gnomes all over southern Borea.

The morpheme order present in Terran verb-lexiphrases tends to be [voice]+[root]+[mood].

Passiveimel eradere/ ɪmɛl eɾadɛɾe /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitiveimel eredere/ ɪmɛl eɾɛdɛɾe /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptiveimel eridere / ɪmɛl eɾɪdɛɾe / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitiveimel erudere/ ɪmɛl eɾʊdɛɾe /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativeimel erodere/ ɪmɛl eɾɔdɛɾe /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

Terran Acrolect

Originally spoken by the Swartelves in what is now the western Po Valley, south of the Alps but north of the Hesperian penninsula.

The morpheme order present in Terran verb-lexiphrases tends to be [voice]+[root]+[mood].

Passiveeradere imel/ eɾadɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitiveeredere imel/ eɾɛdɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptiveeridere imel / eɾɪdɛɾe ɪmɛl / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitiveerudere imel/ eɾʊdɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativeerodere imel/ eɾɔdɛɾe ɪmɛl /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

East Terran Dialect

Originally spoken by the Swartelves, Dwarves, and hillfolk in the ancient Dinarides east of the Adriatic steppes.

The morpheme order present in East Terran verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood].

Passiveraderene imel/ ɾadɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitiverederene imel/ ɾɛdɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptiveriderene imel / ɾɪdɛɾɛne ɪmɛl / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitiveruderene imel/ ɾʊdɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativeroderene imel/ ɾɔdɛɾɛne ɪmɛl /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

West Boreanic Urban Mesolect

The morpheme order present in East Boreanic Mesolect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]. There may be a separate particle denoting tense and aspect appearing between the subject and the verb.

This dialect seems closely related to East Boreanic Mesolect, and it is possible that East Boreanic Mesolect evolved directly from a version of West Boreanic Urban Mesolect that overwhelmingly preferred OVS word order, which is what led to the tense & aspect particle being permanently affixed to the East Boreanic Mesolect verb lexiphrase.

Passivemile ne radere/ mɪle ne ɾadɛɾe /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitivemile ne redere/ mɪle ne ɾɛdɛɾe /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptivemile ne ridere / mɪle ne ɾɪdɛɾe / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitivemile ne rudere/ mɪle ne ɾʊdɛɾe /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativemile ne rodere/ mɪle ne ɾɔdɛɾe /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

North Boreanic Basilect

The morpheme order present in Northern Boreanic Basilect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]. There may be a separate particle denoting tense and aspect appearing between the subject and the verb.

This dialect seems closely related to East Boreanic Mesolect, and it is possible that East Boreanic Mesolect evolved directly from a version of West Boreanic Urban Mesolect that overwhelmingly preferred OVS word order, which is what led to the tense & aspect particle being permanently affixed to the East Boreanic Mesolect verb lexiphrase.

Passiveradere ne mi le/ ɾadɛɾɛe ne mi le /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitiveredere ne mi le/ ɾɛdɛɾe ne mi le /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptiveridere ne mi le / ɾɪdɛɾe ne mi le / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitiverudere ne mi le/ ɾʊdɛɾe ne mi le /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativerodere ne mi le/ ɾɔdɛɾe ne mi le /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

Nomadic Basilect

The morpheme order present in Northern Boreanic Basilect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]. There may be a separate particle denoting tense and aspect appearing between the subject and the verb.

This dialect seems closely related to East Boreanic Mesolect, and it is possible that East Boreanic Mesolect evolved directly from a version of West Boreanic Urban Mesolect that overwhelmingly preferred OVS word order, which is what led to the tense & aspect particle being permanently affixed to the East Boreanic Mesolect verb lexiphrase.

Passivele mi ne radere/ le mi ne ɾadɛɾe /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitivele mi ne redere/ le mi ne ɾɛdɛɾe /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptivele mi ne ridere / le mi ne ɾɪdɛɾe / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitivele mi ne rudere/ le mi ne ɾʊdɛɾe /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativele mi ne rodere/ le mi ne ɾɔdɛɾe /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

Northern Boreanic Urban Mesolect

The morpheme order present in Northern Boreanic Basilect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]. There may be a separate particle denoting tense and aspect appearing between the subject and the verb.

This dialect seems closely related to East Boreanic Mesolect, and it is possible that East Boreanic Mesolect evolved directly from a version of West Boreanic Urban Mesolect that overwhelmingly preferred OVS word order, which is what led to the tense & aspect particle being permanently affixed to the East Boreanic Mesolect verb lexiphrase.

Passiveradere ne mile/ ɾadɛɾe ne mɪle /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitiveredere ne mile/ ɾɛdɛɾe ne mɪle /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptiveridere ne mile / ɾɪdɛɾe ne mɪle / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitiverudere ne mile/ ɾʊdɛɾe ne mɪle /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativerodere ne mile/ ɾɔdɛɾe ne mɪle /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

East Boreanic Urban Mesolect

A regiolect spoken in urban centers and limitedly along trade routes from the northeastern territories, where it overlapped with the Northeast Sylvan dialects, down through the Illyrian region, where it was the "standard" form of the Proto-Borean language spoken alongside the Eastern Ceremonial Acrolect, down to the Morean penninsula. This was the "General American" of the eastern dialects of the Proto-Boreanic language.

The morpheme order present in East Boreanic Mesolect verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]+[aspect]. Nouns cannot be appended to verbs as in the Sylvan Dialect or Ceremonial Acrolect, so instead, verbal lexiphrases are used in combination with nouns inflected for case. The default word order for this dialect is either SVO or OVS; either is acceptable so long as the verb is between the subject and object.

This dialect seems closely related to the Sylvan dialect, and it is indeed considered likely that Sylvan emerged from, or was at least heavily influenced by, a version of this dialect which overwhelmingly preferred an OVS word order, for an OVS verb-subject pair in East Boreanic Mesolect is virtually indistinguishable from a lexiphrase in the Sylvan dialect.

Passivemile raderene/ mɪle ɾadɛɾɛne /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitivemile rederene/ mɪle ɾɛdɛɾɛne /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptivemile riderene / mɪle ɾɪdɛɾɛne / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitivemile ruderene/ mɪle ɾʊdɛɾɛne /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativemile roderene/ mɪle ɾɔdɛɾɛne /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

Northeast Woodland Basilect

The morpheme order present in Northeast Woodland verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]+[aspect]. The default word order for this dialect is OVS; however either OVS or SVO is acceptable so long as the verb is between the subject and object.

Passiveraderene mile/ ɾadɛɾɛne mɪle /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitiverederene mile/ ɾɛdɛɾɛne mɪle /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptiveriderene mile / ɾɪdɛɾɛne mɪle / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitiveruderene mile/ ɾʊdɛɾɛne mɪle /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativeroderene mile/ ɾɔdɛɾɛne /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

Northeast Sylvan Mesolect

An ethnolect spoken by common fair-folk of the northeastern territories, east of the Adriatic steppes.

The morpheme order present in Sylvan verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]+[aspect]+[noun].

Passiveraderenemile/ ɾadɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitiverederenemile/ ɾɛdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptiveriderenemile / ɾɪdɛɾɛnɛmɪle / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitiveruderenemile/ ɾʊdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativeroderenemile/ ɾɔdɛɾɛnɛmɪle /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

Eastern Ceremonial Acrolect

Originally spoken by the erudite fair-folk in the northeastern territories, east of the Adriatic steppes, and by the newly-developing intellectual classes of artists, proto-scientists, and clergy among early Borean settlers along the Illyrian coast of the Adriatic sea, and quickly spread to the area that is now western Greece, and the Greek Peloponnese penninsula. Later became the basis for the Witches’ Tongue.

The morpheme order present in Sylvan verb-lexiphrases tends to be [root]+[voice]+[mood]+[aspect]+[pronoun]. Whole nouns cannot be appended to verbs as in the Sylvan dialect, so instead, verbal lexiphrases are preceded by a topical noun.

This dialect may have developed more-or-less directly out of the Sylvan dialect.

Passivemiye raderenemile/ mɪje ɾadɛɾɛnɛmɪlle /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitivemiye rederenemile/ mɪje ɾɛdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptivemiye riderenemile / mɪje ɾɪdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitivemiye ruderenemile/ mɪje ɾʊdɛɾɛnɛmɪlle /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativemiye roderenemile/ mɪje ɾɔnɛɾɛnɛmɪlle /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

Southeast Boreanic Urban Mesolect

Passivele miye raderene/ le mɪje anɛɾɛne /“I shine/radiate; I standout”
Intransitivele miye rederene/ le mɪje ɛnɛɾɛne /“I learn; I evolve; I egregate; I set myself apart; antigregate”
Descriptivele miye riderene / le mɪje ɪnɛɾɛne / “I travel; I wander; I pilgrim; I research”
Transitivele miye ruderene/ le mɪje ʊnɛɾɛne /“I heat; I redden [or blacken]; I incite; I cook”
Causativele miye roderene/ le mɪje ɔnɛɾɛne /“I erode away; I eat/gnaw at; I fight against”

Root Variations
Parenthetical Suppletion
Nuclear Suppletion
Primary Root Derivation: Class
Secondary Root Derivation: Intensity
Primary & Secondary Root Derivation in Nouns
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Variational Paradigms
Root Variations
Primary Lexical Derivations
Nominal Vocality
Nominal Number
Nominal Derivations
Nominal Derivational Vocality
Nominal Derivations & Dual Numerality
Verbal Vocality
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Root Construction
Variational Paradigms
Particular Conjunctions
Adverbial Subordinates
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Phylogeny & Distribution
Phonology & Orthography
Morphosyntactic Alignment
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Borean Food
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Writing Systems
Spoken Languages
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Civilization & Culture
Borean Technology
Borean Food
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Ancient Borea
The Borean World
The Palæoboreanica
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Ancient Borea
Red the Blue Devil
The Nocturnals
The Spacebunnies
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I’m currently trying to rebuild my life after having suffered some devastating losses in my battles against public corruption in Pacific County, Washington and Lewis County, Washington. I lost a great deal of my artwork and writing during those battles, among other possessions, and was forced into homelessness by the corrupt authorities in those counties on more than one occasion. If you support the arts and sciences and disdain public corruption, please consider donating to me via PayPal or supporting me on Patreon. All donations will go toward funding my school career and giving me more time to create content.